• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 『Highschool』




?~ The deadline for characters is Feb. 12 2016, However I can give out extensions.

?~I can choose to not accept your character. Please note that it's okay if I do this.

Please be creative and feel free to use BBcode. Please don't give me sloppy characters.

Character Skeleton

Full Name:



Gender: Refer to rules



Appearance Description:* Anime Face Claim





Habits: *


Pets: *

Personality: At least one paragraph

Background: *



?? Character Sign Up is Now Open

? Finnian "Finn" Koizumi

? Akihiko Shizuka

? Takao Shinichi

? Haru Fujioka

? Hana Kazumi

? Minami Chiori

? Hoshiko Tsukiyuki

?Aeko Hakubune

? Riko Ito

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?? ? ? ???

"The contradicting phenomena of pubescent beings continually enables to fascinate me, yet affect me in an indescribably infuriating and unpleasant manner."


Finnian "Finn" Koizumi // 17 // Male // Sapiosexual



Appearance Description:

Yoshida Haru

Tonari no Kaibutsu-Kun}

Finn harbors a plethora of attractive qualities regarding his appearance, what with his stark raven hair and earthy green eyes, and the way they occasionally appear a robust gunmetal gray in the sunlight. His creamy skin contrasts with the nonchalant messiness of his mane, and holds an undertone of sunlight-like gold. Finn's angular jaw enforces a masculine air, and his staggering height of 195 centimeters (6'3") creates an aloof and mysterious atmosphere about him.


Student & Coffee shop barista






Intelligent conversations

Those who show zeal in the things they enjoy

Anything spicy

The movie "



Unnecessary small talk

Excessive social interaction







~Having a staggeringly intense understanding of intellectual details regarding universal topics and controversies


~Crocheting, knitting, & embroidery


~Has a tendency to speak condescendingly toward others

~Whistling at inappropriate times

~Eating wasabi directly from the jar

~Despite disliking violence, Finn tends to get in to fights quite frequently


Nothing outside of a mother and a father.



A chicken named "Eggmund Husserl" after Finn's favorite German Philosopher.


In a broadly defined manner, Finn can be described as an eccentric character to his very core.

Being a nauseatingly intellectual person, he finds it hard to humor people who aren't on the exact same level of astuteness as himself. Having to cope with, as Finn would say, "astoundingly asinine humans", the shrewd teen finds that it is rather taxing trying to befriend those who don't think in the same way he does, so he essentially gave up trying to be friendly.

But don't be misled; Finn is sweet once he understands the people around him. He needs a bit of time to grasp the fact that people can still be good friends even if they're not on the same level of

intelligence as himself, but it seems as though no one has ever taken the time to prove themselves to him.

Finn is a rather impulsive individual as well, making brash decisions to constantly subdue his dangerous thoughts. He's a time bomb ready to go off on account of his awful temper, and finds himself making halfhearted apologies left and right to people he's offended.

Upon spending more time with Finn, you will quickly understand that he uses his intelligence as an escape against the unsightly realities of his life, but rest assured, Finn is capable of loving just as well as the next person. In fact, he shows a great deal of affection toward Eggmund, for he understands that his pet chicken has a tiny brain, and can accept him just the way he is. Finn prefers the company of animals much more to the company to humans anyways, because at least animals don't get offended if you call them a "Gargantuan heap of iguana defecation".


Contrary to popular circumstances, Finn did not experience an overly shitty childhood. In fact, Finn quite enjoyed the majority of his younger years. His mother, an American business woman, worked profusely for the majority of her life, so he never had too much of a connection with her. In fact, Finn is a self-proclaimed daddy's boy.

However, his father worked in a profession Finn never really admired, taxidermy, which Finn found rather grotesque. Naturally, there were heads of animals placed all over his home, which was the beginning of Finn's social downfall. Yes, the kids began distancing themselves from him the moment they came across his uncanny home life. Inevitably Finn grew lonely, so to fill the void, he studied.

He still felt slightly desolate, but it was okay. He had memorized
Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory word for word, and had a complete grasp of Einstein's theory of relativity by the time he was eleven. He considered it less of a distraction, and more of a lifestyle choice. He fooled himself in to believing he was happy, and it worked! So with false happiness, Finn stepped forward in to high school and began growing in to an agitated and irritable teen, which is where he currently stands.



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Akihiko Shizuka


What is that you don't get? Would you like me to explain?



Name | Shizuka, Akihiko | Akihiko first name is quite easy to decipher as it has the word "Hiko" in it which means "Prince." Aki can mean several things but in Kanji his name means "Bright Prince." His last name "Quiet Summer."

[?? , ??]

Nickname |

Sensei | A nickname for his mature and rather adult looks. He is thought to be a upper classmate to some of his class mates.

Hiko | The Japanese equivalent to Prince. He most of the time, his name is added with "Senpai" or "San

Age |


Gender |


Sexuality |


Nationality |




Akihiko is quite appealing to many, having said to be very handsome by girls as well as women. However, He is handsome in a mature way as in he looks older than her really is. Although his looks are mature, he isn't as old as you think. Akihito has supple pale skin which is quite soft and has slight rise undertones to it. His face has has a mole under his left eye and is not very noticeable. The mole is said to be a beauty mark, or more of handsome mark on his face, but he just says its a normal mole. His face has soft and rabbit brown eyes that compliment his skin. They are a bit lighter than the normal Japanese eyes which can come to the conclusion that he is only half even though he isn't. He also strawberry blonde which compliments his light brown eyes very well. He is handsome, genetically speaking...and in real terms.

His body is less toned than one would think it would be because of his dislike of sports. His body does have noticeable biceps and whatnot but his abdomen is little less than toned. However, He likes his body this way and doesn't want to change it. Akihito is also very tall for his age and at 5'11, he is almost six feet which can make him stick out a lot sometimes, but in an almost good way.


