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Realistic or Modern Hippy Bus Adventures: Characters


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u
Interest Check
Main RP

Okay, here's what y'all need to include. Of course you can add whatever other details you want. You can also use whatever BBcode you want, or none at all. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. I don't care as long as I get the info I need. :coolshades:

Full Name:
Looks (preferably a picture, realistic please):
Age: (remember that these are fresh high school grads)
Traits: 3+, 3-
Likes: 3+
Dislikes: 3+
Brief Personality Description:
Brief Background/History Description:

spookie spookie - Angel Ashford
MochiHaru MochiHaru - Chloe Anderson
Xylona Xylona - Niamh Quinn
Noivian Noivian - Raymond Kimura
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angel ♡ ashford


•Full Name•
Angel Ashford

Angel is a young-looking boy who has wide, innocent baby blue eyes and fluffy white hair with azure streaks. He's quite short at 5'3 and only weighs 92 pounds, giving him a delicate and sometimes fragile appearance. Despite this, he often dresses in black clothing and has a generally 'edgy' style, usually wearing graphic tees (often band related), dark skinny jeans and lots of accessories like necklaces, rubber wristbands, studded belts and fingerless gloves. He has snakebites and a septum peircing, and can frequently be seen wearing eyeliner.


February 14th



+ Kind
+ Innocent
+ Forgiving
+ Loyal
+ Non-judgemental

- Naive
- Shy
- Overly Emotional
- Gloomy
- Skittish

♡ Writes lyrics on hands and wrists
♡ Hides eyes behind hair when feeling shy/upset/scared
♡ Has a phobia of blood

•Likes & Dislikes•
+ Candy and sugary/sweet things
+ Music
+ Cats
+ Cartoons
+ Adventure

- Radio pop
- Spicy food
- Judgemental people
- Violence
- Anything involving blood or medical stuff


Angel can't quite live up to his name, but he does come pretty close. A sweet and innocent boy, he's soft-spoken and generally polite, becoming downright sugary at times. Of course, he still has a bit of attitude, something that's usually expressed in pranks or the occasional sarcastic comment.

Naturally skittish, Angel prefers to avoid confrontation and generally keeps to himself unless amongst friends. That's not to say he's a pushover, however. If he believes in something, he'll definitely stand up for it.

To say Angel is emotional would be an understatement. He cries easily, a fact the teen finds extremely embarrassing and tries (often unsuccessfully) to hide. Though often portraying a sweet persona, he is quite depressed and can be a bit morbid if he's feeling down or upset.

Angel's hobbies include singing, songwriting, playing guitar and sketching, as well as staying up all night and sneaking extra candy.


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Full name: Chloe Anderson
Age: 18
Looks: ( Picture below )
Birthday: September 25, 1998
Sexuality: Straight
Traits: Quiet, sarcastic, ignoring, caring, funny ( sometimes ), confident
Quirks: Tends to space out and forget what others were saying to her or what was currently happening
Likes: Cloudy days/rain, silence, reading, music at full volume in earbuds
Dislikes: Noisy little children/Annoying people in general, loudness, sunny days, things that don't go her way

Brief personality: Chloe is the quiet one in the group, but that doesn't mean she's a shy person. She's actually fine when speaking up anytime. She just chooses not to speak when it's not needed. The teen can complain and be moody when things go the way she doesn't want them to be but after awhile she'll just accept it and follow along. She tends not to show too much emotion on her face, and when she does it's actually surprising.

Background/history: Throughout her life growing up, she was known as a 'mute' at school, due to her always being so quiet. Her family was just like any other, the only problem was her brother who sadly died away from an illness when she was little. From that day forward her expressions became more dull and she could barely speak a whole sentence. But entering school for awhile and gaining friends she could feel more comfortable in talking, it improved over the years greatly thanks to her friendships.


code by pasta

Niamh Quinn

Full Name: Niamh Renee Quinn (N-ee-v Kw-i-nn)
Nickname: Nim
Age: 18
Birthday: January 5th
Sexuality: Bisexual

Traits: +Brave, +Practical, +Fun, -Obnoxious, -Occasionally rude, -Unthinking
Quirks: Nail biter
Likes: Loud music, Yelling, Fights, Alcohol, Rain, Flirting
Dislikes: Silence, Country music, Birds, Small talk

Brief Personality Description: Throughout high school, Nim was your stereotypical no-bullshit party girl. Her two biggest talents were having fun, and telling people to shove it. While she's rough around the edges, she does have a sweet side that only her friends get to see. Needless to say, every group has the loud fun friend that you know would beat someone up for you-- and that's Niamh. You're either her friend or her enemy, and there's no in between.
Brief Background/History Description: Nim comes from a reasonably dysfunctional family, living in an apartment with her mom and older brother who are constantly fighting. She doesn't like to spend much time at home, and she uses parties and going out as excuses to get away. As much as she dislikes her family, one of her only goals is to move out and avoid becoming like her twenty year old brother that still lives at home.


Will pretty this later...

Full Name: Raymond "Reirei" Kimura

Age: 18
Birthday: August 8th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Traits: +Optimistic, +Caring, +Supportive, -Clingy, -Dependent, -Childish
Quirks: Bites his nails when nervous
Likes: Sweets, spicy, salty, coffee, tea, the color green, ice cream, adventure
Dislikes: Bitter, bland, vegetables, the color orange, names that start with the letter B
Brief Personality Description: Reirei is basically the group dog. He does as he's told and clings to the leader of the group like a lost puppy.
Brief Background/History Description: Reirei is the child of Japanese immigrants, who gave their child a western name, but used a nickname that was easier to pronounce, hence the nickname.
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Oliver "Olly" Corvallis






March 31st (Aries)




+ Ambitious, Resourceful, Trustworthy, Altruistic
- Impulsive, Impatient, (Occasionally) Testy, Competitive


He has a tendency to snort when laughing, sometimes uncontrollably.
He casually makes conversation with plants and animals.
He has a knack for accidentally breaking glass objects.
When texting, he types only with his index finger.
His handwriting is completely illegible.
When nervous, he often bites his lip.
He's a photography enthusiast.
He is a level 5 vegan.


Casual clothing
Sparkling water
Hot weather
Spicy food



Brief Personality Description:

Oliver tends to assume a role of leadership due to his innate ability to take initiative when things go awry. As a confident and reliable person, that's where he shines in the group. Always lending an ear to his friends and actively look for ways to ensure their happiness, he's the type of guy that genuinely cares for others—especially when they're drunkenly crying about their broken childhoods.

While his intentions are pure, his strong will and sense of self can sometimes cause problems. For example, when group members disagree with his methods, he can easily become snappish with them. He's a firm believer in his tactics, and should anyone question them, he takes it as a provocation. In his mind, he knows the best course of action for everyone.

Despite the occasional touchiness, Olly is poised more often than not. He is generally sociable and well-liked amid his peers.

Brief Background/History Description:

Oliver wasn't necessarily popular throughout high school, but he did mingle here-and-there with every group: the preps, the jocks, the stoners, the geeks and the outcasts. To his knowledge, he wasn't disliked by his classmates or teachers, despite how little he cared for the homework.

His interests resided elsewhere, in adventuring and minimalist living. While others frantically applied for the most prestigious universities, Ozzy landed an online gig as a freelance photographer, granting him the freedom to travel. While his earnings are relatively modest, they do well in providing his basic needs.

Having successfully moved out of his grandparent's home to pursue his calling, he has no intention of living conventionally again. As far as he's concerned, he could thrive on the road forever without a permanent address.

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