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Realistic or Modern House for troubled teens (Always accepting)

  • Name: Sora Kaneko
  • Nick: None yet, maybe someone can think of one in game.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual, but hasn't really given it thought.
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 13
  • Crush: None
  • Personality: Sora doesn't really take anything seriously and never seems to get angry. Constantly happy and playful and decently social. He doesn't seem to actually match the definition of a troubled teen at least on the surface. Despite his quirky and playful nature he can be troubled from persistent nightmares of things he doesn't understand, he keeps it all behind his playful facade and sees no reason to make others worry about him and get more upset and grouchy than they already are, even when he himself is really hurting. He also has a fear of both thunder, well loud noises but notably thunder and an unease as unfamiliar things or most people touching him. Something unconscious after the experiments.
  • Abilities:

    Luck manipulation: Sora due to the experiments is able to manipulate his own luck and the luck of those around him. It is completely unconscious, he doesn't realize he does this and doesn't know what his power is. For the most part it just effects himself, things going well for Sora in ways that are improbable or on some occasions things going bad because he think it will. Its effect on others is rare to notice, though if he is in a particularly bad mood with someone, it's more than likely they may discover themselves with a string of bad luck.

[*]Likes: Spicy food, Anime, Playing guitar, Video games

[*]Dislikes: Classical music, bitter foods, hot drinks like coffee and tea, chores, needles, being touched.

[*]Bio: Sora was born originally in Japan though he really doesn't remember much about it. Both from leaving when he was young and from the experiments messing with his head quite a bit. His parents struggled after moving away and one thing lead to another before they were forced to make a choice. A offer was given to them, Sora would be taken "to examine odd genetic abnormalities he possessed" and for aiding in the research his parents debts would be cleared... Though either pressure, greed or maybe hoping it would be a better life for Sora they accepted. Then the experiments occurred... Despite not understanding or knowing exactly what happened, only vague details he grew up under the care of scientists. The unusual effects of probability changing around him on occasion though not reliably enough for what they originally wanted.


  • Sora feels sick and ill quite a lot. Side effects of the experiments likely and something his luck cant fix on its own. He tries to endure through it and often does so but there are still occasions where that doesn't quite work and he has to actually get checked by someone or take some medicine outside the power pills. To his eternal frustration of course.
  • Can speak Japanese of-course, and does. Also watches his anime in japanese without subtitles unless someone else is with him in which case he lets them decide.

[*]Bed room: Sora's bedroom is painted with the back two walls red and the walls closer to the door white. There is a wooden loft bed with a desk beneath it against the back wall, perpendicular to the window. His dresser is against the other wall with a TV and games console. His small pile of games and anime movies sit piled up besides it. Well I say a pile, thats how they are suppose to be. The room is a mess, not totally trashed but stuff hasn't been put back and some stuff is just lying about. A shirt hanging over the edge of the bed-frame. Other than than what was mentioned he has his guitar usually leaned against the wall near his wardrobe, usually surrounded by whatever clothes he didn't put away yet. There are some posters on the walls as well.

[*]Appearance: Standing only at a height of 148cm tall or 4ft and 10 inches tall, Sora is quite short for his age and equally a bit light. My guide is saying he should be on average 160cm or about 5ft 3tall; on average. Physically he looks healthy, his build looks a bit lean, with little muscle definition. His eyes are heterochromia, one red and one a yellowish gold, meanwhile his hair a bright red. He doesn't have much in the way of freckles or blemishes on his face or arms.



@Betweengoodandevil Hope this looks okay. Tell me if there are any problems.

Secondly is there anything I should know that has happened? I see some people using there powers; are we still on the pills? Do we know about the experiments yet? Would most of us know about our powers, or at-least suppose to have powers or not? Also is there a time system, if so what time is it right now? I guess part of what I am asking is the current state if I can, without me needing to go through all eighteen pages.
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Betweengoodandevil said:
@DarkDestinySoul you are accepted, yes we know about abilities, no about the pills, no people do know know about the experiments yet. And I believe it is almost midnight. And everyone is trying to escape soon I believe.
@Betweengoodandevil Can you clarify this? Do people know, or do they not, sorry your wording was odd for my question.
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Sure that works fine, Sora's nightmares work even better then.

I need to go for now, but i'll post in a few hours. Might have him bump into Ash and Marcus if they are still near each other.






Personality: wild card, double crosser

Abilities: smart, thinks fast

Likes: thinking

Dislikes: people

Bio: they speak for themselves


Bed room:


Name: Anias DelaRose

Nick: Anne

Sexuality: Bisexual. Stronger leaning towards men

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Crush: None... yet. *insert Lenny face here*

Personality: Very outspoken, saying what she thinks and not caring who hears. She's a pretty dim bulb. Not ever being very smart. She can get her feelings her pretty easily, and yes, she's a cryer. She's very social and can spark a conversation with basically anyone, on basically any subject.

Abilites: She's, for one, a shapeshifter. This allows her to morph into almost anything. (As long as it exists, isn't another person, isn't food, and has no powers) Her second isn't so much a power as it is a gift. She is VERY good at seeing through people's lies.

Likes: Animals, music, her phone, communicating with people, sweets, being sweet-talked (Just a girly thing I guess?
xD )

Dislikes: Animal cruelty, jerks (who doesn't?), sour things, anybody in a lab suit (though she can't remember why)

Bio: In her time in the lab, she was forced though electric shocks to morph into specific things until she could freely do it herself. These shocks caused her body to become a lot more sensitive to touch, and things that normally wouldn't hurt anyone can cause her pain, though it's not that much of a difference.

Everyone started moving really far ahead in the story so I have no clue what is going on, I sortove stopped replying because I was as well being ignored. If needed I could make another one and tag you guys in it? Not that I didn't like the way this story was going it just got confusing and I cant figure out what is going on

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