A High school student and Part-Time Book Store Employee.


Calligraphy | A type of art that involves cursive or kanji. Akihiko loves this type of artwork it's versatility and sort of calmness of it. Akihiko loves writing the kanji characters and likes to take pictures of the characters.

Math | Unlike most people who hates math, he adores mathematics. He excelled in it during junior high school and is honor student because of it. Akihiko is normally asked study with his friends for knowledge.

Cities | Especially on cloudy days and mornings. The sun seems to reflect on the glass and other materials which creates a soft pretty glow.

Classical Music | Chung Hee likes classical music because of his Mother being in a symphony when he was a child. He appreciates classical music and listens to it sometimes, although he gets teased by his friends sometimes because of it.

Mornings | For some reason, Akihiko cannot miss one sunrise. Being an early riser, He adores morning light because he thinks of it to be soothing.

Coffee | His is quite the coffee lover, having at least 4 cups of coffee in a single day. To keep himself from becoming addicted to caffeine he chews or eats toffee to keep himself from drinking more coffee.m which can interrupt his sleeping patterns.

Winter | Even though he was born in the Summer, Akhiko loves the winter and likes to see snow fall. He likes wearing fuzzy sweaters and coats which made him fall in love with Fall and Winter.


Messiness | Akihiko is a very organized person than what he seems. He cleans as much as a housewife whenever he is with his room mates since it kills him.

Laziness | Akihiko hates it when people are lazy and don't get up and exercise, especially since he doesn't want to get fat. Werid pet peeve for a guy.

Fake | He doesn't like it when girls or guys change just because or so they can fit in. He really annoys him and thinks it is terrible to change yourself for people.

Being Criticized | From adults mostly. Akihiko is always criticized by his grandparents as well as uncles. He gets asked questions varying from if he has a girlfriend to His grades. The questions are quite uncomfortable which why he disliked them.

Sweating | Being ladylike-esque and not-so-active person, he is terribly disgusted by sweating. He is fine if it's just himself but sports like basketball give him the chills just thinking about all the touching of bacteria and sweat.

Sarcasm | He doesn't like this at all since he thinks it leads to violence. Being a very peaceful person, he doesn't like it and really speaks bluntly and frank.

Being Tired | He doesn't like being tired and not being able to sleep because it bothers him very much. He might just sleep right there at that moment and wherever he is.


Cooking | A trait he inherited from his mother. He practiced ever since he was in junior high and easily became fascinated by it. He enjoys cooking savory food and doesn't like baking too much.

Math | Being a total math nerd person, he practices on it a lot which made a math master. He pretty knowledgable on this even on a advanced level.

Gardening | What's it with Akhiko and house wife activities? Anyways, Akihiko is good at gardening and which is quite peculiar for a guy. However, He is only good at Japanese gardening which gives him a sort of traditional feel.

Ballet | Akihiko is suprisingly very good at ballet and even wants to go professional. Thanks to his slender and not-so-bulky body, he is a perfect candidate for it. His pretty face will also serve him well in it.


Biting | Whenever Akihiko is thinking deeply, he tends to bite on whatever is on hand. Whether it be pencils or pens, gum or food, he bites on it. This is a rather seductive trait however, which annoys him sometimes

Hair | Whenever Akihiko is stressed, he runs is hand through his head, a trait he got from his father. This trait can also vary from messing his hair up and pulling small amounts out of his head if he is under severe amounts of it. However, severeness of stress is from mild to moderate so, he is safe from it.

Sleep | Akihiko can get bored and like most people, he has something so he can be entertained or so he can get out of it ; that thing is sleeping. Akihito sleeps when he is bored, which is werid, but it happens.



N/A, PM if interested.



Akihiko has a puppy called Shirotani.


When you first meet Akihiko, you see him as a pretty peaceful guy. If you ever meet him, He'll probably just say Hi or greet you with a small smile. However, He doesn't really talk to you unless you say something to him because of his point of view on conversations. On the surface, He really just seems like a relaxed and chill guy on the surface. He looks just calm and serene person with no worries. Well not really, everyone worries about something. Akihiko is just a peaceful person, right? Yeah, For the most part...Well then again, no.

So yes, Akihiko is always a composed individual and is quite respectful at that, using the most formal pronouns, verbs and other formal sayings even with his closest of friends. Who doesn't use this with family however, but is still very polite with them. He is never rash or a brute on purpose, even though his looks say otherwise. With his charming and handsome looks and handsome smile, he is instantly a favorite at the bookstore where many girls flock to see him. Although he does like the attention, Akihiko can feel overwhelmed by the attention and sometimes can become a bit agitated with his fans, although he always forgives them. He is also quite generous as well as gentle, having a good sense of right and wrong as well as altrusitic person who is willing to give it all away for someone. Even though he might seem like a perfect person, no one is.

Akihiko can be very aloof and can be aloof if he angry and/or frustrated. He He can be very cold when angered and frustrated since he tends to blame it all himself and gets stressed easily like this. He easily beats himself up but, always tries to keep himself optimistic, knowing that something better will come. He can also become jealous when he someone he gets along with talks someone as he feels he needs to be better. He can be very sheepish when talking to people he's not close with, often saying he doesn't connect well with strangers. People tend to think of him as very quiet, but as said again, he can get overwhelmed with all the attention. But, He balances it all out with a his cute smile.



Akihiko was born to two proud parents, both being executives and being very wealthy in terms of money. Akihiko was given everything he needed to what he wanted, having all his little heart could desire. Akihiko's mother spoiled him as she was only child she could have. She had been pampering him and keeping him in her arms as long as she could. However, Akihiko wasn't always happy with what he had; he was all alone. He was left with tutors and home schoolers and staff from his home while his parents worked long hours in their offices, leaving him neglected with some of his needs.

