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Fandom Hogwarts School of WitchCraft and Wizardry.

Willow Blackthorn

C.o.D Girl
Willow sat at the Hufflepuff table eating her breakfast and doing some last minute corrections on her ancient ruins homework. She wasn't really paying much attention to the other conversations going on at the table.
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Professor Farland sat at the staff table as he gave a small sigh. He knew being head of Slytherin house wasn't a good thing preset due to the fact it was Slytherin house. But thankfully he was more cheerful than most. Giving him a better reputation hopefully. Already he looked down to the small pieces of wood that had some symbols on them with a lesson plan right next to them.
The ancient ruins home work she had was a bit more difficult than she had at first anticipated. She spotted Professor Farland at the table and thought to ask him for help. She walked over to the teachers table. She cleared her throat. "Excuse me...Professor Farland...I was wondering if maybe I could have your help on the assignment from yesterday." She held the papers out in front of her.

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