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Highlighting in typing box?...


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
I don't know if it's just me... but whenever I try too highlight words in the typing box I get sent to the very bottom of the page... it doesn't happen with any other highlighting though and is making editing-... 'more than a little' difficult. "^W^ :3 xD :D
Hm... I'm not having that problem, so I'm not sure what could be causing that. Though to make things easier for you, maybe you could try shift + left/right arrow key to highlight, instead? It might still send you to the bottom of the page, I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot.
Pine said:
Hm... I'm not having that problem, so I'm not sure what could be causing that. Though to make things easier for you, maybe you could try shift + left/right arrow key to highlight, instead? It might still send you to the bottom of the page, I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot.
Thanks!!~ I'll try it out. :3 "^W^ xD :D

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