Hitori Kakurenbo


School Idol


The storyline is based off of a common scary Japanese game called 'Hitori Kakurenbo', meaning 'hide and seek by yourself'. A group of friends decide to play this game, putting all of their lives at risk. The rules of the game are simple, you need a stuffed doll (it must have arms and legs), a bag of uncooked rice (enough to fill the doll), a needle and crimson thread, a sharp knife, and a cup of salt.


Give your stuffed doll a name. Cut the doll open and take all of its stuffing out. Put the rice in the doll as well with a part of your body. Sew the doll back again with red thread, and wrap the remaining red string around the whole doll. This is important as it binds the spirit. Prepare the bath/large basin by filling it with water and then wait until 3:00 AM sharp. Some versions say that you do not have to wait until 3:00 AM, but this is up to you. Remember to turn off ALL lights in the house, but leave only the television on (on a static channel only). It will change depending on the location of the doll.


Once it is 3:00 AM, take the doll along with you to the bathroom and repeat "(Your name) is the first it!" three times sternly while closing your eyes, then place the doll in the bath/basin. Walk away to another room, but
DO NOT look back. Count slowly from one to ten. After that, turn around and proceed back to the doll. Go close to the doll in the bath/basin and say "I found you (doll name)!" and then stab the doll with your weapon/object. After that, close your eyes and repeat "(Doll name) is the second it!" three times. Leave the object inside the doll, then pour some saltwater into your mouth. Do not drink the saltwater as it protects you from the spirit in the doll and you will need the remaining saltwater to end the ritual. Bring along the cup of saltwater and go to your hiding place. It is recommended to keep your doors and windows unlocked in case you unexpectedly run into some trouble, and your friends will be able to help you if they are outside your home. It is recommended to have a cellphone on silent mode and brightness on the lowest level in case of emergencies. Keep the saltwater in your mouth at ALL TIMES, NEVER attempt to swallow it. Remain silent when you are hiding as any sounds from you will alert the doll where you are. If the doll finds you, it will stab you with the object you stabbed it with, then possibly possess you as well.

[information taken from
this website, as I needed to make sure the RP used the exact rules. I did change a few things to my preference. Note that this is a real game, and it isn't suggested that you try it.]

While the group of friends are playing this creepy game, things start to go wrong. All of the windows and doors won't seem to open, and everything is solid black outside. No one can hear or see anything from the outside, and no one on the outside can hear/see the inside. It is like they have teleported into a new dimension, and are stuck there with a possessed doll, and angry spirit. Will the doll win? Or will you?







Appearence: [An anime/digital art picture preferred.]

Why they decided to participate:



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