Story Horribly Unjustified


I... didn't know how long I was sleeping. For all I had known, the pitch black space that enveloped my eyes could have been there for years. From my delirious memories, I was being hospitalized. I... I think I fell, or I hit something. I couldn't see anything after that. Honestly, I thought I had died. Fortunately, somehow... I was thinking in the disturbing peace that quickly followed. I couldn't move the muscles in my body at the time. If I still had a body... but I could think. I opened my eyes, but I was still trapped in darkness. I struggled- wait. I do have a body... That means I'm alive, doesn't it? This... container I was in was very sturdy. I flung my arms in whichever I could to get out. Luckily, it didn't take very long to find a soft spot in this plastic bag or something as I heard a tearing sound. I had to close my eyes, because the light was painful. I took my left arm out of the hole it created and widened the gap using both arms. It was dawn when my eyes saw daybreak from the X days, months, or years of my coma. Whatever had happened to me after that day, I would never know. It wasn't because I had gotten amnesia or had become highly tranquilized. There was an atmospheric silence. However, from the dark green walls and the rotten stench surrounding me... Was this a dumpster? I looked out of the dumpster, up into the sky. Well, what would have been the sky, if it weren't for the sky scrappers that hogged the rustling, polluted air for themselves. I could hear the slow tumbling of newspaper scraps blowing against the wind, hitting the concrete streets. Wind chimes could be faintly heard. Other than that, there was no bustling of the cars, no conversations of people, no televisions emitting advertisements. Why is it so quiet? I got up from my resting place. I hadn't used my legs in the X days, months, or years of my coma, so standing up had become awkward. At first I stumbled in the need of physical therapy. I landed on a pile of large bags. No... I was in a dumpster full of those bags. I didn't understand, until I looked at the bag I had come out of. It was the same as the rest. Were of all the bags... people? Then I was dead... ? My eyes froze at this amazing, terrorizing display. I backed away the best I could, considering that I had trouble walking. My feet wanted to move away, but the only thing to step on was the bags. However, whenever I had put my weight on them, whatever was inside was squishy, yet somewhat firm... like flesh. The back of my ankle hit the opening edge of the dumpster, and I felt over onto the dirt. The fall had been more beneficial than harmful. Even though my fall was excruciatingly painful, the burning sensation had returned my body's senses to how they are supposed to be. I was more awake than I had been before, but I should have kept my eyes closed. I just so happened to be staring at the edge of the dumpster I had fallen off of. The rim of the dumpster... the outer shell of the dumpster was bathed in dry blood. Someone dragged all of these bodies here. The things in the bags were undoubtedly dead people... and the person who did it has done a splendid job making sure they could fit as many people as possible in the dumpster. If I didn't know any better, I could even say they liked it. The blood didn't end there. The ground was soaked in a trail of it. I stood up again, looking around for anything else out of the ordinary. However, there was only the dumpster, and the trail of blood. The only thing I could do was follow it... but was it the right thing to do? Someone... or something, may have dragged all of the bodies into the dumpster, and since all of the people- Wait. If... "all of the people" were alive... shouldn't this trail of blood have been cleaned up? Why was it dry? Does that mean... Everyone's dead? Oh... oh, no... I was shaking uncontrollably. What am I going to do? I am only one person... versus the person- no... the thing that killed everyone? In a city... of millions of people? What city I was in exactly doesn't matter, right now. All I know, is that I'm alone. Well... not really. If the human bodies I stepped were still fleshy, then they hadn't fully decomposed. That means, that all of these mysterious things happened recently. So... the thing that killed everyone is still lurking around. Oh, god. I have to hide. No- wait. There's no point. Sooner or later, that thing is going to find my bag torn open, so it'll know that I'm alive. I can't take it with me, either, because since it stacked the bodies so neatly, they must been keeping count, or something. That, or I'll have to carry a noisy plastic bag that will just reveal where I am. Even if it sounds unreasonable, the fact is that I'm still the only person alive in this city. I need a weapon. Now that I think about it, I've never fired a gun in my life, but if it means that I'll get a chance to live if that thing comes to attack me, then it's worth whatever I've got. Uugh, I just remembered... I don't know what city I'm in, much less where the heck I can find a store dedicated to selling guns. I looked around for something close by. I needed something for a weapon. It had to be sturdy. The trail of blood was the only "mark" I had, so I had to stay close to it. Where it went: I would find out after I managed to find a weapon of some sort. There was a lot of fences that caged anyone out of people's private property, but it didn't really matter anymore, since those people were probably in bags or were left for dead elsewhere. Oh, that's right. Why I am looking outside? I should just trying