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Home Sweet Home (Scarlett Ivy and I)


Taimer of all horses!
Kiara looked up at her newly bought house. Grinning she thought of her boyfriend who was on his way here. Her stomach was all butterflies and worms just from thinking of him. With a sigh she reached down and grabbed the last bag from her mom's house.

She quickly conducted a search of her pockets and located the key in the back left one. The door unlocked, she pushed it open with the toe of her boot and walked in. The bare floors and walls made her wish that he was here already.

Kiara found her phone and found his number. With quick shaky fingers she typed 'Hey, you almost here?' She sent the message and went to the bedroom.

She found an outlet, plugged her laptop in and blasted some music as she busied herself making the bed and just dancing around the house, dusting the hard wood floors with her sock covered feet.

She was a sight. A 5'3" short, thin girl with ginger hair cut into a short bob around her cheeks, wearing skinny jeans with no shoes and a tank very bright tank top. She danced around, flipping her hair and getting lost in the music, laughing at the silliness of it all.

As the songs changed and a slower song can on, she walked back to the bedroom and sat on the bed, hoping (insert name here) would get here soon.
Andrew worked late tonight, so by the time he finished packing he gotten a text from his girlfriend Kiara. He felt bad he couldn't be there when she got there, but work needed him there. He read the text and replied, 'I'll be there soon! Can't wait to see you :) ' He hit send and got in his car. Andrew drove a black mid size sedan, so getting all his things to go in one trip was easy. His mom was sad to see him move out, but she knew he would visit often with Kiara. Andrew was so excited to finally have a house of his own and with the woman he loved.

Andrew pulled up to his new house. It was a bit of a fixer upper, but Andrew was handy so they didn't mind that. The house had charm. Andrew noticed that the door was wide open and could here music coming from it. He shook his head, "Silly Kiara." He muttered to himself as he got out of his car. He opened his trunk and started taking boxes and putting them inside on the floor. Andrew was relatively strong due to him helping his mom around the house with house work, so unpacking was a breeze for him. After unloading the car, Andrew checked Kiara's car to see if there any more boxes to be taken in. After finding none, he locked his car and strolled inside.

He shut the door silently, not trying to aware Kiara of his arrival. He notices the undusty patterns on the floor and noticed that she had been dancing again with all the music. He smiled and took off his shoes because he knew Kiara would kill him for having tracked mud through the new house. He walked to the top of the stairs and found their bedroom they now shared. He had walked in and noticed that Kiara had gotten up from the bed and had her back turned. He sneaked up behind her and wrapped his arms right underneath her chest. Andrew stood 6 feet tall and had deep brown short hair. He was built, but not ripped. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Honey I'm home. You forgot to shut the door." He said kissing her cheek.
While blasting strawberry fields by the Beatles, Kiara made the bed and started pulling her clothes out and putting all the different pieces in milk crates, she was going to stack in the closet. As the song switched, she grew bored of cleaning and organizing and realized she hadn't eatten in a while.

Then, she remembered, she hadn't brought any food with her. "Well, poop." She mumbled to herself. So she stood by the bed, not really moving or doing anthing, mostly focused on her growling stomach.

Suddenly, and quite shockingly, arms appreared around her chest, and the voice she clung to while they were apart, said words she had longed to hear for a long time now. Three simple words and she forgot all about her empty stomach.

She dropped her head back and nuzzled his cheek with her nose. "I must be dreaming." She half muttered to herself. "I'm gonna wake up now and this will all just be another dream."
Andrew kissed her nose and pinched her side, " You're not dreaming babe. I'm here when you go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up in the morning. No more having to be around our parents. Just us two taking on the world. I'm gonna really love that about having this house." He says enjoying her being so close to him. He felt her stomach rumble and realized that he hasn't ate either since lunch. "I'll order some food. The usual?" He spun her around so that she faced him. He pulled her close and kissed her. "God I'm so happy to have you." He said heading downstairs to place the order and to start unpacking the kitchen.

