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Realistic or Modern Homeless

Lucas ran the long way to her house, losing the two guards that were chasing her as she ran between the rotten shacks and narrow sandy paths. As she ran and almost reached her house she bumped into a guy knocking the both of them to the dusty ground. Lucas quickly got back up and looked over her shoulder, seeing the guards running her way again from afar. She grabbed Rebel by his neck skin and pulled him under a pile of trash with her that was lying beside the path. Lucas lay as still as she could, Rebel going her, as she watched the guards walk up to the guy she had just knocked over. If you betray me, I'll kill you. She thought and watched the scene carefully.
The man Jonathan was keeping an eye on eventually noticed him. He didn't look like he had evil intentions, but he certainly looked like he could do real damage if he wanted to. Jonathan wondered what it would be like to fight him. Jonathan had years of experience training for and fighting in real combat, but this man was younger and more energetic. They would be evenly matched, he figured. He thought it wise to keep to himself, though. He didn't know the man, and starting a brawl with a stranger could create enemies. Enemies were unnecessary.

He gave a nod to the man, who was now sitting down, and looked away.
The smoking man looked tough, and a real bit of challenge. Shou wasn't sure which of them would be the winner after a match. That man had a strange presence. Shou was sure that it would be a difficult brawl, but he was sure it would be beneficial, and fun. When the man nodded at him, Shou got up from the ground, and dusted his white pants. So the match is postponed he thought as he put his hands at the height of his head as a response for the nodding. Shou, after dusting his pants completely, started running again towards the lake. A few corners later, when he was about to take a turn again, someone just ran into him, and knocked him to the ground. Seeing that the stranger was the same girl who he saw running away from the guards, Shou expected a few new ones to appear soon. He stood up, dusted his pants again, and signed the girl not to come out from the cover. They didn't have to wait for long till the guards appeared. When the guards asked Shou about the girl, he told them that he ran into him, and then he pointed into a direction meaning where she ran. Of course it was a lie, as the girl was hiding just in the opposite direction where his finger pointed.
Lucas waited for the guards to disappear and got out from under the pile of garbage and dusted herself off. "Thanks, dude." Lucas said eyeing the guy in front of her up and down. I know we're poor, but who the hell doesn't wear a shirt? Lucas thought. The guy looked a little younger then her, maybe a year or two. His white pants weren't very white anymore and had muscles that made Lucas smile. Maybe this guy could be some help? She wondered. "Hey," She said. "Can I ask you another favor? Want to help me fix the front of my house? I need some help with the heavy lifting." She smirked and patted Rebel's head, scratching him behind his ear.
As the guards walked off, the girl came out of her cover with her dog on her side and said thanks to him. "You are welcome!" Answered her with a smile on his face. He looked at the girl as she was scratching her dog who seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. Then he looked at the girl. She seemed to be in a pretty good shape in spite of the environment they were in. "Sure thing. I'll help. My name is Shou Kyouken by the way. But just call me Shou if you feel like to." He answered to the request as he squatted and reached his hands slowly towards the dog so that he could smell his hand.
Lucas smirked at her self and watched Rebel greet the new part of her plan. 'Just a couple more.' She thought before introducing herself. "My name is Lucas, but known as Tramp to many so feel free to call me that. I have a painter coming to the my house tomorrow after dark, if you will come then as well then that would be great. I live in the broken down boat in the lake." She looked at her dog and then back to the guy. "Seems like Rebel likes you." She said.

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As Rebel let him closer, Shou put his hands on the dog's head, and looked at Lucas. After dark? he thought. He looked around and when he was sure that no one could hear them, he continued on a low voice: "What will we do there? I mean what is the real purpose behind it?" Shou was sure that there would be something more than painting. He stood up and waited for an answer.
"I'd guess you'd have to wait till tomorrow." Lucas smiled and winked before heading to a place where she would be able to find some food. "See you around, Shou." She said and waved. "Don't forget tomorrow."

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The girl leaving, and not giving any explanations to Shou, he got a bit curious, and suspicious. Now he was sure they won't be painting. But as he decided not to stress on it, he just turned around, and went to continue his training somewhere calm, and quiet. Eventually he stopped at an old and ruined house a few miles away. It's courtyard seemed to be a quiet place so after making some free space for himself, Shou started training. When he was training, his mind got clean. No sound could disturb him. All the sounds he heard found their places, and was an important piece of the puzzle. The moves, as the flow one into another, peace and harmony came upon on Shou. It feels so good he thought as he was performing the moves quicker and quicker. Despite moving quicker with every move, his movement was smooth, and precise.

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