Akihiko didn't have as much as friends as the normal kid had as he never went outside and only went outside when his parents took him out. He was left alone, playing basketball and playing ball by himself. However, He took many courses of extra curricular activities such as band, sports, etc. until he found ballet. He loved ballet as it was graceful and was social so he interact with others. His mother was delighted, but his father wasn't. His father was worried that this would take away his masculinity and make him a feminine boy so, he took Akihiko to a school, a tutoring school to be exact. You see, His father wanted him to be smart enough to make him prod and to be a great young man. So, Akihiko's dad gave him math tutors and then came his other calling in life; math. Akihiko had begun to adore math and became very successful at it as it was very much interesting to him. His tutors were astonished at his level of intelligence but, it was not covering the fact that he was lonely and wanted a friend.

When his father became alerted by Akihiko's math skills, He quickly assigned him to a new school, a magnet school to be in fact. He was one of the smartest kids at his age and loved the popularity. When Akihiko met Hinata, everything changed. Hinata was a young boy from the school who, like him, was enrolled here. Of course, There were major differences between them. Hinata family was a working class family and was enrolled because of his grades. Akihiko was enrolled here with money. Even though they weren't the most imaginable friends, they were. After the first year of high school, Akihiko moved with only saying a small goodbye to Hinata, leaving him alone. He hopes to have more friends on his second year of highschool.



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I-if you say that, I-I'll have to punch you or something!

no slide
no slide
no slide





This nickname was given to her by her parents, and carried on by her friends.


16 years old



Nationality: Japanese/American

Diving In


Manami is an average-sized girl, standing at about 5'5 naturally. What makes her really stand out, is her giant reddish-orange hair. Unlike most people in Japan, she has an extremely eccentric hair color, which isn't dyed in any way whatsoever. Her skin is a very soft milky color, and her eyes are a large and warm chestnut brown. She is also kind of curvy, as she isn't very thick, but she isn't really skinny either.






?Chewing on her nails?

?Biting her lip?

?Sticking her tongue out in concentration?


Manami is kind of an awkward person. She doesn't make conversation easily, and if she does try to start a conversation, she's usually just spitting out some random question she came up with because she forgot what she was originally going to ask you. On top of that, she also gets flustered extremely easy. May it be from a compliment, being embarrassed by her own awkwardness, or something else. She also has a thing for randomly complimenting people, and sprinting away as fast as she can. She doesn't like to talk to people, and despite her natural beauty, she prefers to stay cooped up inside all the time drawing. Because of this, her parents make her do more chores that involve her going into the light. She also has something wrong with her where she'll always be really cold, so no matter the weather, she seems to be wearing scarves, sweaters, and coats to warm herself up from her own frigid body temperatures. Despite her awkwardness, deep down, she's a very kind person. She just really doesn't know how to show anybody it because of her own mindset.

Minami has one large, cuddly, and very fluffy dog named Butterscotch.







?Autumn colors?

?Pumpkin-flavored things?

?Butterscotch the Dog?




?Healthy food?


?Physical Activity?

?Going Outside?



?Her awkwardness?

?Neon colors?


Minami was born in the heart of the city, getting used to the loud noises and disgusting air rather quickly. However, her mother began to get really sick, and the doctors decided it would be best if they moved to the country to clear their lungs and only return whenever her mother wasn't sick. They had moved to a small town where everyone knew each other, and they quickly began to love country life. Her father worked as a farmer while her mother was a teacher, and they fit in quite well with all the other townsfolk. However, her father got a job offer in a smaller city, which caused the family to move again. The city was no where close to the size of the old city, so the doctors told her mother that it would be fine to live there. Minami wasn't very pleased with the second move, but she had no say in the decision.



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Hoshiko Tsukiyuki


"School, Seven Cruel Hours Of Our Lives."




Tsukiyuki, Hoshiko ?? Her name has a meaning, like every name does. Hoshiko meaning "Star Child" and her family name, Tsukiyuki meaning "Moon Snow."


Hoshi ?? A alternative to her name, Hoshiko. The nickname is really just a shortened version of her name.


15 years of age


Female {Cisgender}








Hoshiko is a pretty average girl in some terms and others, not at all.

Hoshiko is a young girl with milky white and supple skin. She inherited the skin tone from her mother who had always been very pale. Her skin also has soft pink undertones which is quite ravishing. She has never been recognized by this at school or in public, at least she heard and seen. She has a heart shaped head and peachy-pink colored lips as well small nose. Her forehead is also wide which is covered by a fringe. Her face is proportional to and also has long eyelashes and pretty eyes. She has been complimented by her family on her face although, she takes the compliments as just because they are family. Hoshiko also has long, thick and wavy hair which is also frizzy sometimes and is a pain to brush. Her hair is sometimes complimented by others and sometimes confused with it as she does the littlest of things to it and it then becomes pretty. However, She seems to care for it very much.

Hoshiko's height is a really show stopping as she can have the aura of someone older even though she is quite young. At the staggering height of 172 centimeters at only 15, she is easily a sore thumb. She also has a short torso and long and slender limbs from her height, a pro to her height. A con to her height is how she stands out. She has an average body, which is thankfully normal to girls her age, but her waist is very narrow, so not-so-average. In height terms, She doesn't talk to much about her height as it she ignores it because of fear of being disliked because of it.

Hoshiko is also has muscular legs as she is an athlete. Because all the athletics she is in, She is muscular, but only slightly toned because of her laziness lanky body.


A High School Student and Waitress


Animals ?? Living with animals such as dogs and cats around her neighborhood, Hoshiko grew fond of pets and animals. She liked to take in strays from the streets and care for them. She then put them in shelters, however. She still does this now, with the consent of her mother.

