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Fandom Dragon Age Roleplay (Closed to LovelyBones)


Senior Enchanter
// Starter will be posted once more information about your character! I'm sorry, but I don't really want to type out a long starter only to realise there's no way the characters will meet in that particular scenario. //
Atropa had barely escaped her master this time. She'd been planning it for a while, the escape, but it came in an unexpected way. The day had begun normally- she'd washed his sheets, made his breakfast, and done the other tasks asked of her. And then at lunchtime, he told her he was selling her to a new master. So he'd tied her hands with rope and had pushed her along through town, joking with his guards.

But when he wasn't looking, she tripped him, taking her chance, and ran.

She could hear his guards running after her, and her master yelling, but she didn't stop. Either way, she was going somewhere else. She'd been a slave far too long, and was tired of it.

Running down an alley, she hid behind a crate full of old wine bottles, letting his guards pass her.

Taking time to catch her breath, she thought of where she could go. One way or another, he'd find her.

At one point in her life, Atropa hadn't been a slave. As a child, she'd grown up in a wealthy household, happy and loved by her mother and older sister.

And then her sister fell into the nearby lake, and drowned. She'd never learned how to swim.

Bed ridden from sadness, her mother neglected her only other child, leaving her to be taken care of by her father.

But her father didn't care for her, and he let everything go, losing their home and their belongings in a bad match of gambling.

Soon after, they moved into a small cottage in town, now much less wealthy than they were. Since they had no heat, her mother got sick, and eventually died, leaving Atropa alone with her father for good.

By this time, she was fourteen, and very pretty, someone that any slaver would pay well for, and her father took advantage of that.

One day, he woke her roughly before dawn and put her in a cart to be taken to her new master.

She'd been a slave ever since. But even so, she'd never given in to the idea of being one forever. She wanted to escape.

"Girl!" She heard someone call, and at the end of the alley, she saw her master, running towards her, having spotted her.

Gasping, she jumped up and began to run again, looking for somewhere- anywhere- to hide.

A few minutes later, she spotted an open window, all dark inside, and she squeezed through it just in time to hear her master run past.

As she fell to the floor, she broke a large clay pot, and she winced at the sound.

Sitting on the floor, she huddled in the dark, taking deep calming breaths. This place seemed abandoned, but she couldn't be sure. For the moment, she needed to sit and wait for any sound.


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