House of Ruin


Lord of the Dreadfort
House of Ruin

House of Ruin is a dark fantasy roleplaying game, where you assume the role of a character that has been called upon by your ancestors, who once ruled over a vast expanse of land, holding much wealth and fame, but are now long dead, and with them went the estate. Now a place of ruin, you must come to return the house to glory, and clear out the monstrosities and brigands that have taken over and left their mark on the hamlet, reducing its already diminutive state to something even worse. There will be several challenges that you must face on your journey, collecting hidden treasures that were tucked away long ago. When all things have been cleared from the dungeons that lie deep… deep… below, you will finally have reclaimed the territory that was once show proudly upon the world. You will enter.... The House of Ruin.

House of Ruin is also semi-realism. You will still need to eat and sleep, and most of all, making camp is an important part of game play, as your journeys may go for days at a time, and require you to rest.

At the end of your posts in combat, please post this at the end of your text. This is just an easy way to keep track of things that happen in combat. I have requested a dice log, and when it is your turn to do combat, and roll die, please do it there.

HP: x/y

Stress: x/100

Other Effects:

Information Please Read

Combat Example

-Bob has a short sword that deals 2d6 damage. A SPD of 0 and a CRIT of 5%, and an accuracy base of 80%.

Bob attacks the foe, after he has rolled for SPD to see if he goes first, he does.

Bob rolls for his ACC to see if he hits the enemy. (ACC+/-Misc Mods-Enemy Dodge=Chance to Hit %)

Bob adds his 80%-10% for his trinket-22% Enemy Dodge. Bob has a 48% chance to hit. As long as bob rolls a number lower than 48 when rolling a 100 sided die, the attack hits.

Bob rolls a 6, which is less than 48, so the attack hits.

He then uses two six sided die to determine his damage dealt. He rolls 6.

Bob then rolls a die to see if he CRITS. He rolled a 74. He did not roll below a 5%, so the attack was not a crit.

The enemy does not have any PROT. Thus, the attack deals full DMG.

The enemy takes 6 damage and is now at 4/10 health.

Then the enemy does the same process to hit Bob, with the same calculations.
Damage Types

There are 3 damage types. Physical, bleed, and blight.

Physical (PHYS)

Done by all melee and ranged attacks. Is a 1 time damage dealer per turn unless stated otherwise.

Bleed (BLD)

Bleed is denoted by a BLD x(where x is the damage dealt)/y rounds. (y being the number of rounds an enemy bleeds for. Bleed can be resisted.) Bleed is caused by wounds.

Blight (BLI)

Blight is denoted like Bleed. BLI x/y rounds. Blight is caused by poisons. (Blight can be resisted.)

Health is measured by x/y. X being your current health, and Y being your max health. IE 10/10 or 4/10, like the enemy Bob fought.

Many factors can heal a character, such as magic, bandages, or visiting the healer at the Hamlet.

Stress is measured by x/100. X being your current stress level. Several things cause stress, and several things reduce stress. When a character begins, they start at 0/100 Stress. When a character reaches 100 stress, they gain a Quirk that influences the way they act and their stats.

Abilities give your character added boosts, and can be used a certain number of times per combat. Abilities are labeled as such.

Name: (Name of Ability)

Type: (Buff, damage, healing, etc.)

SPD: (Increase in SPD)

CRIT: (CRIT increase)

ACC: (Accuracy increase)

DMG: (DMG increase. Flat amount)

Quirks are acquired by characters as they travel. Some characters break down because of the dungeons below, especially when they get stressed, and develop new qualities and characteristics. Some characters may instead become courageous in battle instead, breaking away from the Stress caused to them, and becoming even more powerful. Quirks stay with characters until they are removed by doctors in the asylum in The Hamlet. Characters can choose to start the game with a positive quirk, but also get a negative one. All Quirks acquired after that have a random chance of being positive or negative.

Some characters are naturally resistant to certain effects. All resists are percentage based. Resistances are 0 for new characters and modified by trinkets and buffs.

STUN- When a character becomes stunned, they must skip their next action or turn.

MOVE- When a character is forced to move by a certain effect, such as grapple.

DEATH- When a character is at 0 health and Dying, the next hit could be fatal.

DEBUFF- When a character gets a negative to a stat(s).

Characters begin Dying when they hit 0 health, but are not dead. When they hit 0 Health, the next hit on them could be fatal, killing the entire character. This is called a Death Blow. The Death resistance tells how easy it is for a character to avoid a death blow. When a character hits 0 health, they can still be attacked, and in addition to the chance of death, any damage dealt to them is taken as Stress instead. Healing a dying character stops them from dying, and must be reduced back to 0 health to remain dying. Dying characters can still take action, but dead characters cannot. New characters start with 50% death blow chance.


Bounty Hunter

A brutally efficient single-target executioner and crowd control specialist. For the Bounty Hunter, planning is key - mark targets for bonus damage or look for opportunities to capitalize on a stunned foe. He can also wreak havoc on an enemy party's order using his grappling hook, flashbangs and powerful uppercut.A brutally efficient single-target executioner and crowd control specialist. For the Bounty Hunter, planning is key - mark targets for bonus damage or look for opportunities to capitalize on a stunned foe. He can also wreak havoc on an enemy party's order using his grappling hook, flashbangs and powerful uppercut.