MMA ?? Being a huge UFC geek, Hoshiko loves MMA [Mixed Martial Arts] which is why she has so many UFC posters as well as being a frequent viewer of MMA matches. This is considered werid by her friends and others which keeps Hoshiko in the outcasts.

Spicy Food ?? Since Hoshiko had been a picky eater as a kid, her parents had introduced her to spicy food. Along with the desserts and sweets she already obsessed with, she eats a lot of spicy and hot food without the discomfort of her stomach. She is easily found eating spicy candy as well as food in the cafeteria.

Electronica ?? Hoshiko loves this genre of music and listens to it on a daily basis. She surprises people with her music taste which outcast her on a daily basis, but makes her unique in her own little way.

Cities ?? A natural lovers of lights, especially at night, cities are on of her favorite sights and loves going to cities at nights even though she gets lost there sometimes, but that's what Siri is for.

Cats ?? Hoshiko had a bunch of cats in her neighborhood as a kid and still does now. She had 8 (Yes, 8) cats that she had cared for in a old leased house where she cared for them with dogs as well as other animals. The cats were adopted by her grandparents and she still visits them now.

Video Games ?? On top of being a Mixed Martial Arts geek, She is a video game geek and loves to win. Her favorite genres are associated with Melee or Story-based Games.


Being Ignored ?? Hoshiko hates being ignored or avoided than being hated. She think both are very rude, but ignoring her is the meanest thing you can do since people who hate actually act like she is there.

Humorless People ?? Hoshiko doesn't like dry and flavorless senses of humor. She might not dislike the person, but will dislike their humor or lack of humor. However, She can easily teach jokes which leaves someone on the ground laughing.

School ?? Ugh, School. Why is it so boring?! Hoshiko is easily a hater of school. She does like the students but, wishes there is some way to make it a bit more awesome instead of a drab, tiring school day.

Bad Days ?? Those days when she leaves her phone, badge and fails a test days. She absolutely hates them and wishes that they would just not exist. Ironically, She can sometimes get sick on days like these.

Homework ?? Hoshiko is lazy and being the lazy bum she is, she hates homework, especially math homework. She does homework in class and sometimes copies answers from the closest person to her.

"Kawaii" Girls ?? You know those really cutesy and adorable girls who are short and petite. She hates them as it feels so terrible when she sees someone date a girls like that or when a girl like that is worshipped. The worship thing is very, very rare, but the short girl thing is a common thing that happens so what often.


Volleyball ?? Hoshiko is skilled volleyball because of her height as well her strong and muscular legs. When she was in middle school, she practice everyday, 24/7 so she become the best. She still is really good and is considering to join Volleyball Team.

Fighting ?? Despite being a girl, Hoshiko is quite a Tomboy and has always loved martial arts moves. As a kid, She would mimic them and do them on brothers and make friends, easily making some of them cry. However, She was taught judo when she was in her last years and is pretty good for a rookie like her.

Flute ?? Hoshiko is also very good at flute, on of the instruments she thinks we'll make he have a good reputation in High School. Wanting to seem like a lady unlike her Tomboy self, she plays flute and loves to play it for its soft and mellow sound.

Her Voice ?? Hoshiko's voice is very pretty and also very rare for girls in Japan; Especially, young girls like her. Her voice is contralto which is one of the deepest female voices in music. She likes her voice and loves for its sultry like feel.


Lips ?? Whenever Hoshiko daydreams, she bites her lower lip without thought as it was a habit she developed when she was a kid. The inside of her lip can bleed an become red which is why she tries to refrain from it.

Fingers ?? Hoshiko does a lot when she is bored, no matter how subtle or grand it is. One of the things she does the most is make origami whenever she has paper. She makes many animals that decorate her desk as well as her school bag by hole punching them and clipping them in with a pin.

Mouth ?? Hoshiko isn't the type of person to be reserved with her words or conservative with her language. She has a habit of cursing and does it continuously and very often. She curses and speaks without filters with friends, but instead of cursing with people older than her or people that she doesn't know, she tends to use old person language so she doesn't curse in front of a teacher or something.

Legs ?? Hoshiko gets nervous and anxious easily despite her edgy and free spirited personality. She gets nervous and shakes her left leg or tap with her left foot when she is nervous. She does to keep herself calm, but if doesn't work she falls apart by turning red and becoming clumsy and sheepish.




PM if interested...


Hoshiko is a very interesting and probably one of the weirdest teen you will probably ever see.

Hoshiko is seems very docile when you see her, you just see her talking to her friends or on her phone like the normal teen girl would. Well, maybe a bit weirder than the normal teenage girl because of her resting negative face that she seen with in class and alone in the public. People really see her as this normal and cute teenager girl with friends and just docile unless angered because of hormones. A Normally Normal Girl.

Pfft, What'd you think? That this was a stereotypical teenage girl? Psyche, That's the wrong number!

Hoshiko is actually very bold and hyper active girl, laughing and being quite the opposite of a good little girl. She is quite flamboyant and cheerful, and never seen sad or gloomy in the public eye. She is always seen happy, but says and does some of the weridest things ever done by a human being.

In other words, She does what the teenager post does all the time. To sassing teachers in her head to doing the most relatable things you have done in your teenage life, Hoshiko is the actual resemblance of it. She is never seen being maidenly and is quite tomboyish, fighting with brooms with her friends and playing soccer in a short school skirt, she is very reckless and unladylike, bad traits for a girl. She curses a lot and uses slang that a young woman shouldn't use and makes crude jokes about celebrities that can be disrespectful and funny at the same time.

At the same time, Hoshiko is kind and sympathetic, being a friend for anyone who is her friend. She is kind and gentle with her family and loved one, being a fighter for them and being loyal for all people she loves. One downside to her kindness in that she will trust just about anyone, no matter how suspicious they are.

