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Fantasy Houndsville Terrors.


Ashe is the name. (Pronounced Ash.) ❤

  • lucien-schoenschriftv-cat.regular.png


    'A lot of strange things happen in our strange little town...'

    Houndsville is slightly famous for not be found on a typical England map, but if you venture further into the history of the mysterious town, you'll come to find some dark secrets. Such as supernatural beings live in Houndsville. Houndsville Terrors, as it has been dubbed by some, is the place where all of the supernatural are accepted along with humans. Both monsters and mortals live in peace with little to few incidents. Only the ones truly plotting against the town seek to harming those who live within it. There's never an eerie air in the city.

    It functions like any old small, English town in 1857. Businesses running like usual, people wandering about, anything that's normal. The place is governed by a woman, chosen by the people. The system they had was quite different than any place in England. It was a perk for the queen setting a blind eye on the city. Even if bad rumors had spread about the town, they still had a handful of visitors from neighboring places and prospered well.

    Houndsville is open to many creatures and humans. With enough room for settlements, it's faired quite well. There's still poverty and low class, as well as working class, but in the end, there are means to help people get by. The ruling isn't super strict, but strict as needed be in the town. The people here at Houndsville welcome newcomers with open arms and open hearts, but they better be warned: A strange tail have of murders have been occurring as of late.

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Name: Marie Cervenka

Nickname(s): Her assassin name is The Fox, may be affectionately called Fox

Age: 24

D.O.B.: September 5th

Gender: Female

Occupation: Assassin

Status: Upper middle class

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: N/A

Relationship(s): N/A



Species (Angel, Demon, Vampire, etc.): Vampire

Positive Personality Traits (Max. 5): Confident, humorous, keen, intelligent

Negative Personality Traits (Max. 5): Stubborn, mean, aloof, manipulative, selfish

Habit(s): Fixing her hair

Fear(s): Holy objects, confinement, the constant possibility of being watched & hunted down

Allergies: N/A

Anything to Add to Personality: -

History: Marie did not have a father in her life; he abandoned her mother when they discovered that she was pregnant, as they could not afford a child. Her family was Czech, living in London for work. Not having much of a choice, when Marie was born, her mother gave her to an orphanage. Marie grew up in that orphanage.

Marie had always been a troublemaker. She never paid attention in class after the age of 6 and could not wait to leave. She ran away at the age of 15 and had plans of finding a job. However, being a young, poor female out in the world, she became easy prey for a vampire. Once she awoke as a vampire and realized what she was, she felt free. At first, her hunger controlled her, and she killed many people. Marie, of course, felt guilty at first, frustrated and ashamed that she had so little control over herself.

London quickly became suspicious of the similar deaths, though, and Marie was a wanted criminal. She learned of Houndsville through a discussion between two other vampires and was quick to travel there. For a while, she preyed on livestock to seem less suspicious.

Marie was soon found by an organization knowledgeable of her kind. Reluctant at first, she was convinced to join with the promise of a steady supply of blood, money, and good housing, as well as means of protecting her identity. At the age of 24, Marie is perfectly comfortable with her life and has no qualms over killing.



Likes: Blood, being outside, cloudy days, dressing up

Dislikes: Religion, holy men, cowards, sunlight, dresses

Turn Ons (Optional): Blood, dominance, tallness, strength

Turn Offs (Optional): Shortness, cowardice, physical weakness

Piercing(s): Several ear piercings

Tattoo(s): N/A, they disappear when she heals herself

Scar(s) or Wound(s): They disappeared when she was turned

Strengths (Max. 3): Observant, swift, a sharpshooter

Weaknesses (Max. 3): Holy objects/the sun, physically overpowered by strong supernaturals, pain


Face Claim: Vica Kerekes

Theme Song: Will find soon

Other Information: Always carries several knives in various places

Did you read the rules?: This Is Our Era


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Name: Antonia Zella Cornelius

Nickname(s): Toni, Tonia, Ania, Ann.

Age: Twenty-four.

D.O.B.: October 10th.

Gender: Female.

Occupation: Governess of the town.

Status: High class.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Crush: To be developed.

Relationship(s): To be developed.



Species (Angel, Demon, Vampire, etc.): Human.

Positive Personality Traits (Max. 5): Ambitious, intelligent, compassionate, diplomatic, hardworking.

Negative Personality Traits (Max. 5): Conservative, bossy when needed be, over critical.

Habit(s): Always worrying about how she can make the town better and fearing she isn't doing her best.

Fear(s): Fainting, heights.

Allergies: Cats.

Anything to Add to Personality: Not that I know of yet.

History: Making later.



Likes: The symphony, the violin, reading, writing, helping those in need, tea, chocolate cakes, red wine, keeping her private life to herself, Shakespeare, plays, may add on to later.

Dislikes: Will do later.

Turn Ons (Optional): Will do later.

Turn Offs (Optional): Will do later.

Piercing(s): Antonia has only one hole on both ears.

