How does one...say hi...

Hello, I'm Frick. ^-^ I'm complete and utter fandom trash, and only about 10% sorry about it.
I used to rp A LOT a few years ago, until the forum I used closed down. Since then, it's been hard to find anywhere else, and I miss it so much. I'm kind of shy, so it may take a while to get into things here, but I'm really hoping for a come back.

I enjoy most genres, especially fantasy, horror and mystery, and love writing both OC and fanfic.

I'm a Hufflepuff, and a huge fan of cosplay. My interests are probably too much to list, but most recently I've been Undertale, Homestuck and Dangan Ronpa trash.
Really can't wait to start writing with you guys. ^-^ And hopefully this introduction was ok.
If ya really wanna ask how to say hi, it's done something like this.

"WELCOME TO THE RPN COMMUNITY!" and then present them with cookies, the screaming however is one of my more aggressive greetings.
Hello, I'm Frick. ^-^ I'm complete and utter fandom trash, and only about 10% sorry about it.
I used to rp A LOT a few years ago, until the forum I used closed down. Since then, it's been hard to find anywhere else, and I miss it so much. I'm kind of shy, so it may take a while to get into things here, but I'm really hoping for a come back.

I enjoy most genres, especially fantasy, horror and mystery, and love writing both OC and fanfic.

I'm a Hufflepuff, and a huge fan of cosplay. My interests are probably too much to list, but most recently I've been Undertale, Homestuck and Dangan Ronpa trash.
Really can't wait to start writing with you guys. ^-^ And hopefully this introduction was ok.
I love me some of the Dangan Rompers too
XD He's a precious little idiot. <3 (The DR2 cast is my fave overall. TT-TT They all care about each other so much and must be protected at all costs.)

Kokichi has to be my Ultimate favourite character, though.
I can see why CX
I like him too, and that's because he reminds me of The Joker in a way and you can do anything with his backstory CX
I can see why CX
I like him too, and that's because he reminds me of The Joker in a way and you can do anything with his backstory CX

XD It's like he wants to be seen as a super villain, but he just isn't very good at being evil.
Have you played Ultra Despair Girls? A friend and me had a theory that, if the V3's were in the same universe as the rest of the games, Kokichi's backstory might have come from there.
XD It's like he wants to be seen as a super villain, but he just isn't very good at being evil.
Have you played Ultra Despair Girls? A friend and me had a theory that, if the V3's were in the same universe as the rest of the games, Kokichi's backstory might have come from there.
Yeah that's cool matey
XD It's like he wants to be seen as a super villain, but he just isn't very good at being evil.
Have you played Ultra Despair Girls? A friend and me had a theory that, if the V3's were in the same universe as the rest of the games, Kokichi's backstory might have come from there.
I actually have a theory on his backstory too
Here it is, it's mostly a kin memory journal
But there's a trigger warning in the title so beware

Ow. TT-TT That is so heartbreaking. It's so weird, because my theory probably wouldn't even directly clash with it, and sad because it's so possible. :'( Poor Kokichi.

Mine was that he was one of the Monokuma head children from Ultra Despair Girls. Nagisa, Jataro, Kotoko and Masaru found one of them, after he had the mask removed, and decided to keep him. They were just kids themselves, so they wouldn't really know how to look after him, and since he's smart, he'd pick up on their issues pretty quick.

His clothes kind of resemble the style they put on Komaeda when he was their servant, and Nagisa's coat/scarf, mixed together. Kokichi hates candy cigarettes, possibly because cigarettes triggered Masaru, and they all started wearing masks because Kokichi saw how much Jataro was bothered by his own appearance. Kokichi also has a weird thing with robots, like maybe he's used to seeing them being used for violence. He said the world would be 'better without them'. Although it would be super sad if he genuinely distrusted all of them, because I believe Kiibo super cared for him. :C
He has clear trust issues, and lies are usually born from fear, so he's almost definitely come from somewhere where he's had to see a lot of violence and betrayal, possibly by multiple people, or almost everyone he ever trusted. (before the Warrors of Hope came along.)
(More heartbreaking, since everyone he put some form of 'trust' in in the killing game betrayed him in some way, too.)

