Hoi, hoi, hello!


You Must Be Out of this World
Pleasure to meet all of you! I'm Writingel, but since I got that from a name generator, feel free to call me whatever! I used to roleplay a large chunk, and then I literally just stopped besides the odd occasion that never went anywhere. But I'm trying to get back into it, and I'm happy that there seems to be plenty willing to help me do just that!
Hey, welcome, Writingel! Writing...gel. I'll just call you "whatever". Welcome back to the roleplaying game, love!
Hey, welcome, Writingel! Writing...gel. I'll just call you "whatever". Welcome back to the roleplaying game, love!
Here, have a cookie for being so kind! I'd totally go by the name Whatever if that's your preference.
hola, i'm mik. & gosh, i've been so on and off with rp'ing these past few years, it's sad! let's keep it going this time. also if you want to chat or something, i'll be here. ^33^
hola, i'm mik. & gosh, i've been so on and off with rp'ing these past few years, it's sad! let's keep it going this time. also if you want to chat or something, i'll be here. ^33^
Absolutely! I'd love to chitter-chatter with you, you sound like a very fun green bean.
Nice to meet ya, Writingel (or whatever it is you wish to be called). I'm also a newbie here, feel free to hit me up if you ever wanna chit-chat.
Hey hey hello, how ya doin' my man? Fellow newcomer here, hope to hear from you again, and I wish you a good time. See ya!
Hello person with a very unique, completely creative name!

I hope you’re time on RPN is magical and your searches are gallant and prosperous. ❤️?
greetings! how is your time and experience on this website so far?
It's been pretty fun! I've met some cool people, and I've been working out some roleplays with them as we speak! It's been pretty pleasant so far, I'd say!

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