Hoshiko is also a great comedian, being one of the funniest girls in her group of friends. She makes some the most stupidest and smart jokes on the world, some of her friends bursting in tears in laughter. She is is seen laughing with them, also using curse words along with her vocabulary in jokes and responses. Hoshiko is also quite clever and smart despite her hating school, making inside jokes as response that some teachers will never get.

But, Somedays under all the sunshine and rainbows, Her world can crumble and get destroyed without most of her friends knowing hiding it all under a big and bright smile. Only some of her closest friends can figure her out and get her to be happy under sessions of crying and girl talk.

In another aspect of negative emotions, Hoshiko can get angry at the littlest of things, also having a short fuse before trying to flip a table or on special occasion, people. She can also have big fits of anger under pressure and can easily have big fights that get her suspened or worse.

All in All, Hoshiko is a unique person just like everyone else.



A blonde and white cat named Kinko who has gold eyes.



A black cat named Kuromi with gold eyes as well.



On a hot summer night, Hoshiko was born to Kiyomi Akiba and Aoi Tsukiyuki, a couple who had her in the middle of July, her set birthdate being at 7 months than the normal 9 months or more.

Hoshiko was part of a relatively good family, her parents being young and heirs to a traditional candy shop, opened by Kiyomi's great-great grandparents. They were had been on their honeymoon when Hoshiko popped into the world, being born in Korea rather than in Japan, the home place to her parents. Hoshiko was also named after her grandmother who was known to be very pretty and maidenly in her youth, being quite the star. Her mother was like this too, being only 5'2 with long black hair and pale skin with a nice smile. Her father was tall guy at 6'1, being handsome, but a reformed delinquent who was crushing on Kiyomi.

Enough on, Kiyomi and Aoi and more into Hoshiko!

Hoshiko was quite a cute child, being rather flamboyant and careless, almost like she is today. She was a pretty little girl, but was mischievous and a rascal rather than a feminine girl. She was also tall for a little Japanese girl where height was for men, not for women. With her height, She had been one of the guys. Think of her as the little girl in the "Little Rascals" who had been a girl in a sea of little boys, except 2 times turned up. Hoshiko had a childhood friend named Kohaku who was one of the best friends that Hoshiko had. Most likely because Kohaku was an only child in a successful bakery in the same neighborhood. Kohaku's parents were relatively rich and he lived a pretty big house, having Chika over every Sunday at 12:00 over to "play" with Kohaku . And by play, I mean rough house. Kohaku would like to hang out with Hoshiko, but she made him cry sometimes. She tried wrestling moves on him, ate all his snacks, put frogs in his shirt, forced him to climb trees, played in the mud and did other things similar to what a boy would do. However, When he decided to play something else, they played board games, read books, played with toys and drew a lot. Hoshiko loved to rough house with him and play with him because they were best friends despite being polar opposites. Another thing was that Hoshiko had many friends who were boys than girls because of her definition on play. Nevertheless, She liked Kohaku because he was a role model in her eyes. The two were inseparable until, Kohaku had moved somewhere else during 3rd grade, leaving her with a night sky bracelet from he had given her before he left. She was heartbroken because of his deviced plans but always dreamt of his arrival. Without her Yin, She had tried to make other friends, but most of them ended up to be guys. Yep, like always. Some of her fiends were girls but the majority were boys, liking her for her tomboy character.

When puberty hit and hormones were triggered, otherwise known has Junior High, Hoshiko had grown to be lively as always, but an insecure girl. She had always been taller or the same height with boys, so she decided to act more feminine and with more cuteness. All of this happened in 15 years. Let's see what happens in a year in highschool.








Once a Thug, Always a Thug

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"The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly."


Aeko Hakubune // 16 // Female // Demisexual



Appearance Description:

Shiori Asagiri

{Tamako Market}

Aeko is a decent looking human being. She has ashy, black hair that she ties into side ponytail and dark violet eyes that often look more like a dark grey because of the light reflecting off of her rimless glasses that are often perched up on her nose. She has light, smooth skin that she gets complimented on often for it's milky tone. Aeko's soft features that endorse her height, which would be an astonishing 151 centimeters (4'11" inches).


Student & Librarian


The scent of lavender

Writing with a mechanical pencil

Playing badminton

English and Writing classes

Occasionally playing the piano

Cooking for her friends



Looking at or touching needles

Long conversations

Swimming in pools or the ocean

Sudden changes that make it hard for her to adapt

Loose or ill-fitting clothes

Disorganization and clutter


~ Strangely fantastic at playing badminton despite not being athletic

~ Amazing at cooking "fancy dinner" as her friends call her food

~ Extremely marvelous and English and Writing studies


~ Stutters whenever she's nervous or excited

~ Organizes her desk whenever she's waiting for class to start or she's bored

~ When she's thinking, she tend to tuck and untuck her hair from behind her ear


She had a few back at her old school, but she hasn't had a chance to make new friends since.


She was never allowed a pet, so she doesn't have one.



Aeko is a soft-spoken, knowledgeable, and resourceful girl with a serious, cool personality. However, she's often mistaken as distant because of her quietness when in fact she's just extremely shy. As such, her shyness causes her to become unable to express her thoughts and feelings properly. She also presents a modest attitude and shuns her talents with a lack of conceit. As one may tell, she is a very studious girl. She often doesn't go and hang out with the few friends she has, but instead sits in her room and studies or writes. Because of this, she is rather intellectual, but because of her shyness, she often doesn't show it.

Behind her serious and cool personality lies a rather emotional girl. She doesn't get upset of rude or intolerable people, but she does shed a tear at kindness others may show her or separate people. Her heart is easily touched at such kindness and she grows respect for those who show that affection. Another thing that may make her emotional, is other peoples compassion for the things they love. If she's in a rare conversation with someone and they start to talk about something they enjoy, she gets a bit worked up and will probably tell them a few encouraging words to make sure they don't throw that compassion away.