Tattoo(s): None.

Scar(s) or Wound(s): Antonia has a scar on her left hand due to being cut by a class shard when she she was fifteen.

Strengths: Helping, observant, logical.

Weaknesses: Hesitant, slightly difficult towards different things.


Face Claim: Lily Collins.

Theme Song: Running Up That Hill by Placebo.

Other Information: Not that I can think of.

Did you read the rules?: This Is Our Era.





Name: Katharine Phoebe Richardson.

Nickname(s): Kat, Kate. Katie, Kathie.

Age: Katharine appears twenty-seven, but she's actually one hundred and seventy-eight hears old.

D.O.B.: September 18th.

Gender: Female.

Occupation: Maid.

Status: Working Class.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Crush: To be developed in the roleplay.

Relationship(s): Also to be developed in the roleplay.



Species (Angel, Demon, Vampire, etc.): Vampire.

Positive Personality Traits (Max. 5): Tidy, understanding, polite, optimistic, passionate.

Negative Personality Traits (Max. 5): Perfectionist, boring at times.

Habit(s): Being extremely polite to those higher than her in class.

Fear(s): Sexual abuse, thunder and lightning, ugliness of herself.

Allergies: Lavender.

Anything to Add to Personality: Not that I know of yet.

History: Making later.



Likes: Cleaning, dancing, reading, coffee, bread, saving money, sweets, foxes, winter, music, art, fancy dresses, may add more.

Dislikes: Will do later.

Turn Ons (Optional): Will do later.

Turn Offs (Optional): Will do later.

Piercing(s): Katharine has only one piercing on both ears.

Tattoo(s): None.

Scar(s) or Wound(s): In her neck, she has a faint scar of two puncture wounds from when she was bitten.

Strengths: Lively, independent, honest.

Weaknesses: Shy, vulnerable, passive.


Face Claim: Billie Piper.

Theme Song: Dance With Me by IAMX.

Other Information: When she is in the vampire mode, her eyes are red, only the iris part. Her pupil has a golden tinge to it when her form as well, and like usual, her fangs come out.

Did you read the rules?: This Is Our Era.





Name: Dorian Thomas Sharpe.

Nickname(s): None. Please feel free to make up nicknames.

Age: Twenty-eight.

D.O.B.: February 9th.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: Inherited his uncle's gun shop, since Antonia is the governess of Houndsville, but shares 10% of the profits with her.

Status: High class.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Crush: To be developed.

Relationship(s): Antonia's cousin. More to be developed later.



Species (Angel, Demon, Vampire, etc.): Ghost.

Positive Personality Traits (Max. 5): Romantic, intelligent, tidy, warmhearted, sincere.

Negative Personality Traits (Max. 5): Stubborn, indecisive, slightly clingy.

Habit(s): Flinches when he hears mentions of his death.

Fear(s): Being buried alive, losing those he loves, spiders.

Allergies: Normal seasonal allergies.

Anything to Add to Personality: Not that I know of yet.

History: Making later.



Likes: Fall, Shakespeare, the theatre, fancy dinner parties, history, any books, the symphony, the cello, the opera, may add more.

Dislikes: Will do later.

Turn Ons (Optional): Will do later.

Turn Offs (Optional): Will do later.

Piercing(s): None.

Tattoo(s): None.

Scar(s) or Wound(s): He has couple of scars on his chest from his death and he has a scar in his cheek that's also from his death.

Strengths: Focused, energetic, artistic.

Weaknesses: Protective, cautious, sometimes forgetful.


Face Claim: Tom Hiddleston.

Theme Song: I'm Here by Fernando Velázquez.

Other Information: None yet.

Did you read the rules?: This Our Era.





Name: Charles Alexander Arden.

Nickname(s): Charlie.

Age: Thirty.

D.O.B.: June 14th.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: Tea merchant.

Status: Middle class.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Crush: To be developed.

Relationship(s): To be developed.



Species (Angel, Demon, Vampire, etc.): Human.

Positive Personality Traits (Max. 5): Loyal, modest, polite, romantic, sensible.

Negative Personality Traits (Max. 5): Flirtatious, slightly arrogant, possessive, sarcastic.

Habit(s): Tensing when something doesn't go his way or when he is upset.

Fear(s): Being ridiculed, insanity, blood.

Allergies: None.

Anything to Add to Personality: Not that I know of yet.

History: Making later.



Likes: Will do later.

Dislikes: Will do later.

Turn Ons (Optional): Will do later.

Turn Offs (Optional): Will do later.

Piercing(s): None.

Tattoo(s): None.

Scar(s) or Wound(s): None.

Strengths: Bravery, clever, disciplined.

Weaknesses: Controlling, dramatic, firm.


Face Claim: Benedict Cumberbatch.

Theme Song: This Will Make You Love Again by IAMX.

Other Information: Charles's eyes tend to change color due to heterochromia.

Did you read the rules?: This Is Our Era.


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