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Fantasy Highschool Of powers [Open ]

Jace chuckled lightly"well hes better then some people ill tell you that..id rather hang around him then orbit anyday.."he grumbled lightly he sighed wondering if orbit heard that he gave a worried sigh looking at sapphire"ruby it is its a good name "he said smiling lightly he gave a worried sigh though, Orbit looked at Jasper"how are they doing?"he asked eyeing the kidshe arched his eyebrows he wanted to go and smack jace slightly for that but he decided sarah might eat him he nudged jasper wondering if he had noticed yet.

Ivory giggled lightly "oh does it i wouldnt know..your shirt hasnt been off yet"she teased lightly "i might be but..what else can we have guards it..i mean..if ..something happens.."she said sighing"We need something alex"she said frowning worriedly she wasnt sure if alex would understand but she did want him to understand.
Sapphire laughed as she shook her head at that. "Orbit is different. He smells funny to me and I can't help but compare him to a love sick puppy." She sighed not meaning to be mean. It was just how she had come to view him. She felt that he never got over a heart break sometime in his life. Jasper sighed watching them. "Not bad, though I think Sapphire is going to steal one of the monsters.. I get the idea Ivory and Alex are too." He sighed feeling like this whole lesson went in a direction he had never expected.

Alex raised a eyebrow at Ivory and smirked. "Do you want my shirt to come off?" He teased her acting like he was getting ready to take off his shirt. "I know what you mean. I'm sure they would make great guards and with time you might come to over look how they look as adult."
Jace chuckled lightly he gave a quiet sigh looking at her "...your right on the mark and thats because hes a werewolf.."he said frowning"..hes ugly on full moon nights ...":he grumbled lightly remembering that one night. Orbit chuckled lightly "im not so sure steals the right word.."he said sighing"i think ivory might cry if she did that"he said sighing"...love sick puppy..im not a"he grumbled around lightly , Sarah watched jasper and Orbit"your both lame if you ask me"she said trying not to laugh she gave a quiet sigh "yo u should know now jasper except the unexpected .."she said holding lunches up to the two of them "... you better take them both of you"she said eyeing them.

Ivory looked at him before smiling "maybe i do "she said poking him in the stomach "i want to see some of the merchndise..before i marry you"she joked lightly" yeah i might "she said smiling lightly "but if we dont get the monsters to guard..i might just hire some vampires..and have them pleasure me when your not arround"she said clearly trying to get alex jealous"im just teasing "she said smiling gently.
Sapphire gave a nod and sighed. "I see. A part of me wishes he would stop being so moody. Maybe he would actually be more appealing that way. I've never seen him smile.. though maybe he would actually be scary if he smiled." She sighed thinking about it. Jasper chuckled taking the lunch. "Call us what you like.. but look at them. They are having fun. Sometimes thats the best way to win people over. Show them there is more to something then just whats on the surface." He explained sitting down.

Alex puffed out his cheeks a little at her comment. "Serious you better stop with the teasing before I do something crazy." He warned her as he grabbed her by the waist and smirked. "Maybe I'll show you all of the merchandise." He teased right back as he looked down into her eyes. "You do that and I will have hire belly dancers to dance for me when you aren't around." Two of them could play that game.
Jace chuckled lightly"he smiles..and its not as creepy as you think it worse..you wonder if hes planning something"he said jokingly before smiling at sapphire"hmm..i wonder what road i would have went down if we hadnt got togther "he said curioursly. Orbit sighed lightly"but fun cant last forever can it?"he asked frowning slightly wishing it could"how about we have a summer camp..with the kids... we could steal sarah..and make her help"he said looking at jasper, Sarah eyed orbit"not funny..."she grumbled she gave a quiet sigh "..wait he is joking right ..hes not ..serious right?"she asked "well that true..but you will have to do ..bad drills soon enough"she said frowning .

