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Hogwarts An Old World With New Evils {Closed Small Group}


Death is a fickle foe

Headmaster: Gregory Galvenod

Dear Mr. Drezmend

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Gaila Ifralda

Deputy Headmistress

Second page



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Gaila Ifralda

Theodore sat with the letter clutched in his fists, this world was something so new to him. His parents had made it a point to hide the letters from him. But they, of course, had just kept on coming. Finally, his father had come stomping upstairs while he was reading and tossing the letter at him.

"Here take the damned thing" he had said the corner of his eye twitching in rage "Your mother and I left that world far behind in England a long time ago, but apparently you are still in their register. We'll send you to your aunt in Brighten and she can deal with the shopping and this none sense.

Theodore, at first, hadn't known what to make of the letter upon reading it. He certainly hadn't wanted to get his hopes up there was no way that this was real. He would just be returning to the fifth grade like every other normal eleven-year-old boy. But here he was sitting on the train with a fat and fluffy black cat sitting beside him. A wand in his pocket and his Crazy Aunt Mora waving frantically from outside of the train for him to put the window down. He leaned up and unfastened the latch to open the window.

"Don't forget Dear, if you need me send me an owl if you need anything at all. Oh, I'm so proud of you following in the families footsteps. I knew your father moving to America wasn't going to stop the letter." She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and it instantly flew to her eyes and dabbed the corners for her. "Make lots of friends dear, and don't worry the danger had been gone for years, you're all quite safe now. No more of that Funny business from when Potter was around. It's nice and safe."

The train's whistle sounded and the train began to move Mora ran along the car for a moment the spelled handkerchief waved wildly after Theodore and he smiled waving back taking his seat and beginning to pet his new cat. He would have think of a name for the beast he was quite large.

A true Maincoon. His aunt had insisted he had to have an animal that matched him. The bright green eyes and dark fur matched Theodore spot on. His long dark hair, however, was a bit more groomed than the cats pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck, but their eyes were the same beautiful jewel green. He was tall for his age, but that was normal in his family they were all quite tall. At least, those that he knew of.

The excitement was over-whelming, so far the car he was in was empty. Most of the other students knew each other or had already made friends. No one had seemed interested in making friends with the tall foreigner with the non-British accent. That was fine by him he was exhausted and thought a nap might do him good. He pulled the cat into his lap, he had to say one thing for the beast he was quite warm and quite friendly. Instantly a soft rumble emerged from inside the extra fluffiness and he was contented for at least the moment to nap.
When Annaleya got her letter, she was pleasantly surprised. Not that she didn't know anything of the wizarding world of course, she had just always expected that she wouldn't get a letter for not being a pureblood, despite her father telling her numerous times that many witches and wizards were not halfbloods.

Growing up in the muggle world was fun, but ever since her father told her about his time at Hogwarts and all the amazing stories that happened in the magical school, Annaleya knew that she would certainly rather be there, than live at home in Scotland with her parents and two brothers. Her eldest one had gotten his letter four years ago, and her mother, who was in no way related to the magical world, had allowed him to go only if he promised to give the muggle world a chance as well.

Annaleya had already promised her mother this, far before her letter came, so she was ecstatic to see that she was on board with the whole idea, as was her father. He took her, as well as her tpyounger brother Adam, shopping for all the things she needed, and while she was tempted to take her pure white persian cat from home, in the end she opted to go with an owl, having fallen in love with it as soon as she glanced at it while passing a store.

They were magestic creatures, owls, and this one, which she named Archimedes -- or Arch for short -- was a light grey in colour, with small patches of brown here and there. Needless to say, the owl took a liking to her as well, almost immediately.

Next thing she knew, she was at the train station with her dad and brother bidding her farewell till the end of the year when she would go back to them. She should have felt nervous, or the slightest bit homesick as the train pulled away, but she was more excited than anything, to experience a new kind of world, with more poeple like her.

Lugging her trunk and cage along, her bright blue eyes scanned the area, trying to find a booth that was somewhere close to empty, but all she came across was booths filled with a number of people that already seeemd to be friends, or at least really good at making them. Finally though, she came across one booth with just one boy, who seeemd to be dozing off asleep, with a fluffy cat on his lap, with hair similar to that of his.

She hated to wake him if he wa already asleep, but took the chance as she stood at the doorway. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked, blowing a strand of her reddish hair away from her face. The thing was almoost untameable. Even when she tied it up, it managed to find a way to escape the band and fall in her face.
Harrison Stones was filled with joy the day his letter from Hogwarts arrived at his home in Manchester, England. He was almost certain that he would have not been invited, due to the lack of magic he seemed to possess. His parents were wealthy and powerful magicians, and if he wasn't accepted invited into Hogwarts, it would have been extremely mortifying. He ran a pale hand over the letter's seal once again before grinning hugely.

