

oi mate

I'm not really new to RPing, but in the past I've always played with other buddies of mine in a big group. However, since the group has gotten too big, I can't keep up anymore and had to leave :(

I'm a bit of a slow typer since English isn't my native language, so I thought I should go and try out some smaller ones, or even 1x1.

If anyone's interested, feel free to send me a message or reply to this post <3 Thank you

Greetings, @Ellya , pleasure to meet you. It's a real shame your roleplaying group has grown too much, but you'll find some new people to interact with around here no doubt. 

Honestly, 1 v 1, or small group scenarios, are your best bet if you're not a native speaker, typically Casual roleplays are best suited towards people like you. So, hope you find some interesting roleplays to dig at, haha.

Anyways, since this is what I do in other Introduction threads, here's a small compilation of different links that will hopefully prove useful for ya.

If you are concerned about news or updates, here's the place to go: https://www.rpnation.com/forum/23-site-questions-information/

If you are looking for interest check regarding one on one RP, this is the place to check out. If you're not familiar with the setup it's essentially just you and another person tackling a plot: https://www.rpnation.com/forum/67-looking-for-partners/

And finally, this is where you'll find the interest checks revolving around entire group roleplays or varying genres: https://www.rpnation.com/forum/330-looking-for-group/

It's also good to familiarize yourself with the different functionalities of the editor, like the post it notes and tabs, so make sure to read up on that. Other than that, you're all set to go. Keep your eyes on the road and remember to stick by the rules. You should be ready now, so welcome on in! Hope to see you around.
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