Ivory looked at him before blushing before sticking her tounge out"oh haha very funny "she said smiling " youd be the king wouldnt you so if you want to get a wildhair once in awhile be my guest...but.. no other girls allowed to have sex with you...no other guys allowed to do that with me either"she grumbled she gave a quiet sigh.
Sapphire couldn't help but giggle a little. "You are always being so mean to him. Sometimes I think you might make the guy cry." She joked though a part of her wondered if Orbit really would cry. Jasper sighed knowing it couldn't. "No it can't but you can't know fun if you've never experienced the bad in life." He told him. "A camp would be interesting.. maybe that would pass with the boss too." He thought out loud wondering how to bring it up to her. "Oh Sarah, I'm sure he's serious about." He chuckled.

Alex chuckled listening to her. "Oh is that so..? Well I'm not that sort. Maybe I just want all of you all the time." He told her pushing her up against the wall slightly. "You look really cute when you are blushing like that." He told her with a smirk. He was really seeing how far he could take this now.
Jace wrinkled his nose up"so hed make me cry in a heartbeat if he could..and you know that "he said sighing lightly before looking at sapphire"their probably discussing way to torture us"he said chuckling, Orbit grinned"yeah...wouldnt it be fun jasper..i mean wed have sarah all to ourselves..well more so me more then you"he said grinning he frowned lightly"we could have sarah teach them about marking...people and how she goes pyscho when she ..acutely get to dig a knife into someone "he said sighing , Sarah frowned lightly "fine but if i have to stay in anyones room its going to be one with Hanna.. aint no way im rooming with orbit.."she grumbled eyeing him she gave a quiet sigh .

Ivory looked at him she gave him a look "oh is that so..well im glad"she said looking at him before reaching over and biting him playfully she looked at him wondering what his reaction would be"do i now?"she asked smiling at him "..hmm i like your just trying to push your weight around you know that"she said giggling
Sapphire smiled listening to Jace. "You seem to have this big thing against Orbit." She pointed out wondering why he hated the guy so much. Maybe it was something Orbit had done or maybe it wasn't. "I think they are actually probably talking about your mother.. Orbit seems a little obsessed with her." Jasper chuckled listening to them. "Orbit I'm sure it will be fun, but we can't have Sarah do all the work. You'll actually have to teach them something too." He pointed out to him wondering how he was going to react to the idea of work and teaching. "Most of them, if not all of them will be graduating soon so we need to teach them things that they will really need to know before leaving this school."

Alex chuckled as he leaned over and nibbled on her ear. "It is so." He told her with a smirk. "And what if I am pushing my weight around? I bet you like it." He told her jokingly as he pulled her closer to him. He was rather enjoying himself at the moment. It wasn't hard to do that when it came to her.
Jace nodded lightly "so he's an ass that's obessed with my mother.. " he grumbled looking at her "well you know how he is " he said frowning "he hits on my mother when I'm around I'll pop him I'm the mouth " he said sighing lightly .Sarah saw orbit suddenly sulking she rolled her eyes Lightly "and they wonder why were not together .." She said sighing "your asuch a kid orbit.." She gave a slight frown. .Orbit frowned "am not..you.. Big meany .. " he grumbled "so what do you except me to teach them what the real world is like? " he asked frowning.

Ivory looked at him before blushing "okay enough.. Stop pushing your weight around ..and maybe I do maybe I don't .." She said grinning she gave him a happy look "so are you going to try to get away with whatever you can?" She asked luaghing
Sapphire laughed and sighed. "I think it's nice that she has someone that is so fond of her. It's rare to find someone that cares that deeply for you." She told him with a sigh. "I wish my parents would have had people like that. Maybe then they would have been happier and nicer." She sighed holding the monster baby close. "I think you should leave that to your mother. If she doesn't have feelings for him like that she should be the one to handle it.. and if she doesn't then it must me a part of her does care for him in that way even if she denies it." Jasper sighed listening to Sarah and Orbit. "You two sound like a married couple." He teased them a little. "Yes that's exactly what you should be teaching them. Things they could use or need to know about the real world."

