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One x One Hogwarts Years and the Second Voldemort War [A Potterverse RP]


Cool shuppy waddling away from explosions

(not current age)

Name: Daniel Alberton

Age: 14

House: Ravenclaw

Bio: A half blood, Danny's dad asked his muggleborn mom to marry him right out of Hogwarts, telling his very disapproving pureblood parents that if they "don't like it, they could shove it and squeeze out another son to be heir." Being not only an only child, but one more than capable of handling himself, Martin and Shelly Alberton went into hiding during the first war, but not as successful as other families had been. When a group of Death Eaters found the "blood traitor and his slut" they didn't expect to walk into the fangs of a Slytherin viper and the claws and teeth of a very angry pregnant Hufflepuff badger. Though they successfully fought and defeated the hit squad that attempted to eliminate the family, little Danny lost his innocence that night as he watched his parents killed their attackers with ruthless efficiency. Though Shelly did her best to shield and explain what had been done, she couldn't shake off the casual way Danny accepted their explanation.

When the war ended and as Danny grew, both his parents trained in him a mindset of doing whatever is needed. His father taught him the meaning of guile and the beauty of subtly, knowing that many who wouldn't have hesitated to rape and kill the members of their family in the last war still walked free, claiming the Imperious curse defense with a bag of gold under the table. Trying to counter this, Shelly taught him the importance of loyalty, friendship, and patience, trying to mold Danny past whatever impression he had of the night he watched men die in front of him. For all their work, Danny formulated a similar, but slightly varied philosophy from his father's point of view.

Arriving at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat told Danny he had a brilliant mind with the cunning that would served well in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Danny felt that he would be more underestimated in the latter house, and chose that. Since then, he's behaved more or less the typical kid/teenager, though those that commit to open enmity with him often succumbs to... inexplicable misfortunes. He does well generally in the intelligence house, though nothing that stood out. The only one in the castle that had his reservations about Danny was the Potions Master, though Snape never had concrete evidence to do much but to deduct points from Ravenclaw for Danny's behavior.
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