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Fandom Homebound: Act 1


Aqueous Knight


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Congratulations You are the grand winner of a contest which means you won early assess to the Sburb Beta! And not only that! You also won extra download codes for your friends to play the next HUGE Game of the year with you in Sburb Extensive multiplayer! Be prepared to have your SOCKS KNOCKED OFF! And Remember to have fun!

Disclaimer: OmniSkaiaNet is not responsible for any damages or deaths caused by the Sburb Beta, clicking on this Email means you have agreed to our terms and conditions, And therefor cannot take any legal actions against us for the short time you have reminding.

Sburb Beta Codes


You the instigator of this upcoming series of events that will ripple across the entirety of Paradox Space awaken to the sounds of your computer beeping away telling you you got mail. You being the naive instigator of doom that you are open the email and you see you won a contest you forgot you joined in just a few days ago. The prize is first access to the Closed Beta of Sburb the hottest things since sliced bread. And not just for yourself but for your friends too. Who will all suffer from this game, yourself included, but that skipping ahead a few dozed pages of posts. But even with the normal suffering that is in every copy of sburb, you also have the including suffering of a cancerous glitch that affects your session alone at the moment yet will affect all future sessions relating to your string of universes if you don't find and destroy it. But we will go into details about that as the story unfolds. For now, won't you introduced yourself, Instigator of doom?


~Do not post here until I give you the go ahead as the second post will be chosen right before we start ~


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