Holy War

The Golden Lion

Athena's Loyal Saint
The era takes place in 1700's

As it's been 200 years since the last holy war and now the new is brewing. For the souls of Meiyou Hades & Athena have been awakened now into a twist of fate a brother & sister. Alone & Sasha who don't know this yet as fate would have it Sasha is taken away by strange man who is Sagittarius Sissphos. For he feared for her safety and took her the sanctuary to become the warrior goddess. As this left Alone & their childhood friend Tenma in a orphanage in small town in Italy. Fate would come for both of them as well in Alone case,being a painter he was approached by a priest to seek the true colors he wants. Again the priest was one of Meiyo Hades aides Hypnos God of Sleep. That led into Pandora path Hades's sister,but this had begun the awakening of Hades. Lastly Tenma was taken to the sanctuary by Gold Saint Libra Dohko. That's prologue as for the main story is now decided by us.
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