going inside someone's house to find a gun. I looked for a door, found one- The door was split open. I decided to look at the houses with more depth. Oh... my god. All of the doors: smashed open. Every window in sight: shattered. Okay... Going into someone's house was out of the question. Dammit... this thing was very through when it killed everyone. Speaking of through, it probably made sure that if anyone lived, it wouldn't be possible for any real resistance. That was when I realized: It would be impossible to find a gun. Fine... whatever. A lead pipe will do. Anything is better than my fists. I took a heavy breath, trying to bring things back into perspective. I needed to stay sane if I wanted to live through this. Now wasn't the time go screaming to the world, and get myself killed by the thing for not staying quiet. I didn't have any damned options, because the thing already took them away. I know... I don't have physical proof, but to me, I think seeing every door and window broken and every person I've seen so far being put in bags is all of the proof I need. My only option... was follow the trail of blood. I became... I don't know, a mix of emotions. Foolish, afraid, brave, angry, depressed, happy, and hopeful. I felt foolish, but brave for trying to live. I was afraid, because my own, pathetic, human power was the only thing I could depend on. I was depressed, because I had just realized I had lost the ability to speak... Apparently, my coma made me mute. I was a bit happy, because I was still alive, compared to the unfortunate fate received by all of the other people in this city. I was hopeful, because... If I did this right... even if there was a one in a trillion chances that I could live through this... the fact would be that I lived. That my life was the thing that the thing couldn't take away from me. I stopped walking, and I looked up at the building before me. This was... a hospital. It spanned two blocks, and soared seven floors. Why was the trail of blood going in the hospital? As I closed in on the building, it was typical that the double sliding door had been busted. I had to go in... I was getting this feeling that the thing that killed everyone came from the hospital. What the hell, seriously? This was like something that came from an over melodramatic movie about zombies. At the same though, it was horrible, because I wasn't dreaming. There was a dumpster nearby, and who'da guessed? There were bags in it. This was grotesque... I couldn't barely stare at it before thinking I would vomit and cry simultaneously. Every dumpster in the city must have people in them... Regardless, I had to keep in mind that I had to stay sane. Yeah... maybe sanity is over-rated, but in this case, it's the only that's keeping me from death other than thinking reasonably to myself. The trail of blood didn't go into the elevator, so I expect that the thing was more a beast of some kind... some shameless monster that thinks it's funny to kill millions of people. The blood went up the stairs in a gruesome fashion. I was too afraid to take the elevator, plus... what if it was waiting? Elevator shafts are perfect places for people to hide. Monsters included. Okay... Up the stairs, I went. I just had to follow the blood, and I would hopefully be more safe than if I strayed off of it. It sounds stupid, I know... but I didn't a choice. The monster was a lot smarter than I gave it credit for. All of the lights in the hospital were dead... except the ones that led into the hallways where the blood on the white tiles was thick and plenty. That was it. I'm being led. Remember that dumpster by the hospital? Well, I don't know if I thought it or not, but there was no blood on the sides of the dumpster. And, I know there's more than two dumpsters in this city. None of those must have had trails of blood, either, because I got to the hospital by following one trail, not hundreds. And it just so happens that I'm in the dumpster where the trail starts? This entire... ploy's... been planned. It's the perfect crime, because the thing got away with it at such a huge scale. If I go back... they'd probably know, and kill me... I can't go back. I don't know what was making me willing keep going, because as I got higher up the hospital floors, the blood got thicker. I don't know... My feet just kept moving. The blood stopped on the fifth floor, in the seventh room to the right. Dumbfounded, and stunned by fear, I opened the door... the only door that was not destroyed. This was... my room. The thing put pictures up of me, seriously injured when I first came to the hospital. There were also X-rays of my body, and brain scans. I also saw the bracelet that hospitals give to patients with my name on it... and on the nightstand next to the bed was my ID card. I shouldn't have looked to my right. There was the window... unbroken, but open. I looked outside, and stared at the landscape. There were... bloody letters painted on the buildings. I began to cry... this... isn't fair... <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="font-size:36px;">WHO DIES FIRST? YOU OR US?</span></strong></span>

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Double post. I want to comment on my own piece.

Holy crap... I scare myself.

EDIT: I hope I didn't break the rules. If I have, my apologies.
[QUOTE="Crom The Conqueror]I think someone needs a little therapy. And by little I mean a lot.

Um... It scared me, at the time. I was so engrossed in it that I was scaring myself. Maybe if I read it again...

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