There were probably 10,000 or more children trapped in that city, and as Kokichi grew to somehow lead the Warriors of Hope (Possibly Monaca too, if she ever returned/was allowed back after redeeming herself.) they helped the other children, and most of them found their way back to whatever family they had left, leaving just 10 of them behind, the Warriors of Hope and Kokichi included.
D.I.C.E is completely against killing, because they had to witness so much violence, from their parents, the adults in the city, and Monokuma bots. :C
Ow. TT-TT That is so heartbreaking. It's so weird, because my theory probably wouldn't even directly clash with it, and sad because it's so possible. :'( Poor Kokichi.

Mine was that he was one of the Monokuma head children from Ultra Despair Girls. Nagisa, Jataro, Kotoko and Masaru found one of them, after he had the mask removed, and decided to keep him. They were just kids themselves, so they wouldn't really know how to look after him, and since he's smart, he'd pick up on their issues pretty quick.

His clothes kind of resemble the style they put on Komaeda when he was their servant, and Nagisa's coat/scarf, mixed together. Kokichi hates candy cigarettes, possibly because cigarettes triggered Masaru, and they all started wearing masks because Kokichi saw how much Jataro was bothered by his own appearance. Kokichi also has a weird thing with robots, like maybe he's used to seeing them being used for violence. He said the world would be 'better without them'. Although it would be super sad if he genuinely distrusted all of them, because I believe Kiibo super cared for him. :C
He has clear trust issues, and lies are usually born from fear, so he's almost definitely come from somewhere where he's had to see a lot of violence and betrayal, possibly by multiple people, or almost everyone he ever trusted. (before the Warrors of Hope came along.)
(More heartbreaking, since everyone he put some form of 'trust' in in the killing game betrayed him in some way, too.)

There were probably 10,000 or more children trapped in that city, and as Kokichi grew to somehow lead the Warriors of Hope (Possibly Monaca too, if she ever returned/was allowed back after redeeming herself.) they helped the other children, and most of them found their way back to whatever family they had left, leaving just 10 of them behind, the Warriors of Hope and Kokichi included.
D.I.C.E is completely against killing, because they had to witness so much violence, from their parents, the adults in the city, and Monokuma bots. :C
That's actually an amazing theory
I love it <3
I love making sad backstories and other types of backstories for Danganronpa charas, I even made some for Teruteru, Teruteru's mom and even Hifumi
Welcome, new friend! You'll get along great here, there's tons of harry potter, DGR, and homestuck stuff! I'm here if you want to chat, I love making new friends!
That's actually an amazing theory
I love it <3
I love making sad backstories and other types of backstories for Danganronpa charas, I even made some for Teruteru, Teruteru's mom and even Hifumi

:D I'm so happy you like it! I was kind of scared to tell my friend that theory at first, in case she looked at me like: O.o DAFUQ? XD
Me too! I usually end up turning most theories/headcanons/backstories sad by accident. x3
<3 I'd like to hear those too, if you're ok sharing them. I feel like Hifumi especially is one of the most underrated characters in the entire series. :C

Welcome, new friend! You'll get along great here, there's tons of harry potter, DGR, and homestuck stuff! I'm here if you want to chat, I love making new friends!

:D Hello!
That's awesome! Are you into any of them?
And thank you. I do too, but I apologize if I'm an awkward bean to talk to at first. XD
:D Hello!
That's awesome! Are you into any of them?
And thank you. I do too, but I apologize if I'm an awkward bean to talk to at first. XD
Ur not awkward at all! You're very friendly and approachable!

I meant to write undertale, not homestuck lol, and I did really enjoy undertale! I never rped it because all the characters I'd want to be (alphys, undyne, and toriel) are always taken which is super :/ yafeel?
:D Thank you. You are too. I hope my Dangan Rabble in the other thread isn't too all over the place. X'D There's just so many series and games, all in a weird order.

XD To be fair, I got into Homestuck because of Undertale. And awesome! :D If you want to rp Undertale some time, I am usually Frisk. (It's how I got the name Frick. My friends decided I was Frisk because I cosplayed them a lot.)
:D I'm so happy you like it! I was kind of scared to tell my friend that theory at first, in case she looked at me like: O.o DAFUQ? XD
Me too! I usually end up turning most theories/headcanons/backstories sad by accident. x3
<3 I'd like to hear those too, if you're ok sharing them. I feel like Hifumi especially is one of the most underrated characters in the entire series. :C

:D Hello!
That's awesome! Are you into any of them?
And thank you. I do too, but I apologize if I'm an awkward bean to talk to at first. XD
I'll pm you them if that's ok

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