Health: 25



SPD: 4

ACC: 0

CRIT: 5%

DMG: 1d10

Starting weapon-

Abandoned Axe

DMG base: 1d10

CRT base: 5%

SPD base: 4


Battle-hardened and stalwart, the Crusader has held the front lines in a hundred holy wars. He either attacks foes head-on with righteous fury, or embraces a melee support role by leveraging his powerful defensive buffs & off-heals.

Health: 33



SPD: 0

ACC: 0

CRIT: 5%

DMG: 2d6

Starting weapon-

Battered Longsword

DMG base: 2d6

CRT base: 5%

SPD base: 0

Grave Robber

The Grave Robber is a versatile and nimble combatant, moving back and forth through the ranks with ease. She strikes without warning and retreats to the shadows, continuing her assault at range. If her throwing daggers and poison darts aren't getting the job done, she can return to the melee, buffed and slinging her pickaxe!

Health: 20

DODGE: 10%


SPD: 4

ACC: 0

CRIT: 5%

DMG: 1d8

Starting weapon-

Stolen Pick and Knives

DMG base: 1d8

CRT base: 5%


Wild, unpredictable, and utterly ruthless, the Hellion thrills to the spilling of blood! Her massive glaive affords her impressive reach in combat, while its razor sharp edge leaves lasting wounds on enemies. Certain skills leave her exhausted, however, and she may occasionally need to take a turn to recharge her adrenaline before entering the fray once again.

Health: 26

DODGE: 10%


SPD: 2

ACC: 0

CRIT: 2%

DMG: 1d12

Starting weapon-

Primitive Glaive

DMG base: 1d12

CRT base: 2%

SPD base: 2


A rogue, a thug and a thief, the Highwayman has honed his skills with dirk and flintlock to devastating effect. Whether at range or in a melee, he is equally effective at dispatching his foes. Be it a grapeshot area-of-effect, or single target bleed, the Highwayman's skills focus solely on dealing damage in a variety of ways.

Health: 22

DODGE: 10%


SPD: 4

ACC: 0

CRIT: 5%

DMG: 1d6

Starting weapon-

Flintlock. Rusty Blade

DMG base: 1d6

CRT base: 5%

SPD base: 4


Combat is a power-ballad - a slow build up, and a grand finale! On offense, the Jester leaps to and fro in a bloody cacophony, positioning himself for a glorious end in the front ranks! Alternatively, he can hang back, delivering chilling melodies and unsettling riffs that terrorize his foes, and give strength to his allies.

Health: 19

DODGE: 15%


SPD: 4

ACC: 0

CRIT: 7%

DMG: 2d4

Starting weapon-

Worn Sickle, Untuned Lute

DMG base: 2d4

CRT base: 7%

SPD base: 4


A lifetime of scholarly inquest into ancient and forbidden lore has opened the Occultist's mind to the powers of the void. Debilitating curses and maddeningly impossible support skills are his specialty. The void, however, is an unpredictable power, and consequently skills' effectiveness can vary dramatically, and usually come at a cost of light, or stress.

Health: 19

DODGE: 10%


SPD: 4

ACC: 0

CRIT: 7%

DMG: 1d4

Starting weapon-

Battered Skull

DMG base: 1d4

CRT base: 7%

SPD base: 4

Plague Doctor

A doctor, researcher and alchemist who prefers to hang back, eating away at her foes with stacking damage-over-time abilities like toxic clouds & plague-filled grenades. She is equally effective in a support role, blinding and confusing foes while enhancing a party's survival with damage-increasing tonics, and remedies for bleed and blight effects

Health: 22



SPD: 3

ACC: 0

CRIT: 2%

DMG: 1d4

Starting weapon-

Crude Sachets

DMG base: 1d4

CRT base: 2%

SPD base: 3


The warrior nun channels her zeal for battle into healing abilities, holy judgements and dazzling explosions of light. A strong backbone to any party, the Vestal can also hold her own on the front line with a powerful mace bash and close-quarters condemnations.

Health: 29



SPD: 3

ACC: 0

CRIT: 3%

DMG: 1d6

Starting weapon-

Rusted Mace

DMG base: 1d6

CRT base: 2%

SPD base: 3


A ruined man, a warrior, and a poet. The Executioner is most effective when given a turn to focus himself before raising his massive blade. When he swings, it is all or nothing - crushing blows and massive damage or the empty whistling of a glancing blow. He is entirely self-sufficient, drawing strength from his life of trauma, and able to channel it into heals, protection, or unrelenting fury.

Health: 35



SPD: 2

ACC: 0

CRIT: 2%

DMG: 1d12

Starting Weapon-

Rusted Executioner's Sword

DMG base: 1d12

CRT base: 2%

SPD base: 2

The Hamlet

The Abbey- Stress Relief Through Religion

Blacksmith- Pay gold to upgrade weapons and armor, or to forge new ones.

Graveyard- Fallen characters lie here.

Guild- Upgrade and learn new abilities.

Nomad Wagon- Shop for artifacts and trinkets.

Sanitarium- Relieve mental patients of their quirks.

Survivalist- Buy camping gear.

Tavern- Buy food and drink, rest over night, get quests, relieve stress through the Brother, Gambling, or Alcohol.

General Goods- Buy medical supplies, keys for chests, trap disarming equipment, and more.
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