Alex chuckled as he hugged her before letting go. "Oh heck yes I am. Who wouldn't see how much they could get away with. I mean you are probably going to find a way to wrap me around your fingers and you know what I'm okay with that." He told her as they walked. "Nothing wrong with any of that."
Jace looked Sapphire"fond of her more like obessed.. or possive.. "he said frowning lightly "i walked in one them once when i was five.. "he said blushing "that was the last time orbit was at the house.. and i know i should..but"he said sighing lightly "but i just dont want her hurt again"he said sighing Sarah rolled her eyes"dont give orbit any ideas"she said sighing rolling her eyes"..if he forces me to marry him i have no choice but to stay with you two"she said rolling her eyes .

Ivory giggled lightly " ah alex your such a charmer.. you know that"she said smiling"hey i better..go get lunch give me a kiss before i go okay..ill see ya when i get back"she said smiling gently she gave a happy sigh *today will be a good day..*she thought.
Sapphire giggled a little seeing him blush. "You are cute when you do that." She told him blushing a little herself. "Is there that big of a difference between obsessed and fond?" She hadn't ever thought there was because fondness lead to obsession. You couldn't have the one without the other. "But what if you are actually doing more harm then good by trying to protect her. Sometimes you have to just step back and leave something along." She told him taking his hand. Jasper shrugged and grinned. "I don't have a problem with you staying with us. Orbit might actually behave if you are around." He told her with a chuckle. "Beside the way you say that kind of makes it sound like you wouldn't mind it that much either."

Alex smiled at her as he leaned over and kissed her. "I try to be. Alright you be careful and call me if you need anything." He told her with a sigh. He really hoped she would be careful. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he was worried she might get hurt.
Jace sighed lightly "i always thjouht there was a diffence didnt you.. ?" He aaked blinking "..i migh be .." He said sighing worriedly not totally sure about that "okay ill step back but she better not get togther with me " he said chuckling "get lunch?" He asked .Sarah sighed "I don't mind it..but eventually I'm going to meet someone I do really like..orbit..its just different since everything happened .." She said sighing lightly "...and if I do find someone I really like that's not orbit " she said lookin at jasper worriedly.

Ivory looked at alex and smiled " I will be "she said smiling before walking out towards the front door of the building she smiled lightly *they are finally here *she thought smiling.
Sapphire shook her head. "No. I always thought that you couldn't have obsession without fondness, because fondness causes obsession." She explained to him with a soft smile. "I don't know if she will or not, but I think she's fighting it really hard right now and I can't blame her. She didn't have the best experience with your father." She sighed hoping Sarah would find real love somewhere or learn how to see it. Jasper gave a nod. "Then you be with them and he'll get over it, but what if you realize being around him more that you might still have feelings. I think you're afraid of that." He teased her slightly. "either way it's your heart so you call the shots and if it comes to it you could always try to hook him up with someone." He told her.

