How large is Creation?


One Thousand Club
... I know, I know, this has been beaten to death. I just can't find any of the relevant threads. Believe you me, searching for 'size' and 'creation' lands a lot of bloody irrelevant crap.

So how large *is* Creation? I was under the impression that it was supposed to be larger the Earth. Anyways, I had some questions about scale from my players, so I whipped out my 2nd ed. book, and my trusty ruler.

The map is approx. 31 cm across (I'm swedish, so like all civilised people, I use the metric system ;) ). Divide by 2.54 to get inches, gives me ~ 12.2 inches. Take that times 800 to get miles across Creation, which is about 9 765 miles. Earth's circumference is 24900 miles... What gives?

<edit> if the size of Creation is covered in the 2nd. ed. core book, just give me a page ref or something... Haven't had time to actually sit down and read the thing as of yet.
I personally think that it was larger than Earth...the Fair Folk invasion kinda eroded the edges really far in, at least in my opinion.
Well, I have the Blessed Isle the size of Russia if that means anything >.> I usually see most nations as the size of India or such.
the earth is not 24900 miles in circumference, it is more like 7899 or something. I looked it up once but I am away from my encyclopedias at the moment. I do know that your calculation on earth cicumference is wrong least I think it is.
Gtroc said:
the earth is not 24900 miles in circumference, it is more like 7899 or something. I looked it up once but I am away from my encyclopedias at the moment. I do know that your calculation on earth cicumference is wrong least I think it is.
Oh, yes it is
Gtroc said:
the earth is not 24900 miles in circumference, it is more like 7899 or something. I looked it up once but I am away from my encyclopedias at the moment. I do know that your calculation on earth cicumference is wrong least I think it is.
Circumfrerence of Earth: 24,902 miles.

Diameter of Earth: 7,926 miles.

Confusing the circumference with the diameter?!?

Well, its stated in the 2E book that this>  .  <is ther size of Newyork City. And NYC is a BIG city, usually not compared to a period.
Kerion--Now you're stepping on Solfi's shoes, and with more sarcasm as well.  I think that Solfi has earned the right to correct our mistakes with hard work from the Little God of Line Editing onwards towards Elemental Dragon of Earth Patience.  So, let's not intrude on matters clearly under his purview...
I sowwy. :cry:

No, honestly.

Solfi, I appologize for overstepping my boundaries as the God of Assassins, Death, and Terminations of Existance Deemed Unnatural and taking up the mantle of one of your domains of power.

I humbly request your forgiveness on this matter.

*bowing deeply and graciously*
That's a lot of stuff for a Little God.

Why not start off with something easy...say Lesser God of Really Painful Hangnails, and work your way up...

After all, Solfi had to do Line Editing first...

Well, ok then... You're forgiven. Almost t hurt my feelings there. Gods have feelings too you know.

... I mean, I could just have taken away your punctuation. Now wouldn't that just be a bitch. Or if I'm feeling particularly pissy, your 'A' :S  :twisted: mehe... mwehehehe... MWEHAHAHAHAH*hrmgh*... yes. But I'm just not that kind of God. *clears throat*. Yes.
Solfi said:
Almost hurt my feelings there. Gods have feelings too you know.
Yes, as a deific being of moderate power, I do indeed attest to this idea of 'feelings'.

*attempting a rictus-like grin*

I, unfortunately, am not very loquacious in that specific area.

*pulling Solfi's hourglass out of my cloak and moving a portion of the sands back to the top*
OH NOES!  A hangnail coming up.  Solfi is sooo going to need some alcohol and a swab for that...

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