how about a guessing game?

I'm thinking of a rule that describes a sequence of triplets of whole numbers. (A,B,C). It's a simple sentence of no more than twenty words and does not involve any hard math.

Your goal is to guess the rule, but there's a catch: each player only gets one guess at the rule per round. However, you can give me a sequence of three numbers and I'll tell you if they follow the rule or not. You can test as many triplets as you want (no more than three sets per post). Wait for the results of your test before posting again. I won't answer any questions about the rule.

You don't have to guess the exact wording. For example, if the rule is "B is the average of A and C" then "B is the mean of A and C" and "B is half the sum of A and C" are both correct.

Remember, you can test as many numbers as you want, but you only get one guess at the rule.

Each round, I'll start you off with an example of a set that follows the rule.

Your first set is 1 , 2 , 2 .

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