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Fantasy High School for the Insane


creeping on your memes
Rosemary High, a beautiful High School or so it looks. Rosemary high is a high school made for teenagers that were meant to go to an insane asylum the mystery is why someone wanted to make this school though. The High School doesn't just have insane students... there was a mix up when a group of students were sent to the wrong school and because the school has a strict rule that the students cant leave until they have graduated from Rosemary for obvious reasons the normal students are stuck there. Some of the schools teachers are not exactly mentally stable ether not to say they are bad teachers but they definitely are interesting ones. If you try to escape the school you could be expelled which at Rosemary means killed to put it shortly. The students may have special capability's such as speed faster then most, strength, and intelligence your allowed to come up with your own, also you are only allowed to have two special ability's haha have fun!

lol okay you can RP as a insane student, a normal student, a insane teacher, a normal teacher or a very serous and intimidating teacher.

I will role play as extra characters as well as my own character to fill in the role play if needed. I encourage you to have fun with this and your character.

Please try to stay accurate to what is happening in the RP! THANK YOU ( :P )(^U^)
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Insanity levels

Insanity levels are ways for the school to measure just how Insane a student or teacher could be. They are required for a student or teacher to leave their room the character will place their eye close to a scanner on a wall and it will be able to see what level the character is at.


A=91%-100% Insane it can be extremely dangerous and deadly to be around these characters rooms won't let them out until a character with this level.

B=80%-90% A character will not be allowed out of there room at this level but if they are under 80% they are allowed out.

C=60%-79% The character will be allowed out of their room but the school cameras will be watching them....Just encase.

D=40%-59% The school will not consider the character a threat to other or the school it's self even if the character really is a threat.

E=20%-39% The character is almost sane but will stutter as their mind tries to keep the character sane.

F=1%-19% A character is completely sane. this does not mean that the character will stay this way though.....

Remember these can change every day and you will pick what level your character will be at every day and they can change through out the day just like your feelings do.... because insanity is a feeling
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For Teacher characters and students to see what classes they would like to be in. Hi everyone so lets talk about jobs that are available for teachers and how many teachers can do each one! lets begin!

So first off I would like you to keep in mind that this is not a normal school so they won't all be normal classes and jobs.....

Gym Teachers: there can be 2 gym teachers in this class.

Fighting Teachers: There are 2 teachers allowed for this course. These are teacher the will be teaching the student different ways to fight and ways to not be caught doing something.....I wonder why this class would be in this kind of school....odd...

Science Teacher: Only one teacher is needed for this course.

Math Teacher: Only one teacher is needed.

Language Arts Teacher: Only one teacher is needed in this class.

Social Studies Teacher: Just one teacher needed.

Survival class Teacher: One teacher needed for this class. In this class you can teach students to survive in different dangerous places.....such an odd school....

Art Teacher: Only one Teacher for this class. This class student will be taught several different art forms from drawing, painting, sculpting, making masks ; )

Music Teacher: only one needed. Students can learn to play as may instruments as they would like in this class.

Theses are all of the classes for now.... students must have at least 2 classes maxim is 5 classes. you can pick which classes you would like to be in. Teachers can pick more then one class to teach in.
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Umm I feel like that would make it very hard for lots of characters to role play with, but if someone in the RP is ok with you teaming up with them then I am willing to except your character. Just tell me who and the both of you would have to edit your bios a little to match up. Other then that I really do think it's a great idea! @DogInTheBox
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@DogInTheBox I would be okay with you teaming up with me as long as you would be okay with your character being female you can change the name if you want but right now i have it as Kate
oh never mind i didnt know you already had the character made i thought you might be making it from scratch sorry
Yup, diving in the danger train. I would also be willing to roleplay as Kate, Kate being the owner of Ruff and you thinking that they are alive.
Also done just look at the end of the bio and it starts in the middle of the last paragraph after the accident.

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