Hotel for the Unwanted [Inactive]

Hayden peeled away his soaked hoodie and through it to the foot of his bed, sighing. Damn people.....Walking over to his drawers, he got out a set of pajamas he'd flip on after a nice hot shower.
Olivia got her food ready and sat down at the table. She soon finished and started to wash her plate.

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Andrew stopped Olivia. "No no no, I'll do the dishes. Go on and get some rest." He got the plate from Olivia's hand and started to do the dishes. "it's only fair that I'd do the dishes, I mean, you did nothing to be so sweet to welcome me into this hotel, not getting mad at me from peeking, please, let me at least thank you." He smiled and started to to the dishes, including the pans and pots Cole used to do the chicken. "Don't worry, I'm used to it. My father were never home, so I learnt how to do chores. I specialized in cooking sweets y'know!" He gave it a laugh, the first true laugh he did ever since he got kicked out of his home. For one time, he felt that he belonged there for all of his life.
Olivia sat down on the counter next to him. Not wanting him to really clean on only his first day. "Fine... What if you wash and I'll dry?" She said taking some of the plates he was washing and drying them off.

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Andrew, keeping his smile, looked at Olivia. "Alright, I guess drying them up is kind of a boring job. Thanks for the help." He then looked at Alexa, and nodded. "Oh, It's okay, no need. Two's good but three's a crowd is what they say. I guess we'll be just fine." He smiled. "Hey, if It's alright, I can bake some cookies, and I guess I'll need some help. Can you help me later?" He looked at Alexa and his dog. If Alexa said the dog won't bite, I guess he can take his chances. After all, dogs are awesome.
"Oh, right," Alexa smiled awkwardly. "And oh, yes! Though, mind you, I'm not really particularly good at it." She didn't eat often, too busy, and cooked even less, but she was better than some, and that was good enough for her. Snow wagged his tail at Andrew cheerfully.
Phoenix flopped onto their bed, promising themself that they'd get some sleep tonight. When they were close to dozing off, they heard the shower running. Hayden must be back. They sat up, not wanting to be asleep when he came out of the bathroom. Not a nice greeting for someone who's been gone for about a full 24 hours.
Soon, Hayden was finished with his shower. He usually wasn't one to take long ones. He walked back into his shared room, drying his head with a towel as he sat on his bed. He then pulled it to rest on his shoulders, now seeing that Phoenix was also in the room. "Oh...Hey there."
Olivia helped him finish up then hopped off of the counter. "Well the kitchen is all ready for cookies now. I'm gonna be up stairs if you need anything," she said then headed up stairs to her room.

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"Thanks for the help, Olivia!", Andrew said, as he picked up some flour from the storeroom. "So, Alexa, shall we start?" Andrew said. He got some other ingredients and started telling Alexa what he would need help with. He wasn't used to work with help, but since he's there, having some help might help him to know the other residents.
Cole stood up and peaked his head around the stairs. Looking around the edge he saw Alexa and her dog near the kitchen. "Bye the way.... don't get dog hair everywhere in my kitchen...." he then noticed the cooking. "And if you cook something that isn't for everyone you clean it.... by the way use an extra quarter cup of butter and one extra egg.... they'll taste better" with that he disapeared back up the stairs
"I already washed dinner's dishes, so that wouldn't be...fair...Gone." Andrew talked to Cole, but he was already gone. "I don't mind the dog, really. And extra butter? Nah, I want my cookies to be crunchy. Butter will make them more smooth." He said, while doing the dough.
Olivia disappeared into her room and took out the packet of cigarette that had been sitting into her pocket. She took it out and laid on her bed lighting up her cigaret.

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Alexa glared playfully at Cole's retreating back. "As if Snow would get dog hair all over the place.." she muttered. "Cookies are cookies to me," she smiled, turning to Andrew and hopping up to sit on the counter. Snow sat on the floor, curled up off to the side to avoid being in the way, though watching his master intently. "What do you want me to do?" Alexa asked.
"Welcome back, nerd." Phoenix greeted him. They had known each other for about a year now, so they were comfortable with calling him names that sounded rude, but were actually intended to be affectionate. "What were even doing out so long anyway?" They asked, but opened up their notebook and wrote down a few things, distracted.
Hayden yawned as he leaned his head back into the pillow laying on his bed. He put his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. "I was at work." He said simply as he closed his eyes.
"Strange job you got there." Phoenix muttered. They didn't know exactly what Hayden did, but they were pretty sure it wasn't 100% legal. They know better than to ask. They turned to him, wanting to add a few more inquisitive-yet-pretty-rude comments, but nothing came to them. They returned to their notebook, but paused, realizing that if they started to do something, they'd never get to sleep. They threw it onto a pile of their stuff and laid down, not sleeping yet, but getting close.
Hayden offered a glance to the other person in the room, before sighing once again. Cole might yell at him in the morning for it, but Hayden knew he tracked mud through the front of the house. He'll clean it in the morning, but right now he was unbelievably tired from the days events. "Goodnight..." He muttered before falling asleep.
"There, they're perfect!" Andrew exclaimed as he pulled up the trays of cookies from the oven. He carefully took it out and puthem on a plate. The plate held 30 cookies, steaming, and smelling delicious. "Here, as my top notch assistant, you have the first one. Here, have a bite!" He said as he gave one of them to Alexa. He got another one, poured two cups of milk and gave one of them to Alexa. "A toast! For sweets and friendship!"
Olivia was wide awake, she was a night owl and would probably be up for hours. She could smell a mixture of cookies and cigarets. She then held up to her lips, what is her second cigarets and breathed it in. She took out one of her books and laid back in her bed, using one hand to hold her cigarette while the other to flip the pages of her book.

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"Why, thank you!" she grinned, clinking his glass. She took a swig, quickly followed by a bite of the cookie. "Not bad!" she exclaimed after swallowing politely "What do you think, Sn.." The dog was gone. "Uh oh."
"W-what? Your dog? Wasn't here just a while ago?" Andrew looked puzzled. "I gotta deliver those cookies to the other residents, and then we can look for you dog, okay?" Andrew said, while grabbing the plate from the table. He was concerned, but then again, the cookies would get cold. He wen't upstairs, and knocked on Room 1, to give the resident some cookies.

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