Hoshi no Tama (Star Ball)


Flaming Ice Queen
Hoshi no Tama

Hoshi No tama is one of many abilities possessed by Kitsunes to generate a "star-ball" that can store their memories and also acts as their life-force. It is a powerful object, when bound to a tree it can be used by kitsunes to open a portal to the Dark Dimension.

The size of a kitsune's hoshi no tama appears to be proportionate to the size of their power. Misao, Shinichi and Inari all have their own star balls in which they are somehow linked to through unknown means. Inari's star ball is massive, and is located on the smallest moon of The Underworld.

It is also their greatest weakness, as other beings can use the power from them, or destroy them, instantly killing the kitsune.

Kitsunes are linked to their star ball if it gets destroyed, they die.

Depictions of kitsune or their possessed victims may feature round or onion-shaped white balls known as "hoshi no tama" (star balls). Tales describe these as glowing with "kitsune-bi" (fox-fire). Some stories identify them as magical jewels or pearls. When not in human form or possessing a human, a kitsune keeps the ball in its mouth or carries it on its tail. Jewels are a common symbol of Inari, and representations of sacred Inari foxes without them are rare.

One belief is that when a kitsune changes shape, its hoshi no tama holds a portion of its magical power. Another tradition is that the pearl represents the kitsune's soul; the kitsune will die if separated from it for too long. Those who obtain the ball may be able to extract a promise from the kitsune to help them in exchange for its return.


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