Alex sighed watching her go. A part of him didn't want to let her go, but another part knew he couldn't be selfish either. She would be okay and it was only lunch. She would be back later.
Jace sighed "true i guess im not totally sure..but i so know ..if hh hurts her im going to make him pay though " he said. Truthfully .Sarah sighed lightly eyeing jasper "don't go there.. Not funny.. " she said sighing "have you met orbit he might.. Try and kill them " she said sighing lightly "..I know Jace won't be happy if me and orbit ever got together.." She said frowning lightly .
Sapphire gave a nod and sighed. "I'm super hungry Jace and you really smell good right now." She told him with a slight frown. Jasper looked at her and sighed. "How Jace feels doesn't matter any more. Sarah he's a young man and you maybe his mother but it's time you start worrying about yourself and what you want. Don't let any one hold you back. As for Orbit, I'll handle him if you do find someone you really love." He told her with a smile.
Jace looked at her "so neck wrist. ?" He asked blinkimng curioursly he gave a quiet sigh "you need to feed me alot of the iron foods..cause I'll need some for me " he joked slightly. Sarah sighed "you say it dosent matter but I still think it does.. " she said frowning "so Hana.. How was she this morning I didn't get up early enough to say goodbye to her " she said frowning lightly "..I've got a bad gut feeling " she said frowning.
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Sapphire looked at him and shook her head smiling. "You are way to excepting of this." She told him as she pulled him into her arms and bit into his neck a little. She still felt strange doing this but it being him brought her some comfort. Once she was content she let go and sighed. "How about we go get something like steak?" She offered knowing he must be starving now. Jasper sighed pointing to Jace and Sapphire. "I don't think it does." He told her with a sigh. "Hana was a little grumpy but I got her up and dressed. She tried to bite me though." He chuckled remembering it.
Jace nodded lightly he felt rather dizzy suddenly he gave a nod "yeah sure.. Let's go get a steak.. " he said grinning he was hungry and it showed he gave a quiet sigh "we have to walk slow though.. I'm rather dizzy " he said smiling gently .Sarah sighed lightly "he does that so easily..I'm not sure I could do something like that I mean let a vampire bite me.." She said blushing at the thought she giggled lightly "not a morning person is she ?" She asked smiling.
Sapphire smiled and gave a nod as she walked with him slowly. "I'm sorry if I took to much.. you just taste really good." She told him with a sigh. She would have to learn better control. "It didn't hurt did it?" She asked him a little worried about that too. Jasper chuckled seeing her blush. "It's probably easy for him because he really cares about her." He sighed shaking his head a little. "No she isn't. It's alright though because my race isn't morning folk." He sighed thinking about it.
Jace nodded lightly well y ou know idu give you all of I could but"i cant "he said frowning.Sjarah nodded lightly "I see.. "She said curioursly shex gave a quiet sigh as if she was thinking awfully hard about something "I see that explains it then dosent it " she said smiling about it she frowned lightly "I still dontl't undgherstand it ya know "she said sighing.
Sapphire kissed him to make him stop talking. "You say silly things. You shouldn't tell a vampire you would give them all of your blood if you could." She told him as she held open the door to the steak house for him. Jasper sighed watching Sarah. "You are thinking too hard about something. You know you never come to good answers when you think to hard." He warned her with a teasing smile.
Jace chuckled"yeah but its you so i would "he said griunning at her "but ..i wouldnt do it for anyone else but you my sexy ..woman"he said smiling at her he gave a quiet happy sigh he frowned lightly "you feel that?"he asked walking in the steakhouse .Sarah looked at jasper before elbowing him awful hard"hush... and you know should know this how?"she asked smiling before hearing her phone ring she sighed answering it she frowned lightly before dropping the phone she stared slightly *this has to be a dream right?*she thought.

Ivory frowned looking around she was out of her body she could tell that *where am i.. im not dad right?*she thought frowning *i cant be dead....surely that didnt just happen.. *she thought watching her surrondings *surely im not dead...*she thought slightly panicing.
Sapphire couldn't help but get real red in the face. He just made her blush that deep. "Awe.. you always say such nice things.' She sighed walking to a table. She frowned getting a bad feeling. "Yeah I feel it.." Jasper looked at her and sighed. "Because I used to over think things too." He told her before frowning seeing the look on her face after answering her phone. "what's wrong?" He asked her hoping she would tell him.
Jace smiled gently "your face just got a cute red .."he said smiling "i do not"he said embrassed he gave a quiet sigh looking at sapphire"..how is it..all i have to do is look at you and i feel happy?"he asked smiling "hope its nothing to serious"he said sighing lightly watching everything. Sarah looked at jasper for a minute before she heard orbit walk in behind then"someone better go get alex..Ivory.. was in a car wreck..a terrible one"she said shaking slightly. Orbit frowned watching sarah"maybe you should take you to the hospital first..and then ill come and get alex... "he said worriedly.

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