Aeko was born on April 2nd as an only child. Her parents were the stereotypical Asian that everyone speaks, so her expectations were high form the very beginning. Of course, that was never a bad thing, but her parents had a motto of 'Education first, parenting second.' So she was never really raised properly. If she got a B on a test, she didn't eat the next day as a punishment. If she got a C, she wouldn't be able to write or play badminton for several weeks unless school said she had to, she'd get a smack across her face, and be locked in her room unless she could get her grades up. If she got a D.... well, thankfully she never got a D. Because of her strict parents, she never had friends close enough she could talk to. Of course, there were those people who were her small acquaintances that she said "Hi." to in the halls, but that was about it. She never really connected with people and people never really connected with her. And if she magically did find a person she connected to, her parents never approved of it and she could never bond with that person. But because her parents wanted to best of her education, they often traveled to different prestigious schools around Japan and their final destination is the school she'd be attending now. Her parents had promised her that if she was the top of the class and had straight A's, she'd be able to stay at that school. If she didn't, she'd be forced to move to another school away from all the friends she may have made here.



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"All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make like rue the day it thought it could give Takao Shinichi lemons! Do you know who I am?! I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down- With lemons!"


Takao Shinichi // 17 // Male // Pansexual



Appearance Decription:

Togy? Minagawa

{Hirunka no Ryuusei}

Takao Shinichi is pretty nice looking, but not the hottest guy in school. He has his own little charms in his personality to make up for it, though. He has unusually natural ombre hair that goes from a dark brown to an amber color and completely normal brown eyes. He has fair skin, not too dark but not too light as well that somehow oddly fit his soft expressions. Takao isn't necessarily tall in girls standards, but he's at an average height for a male, standing at 177 centimeters (roughly 5'10" inches) and weighs an average of 60 kilograms (132 pounds).


Student & Part-Time Pizza Deliveryman


Nice, long hugs or cuddle sessions

Lots and lots of video games

Cute, adorable, awkward people

Anime and anime scenarios in real life

The scent of fall

The cold, crisp air of fall and winter



People who hurt women

Any classes that don't have to do with creativity

Suddenly gaining a ton of weight

Having to stop mid-game to do something

Girl who show too much skin

Having his games taken away or his consoles breaking


~ He has overwhelming talent and almost every single video game

~ He's surprisingly good at basketball, though he doesn't exactly enjoy it.

~ Giving the best hugs in the entire world


~ He often comes up to strangers and gives them hugs to introduce himself

~ Biting his fingernails when he's thinking or stressed

~ Staying up super late to play video games of finish homework that is due that day


He has several guy friends but they rarely hang out.



Takao doesn't really have a sort of "shy" trait. In fact, he would probably be extremely straightforward with anyone. He puts on a rather cool facade, some saying he acts like a "rich brat" despite his family actually being quite poor. He's quite considerate even though he's straightforward, he still thinks about how he should say the truth to someone since he doesn't want people to get hurt. Takao is normally playful and compassionate, though. Often being cheerful and carefree with his life and doing actions, that aren't related to others feelings, without thinking. His decision making skills are pretty awful. If he has to choose between two things, he'd choose when he thought was best, but would end up being the worst choice he could possibly make.

Takao's a pretty good friend, too. He's very protective of the people he likes and those he hangs out with. He's always there when his friends need him, and if he isn't, he takes them out to do or go wherever they want- which is quite rare considering he'd have to save up quite a bit of cash to do so. even though he's a good friend, he's an even better enemy. You do not want him on your bad side. Even though he's carefree and loving, he also has another side to him that rarely anyone sees. This side of him only comes out when he's protecting his friends or anyone he loves- which just so happens to turn him into an apathetic person. He no longer cares if he hurts anyone's feelings. He'd jeer and make fun of them until their crying or begging him to stop. At that point, he'd probably call them pathetic for even trying to hurt his friends and walk away. But if they start to jeer back, it turns into a physical fight rather than a verbal one.


Takao was born on March 11th into a wonderful family of three that grew into a family of seven. His mother and father, two younger twin girls, two younger brothers, and himself. When it was just the three of them, life was great! They were financially stable, father worked while his mother was a stay at home mom to take care of tiny Takao. It was like that for five years until his mom got pregnant with a little boy. Of course, Takao was ecstatic. He'd finally be able to have a friend to play with at home other than his mommy. Once his younger brother came into the picture, though, life got harder. Their father had to get two jobs so that their mom could stay home- which meant less and less things that they wanted and more things that they needed. Of course, Takao was six at the time, so he didn't really understand why he couldn't have what he wanted. The concept just didn't stick to him at the time, so he often complained and made his parents feel bad about it. Of course, that was in the past. A couple of years later, now that Takao is eight and his other brother is three, his mother would be able to get a job, but Takao would have to take care of his siblings. So on and so forth. What I'm trying to say is, Takao has a lot of siblings and he's the eldest. His parents work a lot and he often has to stay home from school on certain days to take care of them and work as well.



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"Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn towards the light and that makes them even more beautiful."


Hana Kazumi // 17 // Male // Demisexual



Appearance Description:

Minatogawa Sadamatsu

{Mikagura School Suite}

Hana is probably the prettiest young man anyone has seen. With light golden hair that's parted in the center, pale, brown/green eyes, and pale skin to go along with it, he gets complimented quite a bit. Sadly, he only stands at 175 centimeters (5'7"), which is just a bit below average male height. He's pretty lanky as well, skinny but elegant in his long limbs. Because he's pretty traditional, he wears zoris with his school uniform since he can't wear what he usually wears. Outside of the school, however, he wears his white haori, brown uwagi, a striped monochrome sash, a kobakama, and zori.


