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Fantasy Highwinds orphanage character

Name: karumi
Nickname kami
Age: 13
Gender: female
Personality: she caused trouble sometimes she loves manga she likes reading and the pool she can pretty much breathe underwater with no trouble

Bio: she is the daughter of Ryu and misako she Lived with her parents her whole life she loves them even though they are strict to their youngest her she is the youngest of all of her sisters and she had a boyfriend named kiba she also has a big sister named Ali
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Name: Erik
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: kind loving he likes older girls he flirts a lot even with younger girls he is rich so he gets his way but recenlty went to the orphanage since he got kidnapped

Bio: TBR


((She's pretty short for her age))


Charlotte is a very stubborn and temperamental girl, she tends to get in a lot of trouble for doing her own thing, or arguing with someone, and starting fights but that's rare. She tends to tell people off when needed and speaks her mind when she wants. She gets embarrassed easily and usually ends up a bright red face, especially when being flirted with.
Even though she's stubborn and very temperamental, Charlotte is a very bubby girl and sweet girl with other people she's close to. She loves to crack jokes and mess around with her friends, she'll usually be the one making her friends laugh or smile.


Charlotte doesn't remember much of her past, she lost her memories at a very young age. All she knows is that she was abandoned, left alone and forgotten by her family. No one knows why she lost her memories, they're just gone.​

Name: Kitsune
Age: 25
Race: fox hybrid
Gender: female
Info: Tsubaki is one of the survivors from the attack on the facility as well as one of the few living scientists and is Raz's lover Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf characters

Name: Ashlynn
Gender female

Personality: fun, energetic and brave
Theme. Believer

Name Ryu
Age: 27

Personality: sweet , wise , funny and cute
Theme: this little girl

Name Ali

Personality: brave sweet and funny

Name Zaria
Age: 14

Personality: funny , strong , not easy to give up or lose. Happy little girl sometime.

Bio: Zaria was born when ryu meet a shark by the name of Dike he seemed nice and fun but after their kid was born , he did the unthinkable he tried to kill both ryu and their daughter ryu ended up killing him but to do so she hide Zaria and could never find her again , Zaria frowned her way to a den and grew up with herself in the water. , when she got older she became a good hunter and a loner Tsutarji Tsutarji characters
Name: John
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Personality: ummm... John is a tough cookie and a smart cookie at the same time :3
Appearance: (does it have to be anime??? if yes, then heres a pic of John, in anime form: upload_2017-8-29_10-38-54.pngIs that okay?)
Bio: um.. John's parents died when he was 3 so he went to Highwinds orphanage.
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name Emma (em)
Age 6
Personality shy hyperactive very talkative when she is very loving she loves to read a lot she hates bullies she cries in her sleep sometimes she barley talks after she finds out about her parents death
History she don't remember much of her past she was in a car accident with her parents they were a drunk driver that ran the red light she remembers her parents faces but not of what happened she don't know her parents are dead she broke her leg since the car flipped couple of times she can't think back of what happen to her parents she just is getting treated at the moment she forgotten how to walk and she broke her leg she is in shock what happened when the people what happened she don't remember all she remembers is going to go to get ice cream other than that she don't remember at all

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IMG_0294.JPG Name: Raven Cross
Age 32
Hybrid: vampire bat
Info: Raven is taking Tatsu's place after his untimely death when he tried to calm Misako down. Raven is cold and seems to be emotionally dead but has a soft side for rough or dangerous things.
Name: Nichole (nikki)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: shy, hyperness, loving to everyone, she hates being sick, she tries to be happy, when her friends aern't around she cries herself to sleep she has depression problems

Bio: she forgot how to walk 2 years ago she been fighting cancer for a while she has heart disorder she been trying to fight it off she wants to live her doctors is trying to save her she got transferred to the orphange for the medecial attenton to help her survive
Hope (Hop)
Hyper, Cute, Air-headed,

She tall for her age and her sister is Nikki or Nicole. She's a hybrid but doesn't know it yet. She got sent to the orphanage with her sister because her parents died when she was three. She has a glare that could frighten a bear or a tiger and a human of all ages of that matter.
Texangamer Texangamer
Name Alison
age 5
gender Female
personality smart for her age, shy, goofy, hyperactive, loves her mother

bio She was left by her parents when she was 2 her mother died she don't know how she just know she is dead she don't know much about her real father she looks up to Kitsune and dr Tokko they are like her family she always wanted to have friends and family she sometimes get bad dreams so she sleeps with her adopted her mother she can read people mind her real mother had that power she don't waht type of hybrid she is her mother was a tiger hybrid

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