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Realistic or Modern Highschool Is Cruel

He laughed and dunked her in the water. He held her as the waves crashed into them."good Idea."he said and let go splashing her and swimming away.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson looked at him and smiled a little she swam after him "what, swimming on this gorgeous day?" She giggled and set her hands on his shoulders.
Ryker woke up with a scare and a cold sweat, like his normal morning routine. He looked over to see Kyle was awake. Great.. he had to explain what just went on...
He held on to her and smiles. "Yes it is definitely nice."He said and just held her as he stood in the ocean. He winked at her and headed out of the water to lay on the beach.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson watched him walk out of the water. Oh what a beautiful sight, better than Taylor Lautner, she thought. She walked out and sat on the edge of the water and smirked.

Kyle looked at Ryker a bit worried, "you okay?" He asked concerned. He kissed his cheek and sat up a bit.
Jamie closed his eye's and was sprawled out on the towel.He fell asleep soaking up rhe sun he didn't burn just tanned.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson looked at him for a minute then at the water, pulling her knees to her chest and staying quiet. She was worried about that servant girl still... and she couldn't take her mind away from it.
Jamie woke after a bit and walked up behind her.He scared her "boo, hey you okay Darlin?"He asked her and picked her up. He was warm from the sun.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson squealed and looked at him, "what ever do you mean?" She teased, but shrugged, "I dunno... yesterday at the party... and your servant caught us, you ran out pretty fast..." she said quietly, implying that he likes her.
Jamie laughs. "She is my time keeper we had to go and she does work for us so I am nice to her. I could see she was upset." Jamie said. He kissed her cheek" but no worries jealous girl I am all yours and yes you can call me your boyfriend. "Jamie grimaced at the word boyfriend.

Irish Ice Queen
((Grimaced??)) "Oh... okay..." she looked at him in surprise when he said she could call him her boyfriend, "uhmm, I won't if you don't really want me to..." she arched her eyebrow a little.
(Making a face )

He smiled. "No no I am cool with it."He said and kissed her cheek. Jamie held her close gently.

Irish Ice Queen
She leaned her head against his shoulder and said "okay." Closing her eyes. She listened to the waves, and relaxing to the warmth of Jamies body.
Jamie went to sit on the towels with herm he held her close and let the sun beat down on them he put a jacket around her to keep her from getting burned.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson smiled up at him "thanks" she pressed a gently kiss to his lips. They stayed outside for a few more hours, until the sun started going down "wanna see a movie?" She asked him.
Jamie smiles and nods."sure doll, what ever you want to do.we should go back and get dressed I have some things for you back at the house. Well there from me and my sister. "He said and got up. He winked and picked up the stuff."come on you look cold."He said

Irish Ice Queen
She grabbed one of the towels and wrapped herself in it. And just balled her jeans and shirt up in her arm. She followed after Jamie to the car
He drove them back to the house m he went up to shower and told her the suprise was on the bed. It was a box with a skirt and shirt in it for her with jewelry and high heeled boots. He got out of the shower and dressed. He walked into the room smiling. "You can shower if you want I will look up movie times."Jamie says

Irish Ice Queen
"uhm, okay..." she was a bit shocked about the surprise contents, but scurried to the washroom to shower off the salt water from the ocean. She found a blow dryer and dried her hair, then walked back to Jamkes room to change into what he had given her. "Thanks by the way." she smiled at him

((@Allina Auburn))
Celia carefully unpacked the stuff from her bag, momentarily staring at a picture of her and her mother at the Grand Canyon. Beautiful place, a little too hot for her taste though. She knew her mother agreed. "How's it going, Celia?"

"F-f-fine..." Celia replied, stumbling over the words. "J-just u-unpacking."

Pippa Merlouke smiled and sat down next to her daughter. The older woman pulled out some of Celia's clothes. "Are you going to be fine starting a bit late in the year? I didn't mean for our trip to last this long."

Celia nodded. Pippa nodded. She suddenly grabbed her daughter's arm, "Let's do something nice with you hair for tomorrow."

Before Celia could protest, her mother was dragging her to her bed. Pippa began braiding the teenager's long blonde hair as she traced the inside of her arm, where her tattoo was. "Maybe you'll make some friends this year."

"M-maybe..." She doubted it. It was hard to make friends when nobody wanted to wait for her stumble a sentence out. People weren't patient, not like Pippa or her maternal family. Suddenly, Celia's boxer Lila Belle and her St.Bernard Mona Lisa strutted into the room. The cats were probably off somewhere and Pippa needed to pick up Einstein, her ferret the next day from the veterinarian. Celia adored animals. She didn't have to speak to impress them. Mona Lisa set her head on Celia's lap, drooling incessantly. "S-stop!" Celia giggled, pushing the large dog away. Lila Belle barked in excitement as Pippa chuckled. Celia didn't need friends. She had all she needed right here, in this house.
Jamie nods and kissed her."come on were gonna see Annabelle. It starts in an hour and a half so will grab dinner before hand."He said and ran a hand through his hair. He winked at her and walked for his door."after you my darling. "He says

Irish Ice Queen
"Mr. Badas$ can be a sweety too." She giggled and walked out the door, her stomach growled a little bit, "yea, I'm starving." She rubbed her tummy and looked around, "soooo where's Annabelle?" She looked at Jamie with a smile.

((Whered Allina go?))

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