Student & Florist


Drinking Russian and Green tea

Tending and talking to flowers

A place where he can space out

Strawberry-flavored children's toothpaste

Eating Kinpira Gobou

His little stuffed plushies



Loud people and places

Very large crowds

Any destruction of nature

Disrespectful people

Extremely modern day people

A lot of social media


~ Tending and talking to flowers

~ Collecting a wide variety of plushies

~ Spacing out anywhere


~ Biting on his handkerchief whenever he's disappointed

~ Constantly taking breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth

~ Having a pair of scissors in his pocket and trimming plants when he comes along them


He gets along very well with his plants


If flowers count, he has a ton. But they don't, so none.



A young man who is known for doing things at his own pace and always having an innocent poker face on. Hana is also known to be elusive, not standing out, prone to biting his handkerchief when eh gets disappointed and having a slightly quirky sense of humor. Nevertheless, he is actually a gentle person, good listener, and is eager to make friends. Being the only one that has a huge appreciation for plants, he doesn't have a lot of friends to talk to and is even a bit scared he might be forgotten due to his wallflower status. While he always seems sad, helpless, and lonely due to this, he gets happy whenever someone approaches him and talks to him, and pays him a visit when he's tending to his flowers. His expression will also visibly change to a delightful one if someone's being friendly with him or he gets in the limelight.

Hana's primary interest is a place where he can space out. He also likes to make himself busy by talking with and taking care of his own garden or random plants. Not only this, he is a plushie collector when he was younger, and even now. He is also very fond of tea and is almost always drinking it.


Hana was born on October 25th into a very wonderful and hard working family. His parents, who were working very hard to keep their child and parents afloat, worked in many different places. Because of how often they traveled, they had given Hana to their parents to raise him while they sent money every month. And so, Hana was raised by his grandparents in a traditional environment. They were proper people and raised him to be the proper man he is today. Since his grandparents worked in a florist, he had grown to appreciate flowers and plants from a very young age. He was never able to be on the internet, have a phone, watch TV, or do any of the other things that modern kids do. So he wasn't able to connect with other kids since he didn't show any of the same interests. He was crowned a wallflower and a strange kid because of the way he dressed and the surprisingly mature attitude of the young boy. Even though that was in primary school, he grew up with the same people all his life, so the name followed up up through middle and high school.


He has a very soothing and warm voice.



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(春) Haru Fujioka (藤本)

• Seventeen • Male • Heterosexual • Japanese •


He's tall, lanky, and really is quite handsome. Yes, it's time to pick apart the appearance of our ever so loved Haru. The young male stands at the tall height of 6'1, weighing close to 143 pounds. He is considered underweight by some of the basketball players he knows, but Haru doesn't think so. Rather he has a nicely built body that he sadly keeps in shape for whatever reason. Honestly, he doesn't even know why he stays in shape.

Due to his staggering height (not really), Haru tends to slouch when he's walking or standing. Just slightly though. So really he's just being an ass because he's lazy and is trying to make his short friends feel normal. Anyways, let's dive deeper. Other than Haru's impressive height, many people are drawn to his general face area. Yes, I do know the proper term for it. Haru has thick messy back hair that fans out slightly towards the tips. His got this from his mother. His hair is rarely in an orderly state, often sticking up at random places from his literally not caring he has bed hair.

Haru's eyes are smaller than some, but larger than others. He considers them perfect. Narcissistic bastard. His angular eyes catch the attention of many girls, with their unusual light brown color. They are considerably lighter than most, but hey, they fit him. Thick lashes line these eyes, creating an almost lazy and threatening appearance if he looks at you certain ways. Dark circles can be found under his eyes 24/7 from gaming all night. How he doesn't get rid of them is a mystery in itself.

Pale skin in winter, and slightly sun kissed in summer. For some strange reason, this introvert manages to stay acne free and barely tans, thus keeping his skin in perfect condition. Many girls are envious of his skin because he has better skin than most girls. Having such pale skin causes his eyes to really stand out. Unlike his older brother, Haru has no beauty mark on his face. But there is one blemish. On his right cheek, there is a faint scar that nobody really sees. Haru got this from a fight back in middle school. Don't worry, it was the only punch the guy landed on Haru.



It was a mild summer's day in August when Haru was born. A small, morderatly wealthy family was the one that welcomed the small child into the world. An older brother named Shouta was ever so interested in his new baby brother. Haru's father, Kou could only hold the child for a moment before disappearing to take a call. Akane, Haru's mother, was far more caring and loving to baby Haru than her husband. Not as interested as Shouta, but ever so much pleased with him. Her last child. The last child she could ever carry within herself.

Though he never knew this till later. As Haru grew up, he felt little love from his busy father, but his brother and mother made up for his lack of a fatherly figure.


LIKESblack coffee, cats, movies, video games, boxing, sleeping, hoodies, the color black, food, the beach, rain, manga and anime, cold weather, etc...

HABITSgaming, eating instead of studying, going for walks randomly, skipping class, sleeping in random places, climbing trees, rescuing cats, sleeping at a friend's house, flirting to pass time, occasionally pushing himself in sports and academics.

It's Just A Facade

DISLIKESsweet things, drinking and smoking, fights, people who get in his space, noisy places, answering questions, studying, high voices etc...

The Lady Killer

TALENTSvideo games, boxing, solving puzzles, eating fast, listening to others, working hard, always calm, being lazy, taking care of others, drawing, making mix tapes, sports, claw game, entertaining himself, cooking.

Cafe Waiter

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(理子) Riko Ito (伊藤)


• Seventeen • Female • Heterosexual • Japanese •

She isn't impressive honestly. She is often overlooked. Or at least she feels this way. Yes, it is time for up to look at the mother of the school, Riko. This innocent and mature girl is one that feels she isn't very pretty. Whether she is or not is up to you, so make your choice. Pretty or not? Too late, I don't care anymore, let's get into her appearance now.