He sighed and smiled slightly as he gazed upon the outside of his house. He was going to miss this place but he was also looking forward to living at Hogwarts for the next couple of years. His older brother, Jackson, had already since graduated from the school so he would virtually not know anyone there. The thought of him being alone and friendless scared him but he quickly shook the thoughts out of his head. ''This is gonna be great,'' he muttered to himself.

His hand in his pocket, Harrison walked into the train station with his parents. Being the only child of two very successful magicians meant enormous amount pressure being thrust upon him. He resisted the urge to shrug his father's large hand off of his shoulder as they walked towards the platform.

''You have your wand?'' his mother asked him. He nodded, his wand having already been in his pocket. It was a nice wand, around 10 inches in length, Holly wood, and the core being a strand of unicorn hair. His mother turned and looked at him. ''You do good in there you hear?'' He nodded silently and continued walking, pulling his trunk and cage along with him. His owl, Bucky, chirped cheerfully inside of the golden cage as Harrison pulled it along. Bucky was a fairly average looking owl, not too big, not too small. He had light brown feathers tipped with white. When he saw the bird in the shop window, he had felt an instant connection with it.

After saying his goodbyes to his parents, he boarded the train with all of his belongings. His dark brown eyes searched through his shoulder length brown hair as he looked for a place to sit. Most of the booths were currently filled up, except for one, which had a girl and a boy inside of it. He stood awkwardly at the opening of the booth and cleared his throat. ''You lot mind if I sit with you?''
Theodore jumped when the girl called out to him, he had just started to doze off. His body went into instant defense mode he erratically pulled his wand from his pocket. Realizing a little too late that he wasn't in danger he didn't quite raise it in the girls direction but it was very evident that he had pulled it from his pocket. His cat to jump from his lap with an irritated grumble as he blushed in embarrassment. It was shocking how human like that cats responses were sometimes.

"Oh I'm sorry, you startled me." he said sheepishly pushing the wand back into the space between his tie and sweater where it was secure yet within reach. He wasn't really sure he should trust anyone, but at the same time it wasn't like he was going to a dangerous place, just a school. The beautifully polished rosewood stood out starkly against his pale tie. He hadn't really been certain how to dress so he had decided on somewhere between casual and formal. His sports jacket was old but well kept. Aunt Mora had given it to him she had it had belonged to her husband who she kept reminding him he looked just like. Apparently his Uncle Cal had died in an accident working for the ministry, his aunt wouldn't talk about it, but she had showed him a picture and he really did look just like the man with his arm around Mora waving happily at the camera.

"You most certainly are welcome to share...the both of you." He said noticing the boy who had just come up behind her. My names Theodore, but you can call me Teddy, everyone does. And this..." he said pointing to the now aloof cat "Is my monster of a cat, he doesn't really have a name yet. I'm from the States since I'm sure you're wondering why I don't have at least a bit of an accent." He was babbling, it was such a bad habit but he was nervous and not used to any sort of British customs. He had no clue if he was supposed to shake hands, or hug, or act cold and aloof. He cringed slightly, he had promised himself he wouldn't act weird and here he was making a fool of himself already.

"If you're going to block the route dears, your going to need to buy something!" A witch in a funny hat pushing a trolly full of treats stood behind the two at the entrance. She was pleasant enough her demeanor cheery and inviting with a toothless smile. She looked as if she may have been eating too many of her own treats.
Annaleya moved back instinctively when the boy whipped out his wand, and her hand went to her own back pocket where she kept hers. Probably not a good idea, she just realised, since she would be sitting fora majority of the ride, and she didn't want to be the one wizard who showed up to Hogwarts with a broken wand.

She quickly moved her hand back to her side as the boy tucked it away and glanced over at the other boy who had now appeared with similar intentions: finding a good place to sit. Or rather, a less crowded place. It seemed as though the three of them hadn't made friends yet nor had anoyien they knew already, so she had it in her mind that these would be the first friends she would make, if they were even looking for that sort of thing.

She smiled a little as he said they were welcome to sit and nodded in greeting. "Nice to meet you Teddy," she said, only now noticing that his accent was different, he mentioned it. It wasn't something she heard on a daily basis, so it eas amusing to listen to. While some peope hated change, Annaleya was excited by it.

"And nice to meet your... Beast of a cat." She added, watching the fluffy creature. "I'm Ana," she offered, opting to go with her more commonly known nick name since she always thought her name was just too long. She moved in a little as she heard the woman behind her, coming up with a trolley full of goodies. She offered the woman a small smile and gestured for the other boy to step inside as well unless he wanted to buy something.

Stowing her trunk away, she kept her owl's cage right beside her on the seat opposite Theodore, waiting for the other boy to introduce himself as well.

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