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Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

Thorn of Discord

L'homme qui est different


Hoofbeat: Leverage

Welcome to colorful Hooflock, a city steeped in history, rich in culture, prime for adventures and positively riddled with crime and corruption!

What's your role in all this? Well, if you can read this, (if you're not reading just what the hell are you doing), consider yourself invited to a team that will become the new face of justice in Hooflock. Melpomene, an infamous conmare and vigilante, has started a new life with her partner, and can't be as reckless as she used to be. Since crime isn't about to just stop on her account, she has decided to lead a team of 'experts' to continue her work, which is where you come in. Should you join, you may specialize in any one skill like Alchemy, Stealth, Muscle, a Magitech Wizard, even Botany if you so desire; As long as you can pull your own weight without fatalities, or angling for your own profit you are welcomed.

Oh, and as a side note: While Hooflock
is in the same universe as MLP:FIM, this is not Equestria; Hooflock is a whole different ball game. Money, influence, lineage, these are the true magics, and form the backbone of Hooflock. Anyone lacking those things gets crushed underhoof, but maybe that can change. Maybe there is hope for the broken hearted, the forgotten, and those out of reach. Maybe you can be the difference between life and death for them. If any of you who read this are willing to stand up for the lost souls, by all means, apply for the team while you still can!

Note: I will only take on a limited number of players at the moment, at least until I've got enough confidence in my writing to handle more.
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The shining moon hung high over the city, and pinpricks of light blanketed the cool night sky. A slight breeze fell off the mountains, bound for the calm sea. The night was not wholly restful though, since even at this late hour, Hooflock bustled and hustled; Ships lazily pulled into the port, taverns were alive, and street performers filled the markets with tunes that you could faintly hear echoing through the well high above you. A drifting cloud allowed the moonlight to filter onto you, revealing a large underground stone room, supported by misshapen columns. The scent of mildew filled the air as you sat in a rather creaky wooden chair, facing an even creakier table. At the table a lone candle burned and you faced a snow white mare. Hunched over. Faintly...snoring?

Just what do you do know?
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Update 1

[ @Ashs Pikachu ]

The weather was holding quite steady, though there was a sudden breeze that caught many a folk off guard. It was getting late in the day and they should know better. How some people can just be unprepared for weather is weird, it's like they want to be uncomfortable.


But what does that matter, the cold never bothered you anyway, and you were feeling pretty keen. After all, you just nicked a good looking watch off some colt. Anyway, you were on your way to sell the watch when a sealed envelope drops in front of your face, with your name on it? You try to catch a glimpse of whomever passed it off but it didn't seem like anyone did. Dropping your watch in your sack, you pull away from the main street and open the envelope. A map, and a really cryptic letter, how fun. The letter is all in rhyming and written....backwards or something, but you can make out a time, (a couple hours from now), and the map shows a location in the Argent District. It occurs to you that you can't meet your fence and make this weird appointment, so what's the plan?


Thank goodness you have some sense about ya, wearing that coat and hat. You were reclining comfortably in your favorite chair at the cafe done the street. From hear you could hear the bustling crowd, and sipped at your hot drink. A homework assignment rudely popped into into your mind, due next week, and you hadn't even started it! Before you can get up, someone places a rock in your hand and tells you to not be late. You try to locate them but they're gone too quickly. That's weird. The stone in your hand is a gem, the kind used by the Argent District for audio recording, feels kinda cheap though. Holding it up to your hear, it give you hear a nearby location and a time, late enough you could sneak out but not enough time to do that work, so whatcha gonna do?
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