Standing at the average height of 5'6 and weighs 120 pounds. Some people think she's overweight, or even underweight, she gets both constantly. Riko's weight is something she doesn't like talking about because she weighs more than some boys, thus creating low self esteem for herself. Her body itself is one that isn't very common in Japan. Riko has a curvy body which can be both a good thing and bad thing. Her bust is larger than the majority of girls at her school, while her waist is small and her hips are of good size. Riko's legs are thicker, having muscle from her doing chores, P.E., and simply being born that way. A thigh gap isn't something she has, rather her thighs touch which is why people view her as overweight.

To go along with her uncommon body type, Riko has other strange or unique features. Her hair is a coral color, catching the eye of people when she walks by. Her hair is straight and isn't too hard to manage, even though it's rather thick. The length of her hair is a little past her shoulders as Riko has always kept her hair at this length, simply because it's manageable. Complimenting her unique hair, violet looking eyes. Many disagree on her natural eye color, some swearing that it's a deep blue, others says for a fact they're purple. What is Riko's true eye color? She doesn't even know herself.

Riko has clear cream colored skin. It seems to be blemish free and many have different theories of why this is. I'm going to save you the time of reading what they are, but her skin is clear because Riko has a very healthy diet and always takes care of her skin. Since her skin is so pale, her round eyes really pop. However, Riko has a rounder face with full cheeks, earning the nickname of 'Moon' because her face reminds some of a full moon. Though Riko dislikes her face, she wouldn't want a different one. Despite what some believe, Riko's ears are not pierced due to her fear of needles. Though there is one more thing. The only physical blemish that she has is on her back which is a scar from an accident up in the mountains as a child.

Meeting Riko for the first time is something that you can easily remember or forget. Honestly it all depends on your own personality. When you first meet Riko, there's a 90& possibility that she will be flat on her face. Ah yes, the first trait everyone tends to see in her. Her clumsy side. This girl has the amazing talent of tripping over virtually everything. Frankly, buckets and mops are her biggest enemies. They always seem to get in her way. Anyways, Riko will probably be on the ground in front of you, lightly whimpering as she makes sure she isn't bleeding. If she so happens to be bleeding, she will start to get a little worried and clumsily try to make her way to the nearest store or nurse's office to get a band-aid. 9/10 she will run into you by doing this.

Now, there are multiple things you can do if this happens. You can A, help her up, B, just stand there awkwardly, or C, be run over by Riko and meet the very flustered Riko. Usually all choices are used. A is one that Riko can easily get embarrassed from if she makes direct eye contact. If it's a boy, she will only be a stuttering mess. B is one that's the safest route. She won't really notice you and will simply be on her way, still dusting herself off with a sigh here and there. C is one that can go pretty wild. When Riko gets really flustered she either runs away from the area or accidentally hits the person out of reflex. Though running away is the most common occurrence. Since Riko is very shy around strangers, she usually runs off when she's completely flustered or embarrassed.

Getting to know Riko is sort of tricky because of her deer like personality. However, if you're able to catch her when she's not trying to run away or hiding in a closet because she's super embarrassed, you will find she's an easy person to talk to. Not only that but she's a very mature girl for her age and reminds many of a mother or an older sister. Riko herself doesn't mind that many view her this way because it makes her feel loved and important. Not to mention she's able to freely be a motherly person to some people. By motherly, I mean she will help them with homework, make lunches for them, keep them healthy, bring food and homework to them when their sick (along with her notes), and honestly just be there for everyone.

Riko in short is one of the most caring girls you will meet. She does all these little things to make sure that everyone is happy and content instead of focusing on herself. Because of this, she tends to skip meals or even get sick because she makes herself busy by taking care of others. Many don't notice how much Riko actually cares because they often take her for granted. However if she just decided not to do anything for someone, they would instantly notice all the things she actually does. Let's say you're a bit messy, but suddenly your bag, desk, and even bedroom are all neat. If you are close enough to Riko to have this sort of relationship, you will most likely begin to take her generosity for granted. But because Riko is too nice for her own good, she tends to not care that she's under appreciated and taken for granted.

Though as you get to know Riko, you will find that she isn't as shy as you think. She is more outgoing than most and will gladly hang out with you in order to relax. She isn't super in love with studying or anything, but she still gets very good grades. Perks of being a good student. Riko isn't overly smart, nor is she unintelligent. She's just a girl who can easily get A's with studying a couples hours every day. Sometimes she can slack off because let's face it, Riko isn't in love with studying, but she doesn't let her grades drop below a B or else she would probably get super depressed and upset. Ah, the fragile heart of a woman.

Despite being naturally smart, Riko is an idiot. Honestly she really is. On occasion you will see her with mismatching socks, or even lacking a sock. Wearing her winter uniform in summer? Check~! This is usually because Riko wakes up too early and often forgets to check what day it is, what season, and what she's wearing. Since she has to feed her younger siblings and make lunches for her friends that don't have enough money for homemade meals, Riko has to get up pretty early. Plus she has to walk to school, so she has to be up early enough to get to school on time, including the chance of traffic and any interruptions that may occur.




LIKESpuppies, children, baking, good grades, sweets, summer, the beach, water, clear skies, fluffy clouds, warmth, sweaters, etc...

Habitstripping, running away, falling, getting scared, being motherly to people, getting sick, taking care of others, playing match maker, getting flustered, stuttering around boys, snacking when studying, baking when stressed.

Sucks At Athletics

DISLIKESsports, running, winter, cold weather, dead flowers, sour things, bullies, tripping, falling, ducks, black coffee, people talking about her weight, etc...

Easily Flustered

TALENTScooking, writing, babysitting, baking, art, sewing, creating new foods, speaking English, learning other languages, talking with people, helping friends through troubles, being a mom to many, understanding children, taking care of dogs.

Family Bakery

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