He placed the order to their usual place, and started to unpack the boxes that read Kitchen. He didn't want her to do all the work, and the least he could do is do the kitchen. The cabinets were high so he put nicer more expensive things up top, and the common wear items where Kiara could reach. He grabbed two plates and put them to the side along with two wine glasses. His mom gave them a nice bottle of wine as 'a welcome to your new home' gift. He put the wine in the fridge to cool off.

They didn't have a dining table yet since it was coming in the mail a little late. So he grabbed one of the table cloths and set it on the floor. He started to unpack some of the living room stuff to find some candles and found some matches deeper in the box. He waited till the food got here and in the mean time he finished the boxes for the living room and the kitchen. He paid for the food and he set up the plates, utensils, and wine glasses on the table cloth. He lit the candles and put the food on the plates pouring the glasses full of wine. "Kiara! Dinner's here!" He said with a smile
Kiara listened as Andrew put things away in cabinets and wondered if the table had gotten there yet. She softly padded sock footed toward the kitchen, leaning on the wall by the door and just listening to him move around the kitchen. She closed her eyes and sighed. After all she'd been through the last couple years, at least one good thing came out of it. She smiled to herself, wrapper her arms around herself and headed back to the bedroom for her meds.

While in the room, she grabbed her phone and checked a couple sites she frequented, sent quick replies to those who were worried for her absence and dropped her phone back onto the bed as Andrew called her from the kitchen saying dinner was here. She sighed, slipped her feed into her slippers and grabbed her med bottle. She took off the top with a whimper and shook out two pills on her palm.

With a twist she closed the bottle and dropped it back into her bag on the floor. She wanted to be better already, she didn't want to have to fight with this pain and achiness.

"I'll be there in a second, love. I just gotta take my meds." She called down and tossed the pills back without water. Careful not to miss any steps, she took the stairs slowly, biting her lip from the pain. She quickly hid the pain as she walked to the kitchen and saw the picnic he had spread out. "Looks great, babe." She said, settling onto the floor and hoping the meds kicked in before she had to get up again.

She quietly looked around the kitchen and tried to figure out where Andrew had put things, without actually looking in the cabinets and drawers. A thought stuck her suddenly, she looked at him and smiled. "I love you, Andrew. I'm more than ecstatic you're finally here."
Andrew smiled and leaned over and kissed his girlfriend's cheek. "I love you too Kiara." he says grabbing a fork and starting to dig into his food. He felt bad he couldn't be there earlier for her, but his boss was out of town and they needed everyone in the office. He stopped eating for a minute, and looked at Kiara. "Look Kiara. I feel really bad about not being here earlier for you. I wanted to take the day off to help you move your stuff and unpack, so you wouldn't have more pain than you already have. But work was just giving me such hard time these days, and I don't know what I am doing to deserve this Kiara. I wanted to make moving in together happy thing, and to start it so late. You know what forget everything I just said. I'm just throwing a pity party for myself, and it not too late. You're awake, and the night is still young. We can still have fun like I had planned." He says happily hid eyes shown with wonder and excitement.

After dinner and idle chit chat about their days, Andrew got up collecting their garbage and dishes, and put them in their respective places. He went back, and blew out the candles, and helped Kiara up. He pulled out his phone and went through his music for the perfect song, and picked 'Something' by the Beatles knowing both of them were avid Beatles fans. Andrew wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close, and held her hand in his. He started to dance with her in the dark. He knew this was kind of corny, but tonight he felt like a hopeless romantic and wanted to make this first night in their new house amazing. As they danced, Andrew relished the closeness he was to Kiara taking in every single second. Once the song was over, Andrew let go, and turned off his music before some crazy song came on. "Here I'll give you tour of the kitchen." he says excitedly taking her hand and walking her to the kitchen. "Why don't you look around?" he says pushing her lightly hoping that he everything correctly like she wanted.

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