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Fantasy High School for the Insane


creeping on your memes




Fears:(This will help for the RP and your character)


Student year:(freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)

Character type: (Teacher or student and if the character is Insane or not.)

Bio: (In 1 or 2 paragraphs about the character and the characters history)


Average Insanity levels:(If you have chosen to be an Insane character please go to the "overview" to see the Insanity levels to pick from.)



Name: Piper

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Fears: high up places, Spiders, snakes

she is 5'4" piper also has a scar on her left cheek.

Student year: sophomore

Character type: Insane student

Bio: Piper was the oldest child in her family she had 3 younger siblings 2 little brothers and 1 little sister. Piper came from a poor family her father left when Piper was 9 leaving her mother in a pile of debt, Her mother didn't make a lot of money working at a bar but tried to get as much money as she could to pay for Piper and her siblings to go to school. By the time Piper was 10 her mother had gotten sick and piper was stuck having to find a way to pay for the house take care of her siblings and her mother and go to school. Piper began to feel stressed about everything and started to act odd. She soon developed a multiple personality disorder, Her second personalty came out when ever piper was very mad or stressed. The first time her second personality came out she was 13, piper saw one of her little brothers being bullied the normal Piper would have grabbed him and just walked away from the bully but her second personality walked over and started to beat the kid up. Once piper woke up from her second personality taking over she had blood on her and was standing near the bully as he laid there unconscious barley breathing piper called the cops realizing she did it and ran home. She didn't understand how it happened and why she didn't remember it but she new all this blood was telling her that she did it. Piper went to a psychiatrist when she was 14 after these accidents continued to happen she was told about her second personality and to take medication that she couldn't afford. So Piper lied saying she would get the medication...Eventually Pipers second personalty would talk to her and Piper could talk back. Pipers second personality gave its self a name "Rain" Rain and Piper soon would work together going and stealing money and breaking into houses they were caught when Piper was 15 then piper was sent to Rosemary......

Personality: Piper shy,kind,and caring once she feels comfortable with someone she will be more out going around them. Rain is sadistic and masochistic also loud and sarcastic.

Average Insanity levels: Piper is level E and Rain is usually B but they do change for both personality's.

Other: Piper's second personality Rain is the only one with special ability's Rain is faster then most people and and can make sounds from different areas happen which she has often used when breaking in a house so people will be confused as to where she is in the building.

( HI EVERY ONE!!! Sorry I didn't post my character till now! (' :| ))
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Age: Yoshi is 14, Yashi is 16

Name: Takamaki Yoshi and Takamaki Yashi

Gender: Both female

Sexuality: Both bisexual

Fears: Yoshi~ Afraid of being without Yashi, the darkness and ghost stories. Yashi~ Afraid of heights, bitter food


Yoshi is on the left, Yashi is on the right.


Student year: (I don't even know ;__ ;)

Character type: Both are students, Yoshi is normal, Yashi is insane

Bio: Yoshi and Yashi both had terrible lives. They were tortured when they were younger, about 5 years old. Their parents were a fan of torturing to get their kids into place, to listen and get better grades. 5 years later, their mother died in a car accident and let their dad, which he was much more cruel to the sisters. When their dad left for a vacation, the sisters ran away and lived under the shadows. They must not give away their identity. In those years, in public they were Takayoshi Miyuki and Takayashi Yuki.

Personality: Yoshi is typically a very nice girl. She likes to help others and she is often cheerful and happy. Yashi is very cold, and doesn't talk often. She will often ignore people besides her sister. If you get on her bad side, she is a very creepy girl who can go strangle a duck at midnight!

Average Insanity levels: Yoshi~ F, Yashi~ C


Yoshi has a pet chimera and Yashi has a pet Phoenix. Yoshi can control crystals and make crystals out of thin air. Many attacks are made with her crystal making powers and a weapon of her choice. She is also very quick and doesn't think when she is in a battle. Yashi is the same except she has fire powers. She is stronger than most of the people in her town, and usually uses that to her favor.

Both of them are also werewolves and can make their tail and ears appear whenever they want.
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[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Age: Yoshi is 14, Yashi is 16
Name: Takamaki Yoshi and Takamaki Yashi

Gender: Both female

Sexuality: Both bisexual

Fears: Yoshi~ Afraid of being without Yashi, the darkness and ghost stories. Yashi~ Afraid of heights, bitter food


Yoshi is on the left, Yashi is on the right.


Student year: (I don't even know ;__ ;)

Character type: Both are students, Yoshi is normal, Yashi is insane

Bio: Yoshi and Yashi both had terrible lives. They were tortured when they were younger, about 5 years old. Their parents were a fan of torturing to get their kids into place, to listen and get better grades. 5 years later, their mother died in a car accident and let their dad, which he was much more cruel to the sisters. When their dad left for a vacation, the sisters ran away and lived under the shadows. They must not give away their identity. In those years, in public they were Takayoshi Miyuki and Takayashi Yuki.

Personality: Yoshi is typically a very nice girl. She likes to help others and she is often cheerful and happy. Yashi is very cold, and doesn't talk often. She will often ignore people besides her sister. If you get on her bad side, she is a very creepy girl who can go strangle a duck at midnight!

Average Insanity levels: Yoshi~ F, Yashi~ C


Yoshi has a pet chimera and Yashi has a pet Phoenix. Yoshi can control crystals and make crystals out of thin air. Many attacks are made with her crystal making powers and a weapon of her choice. She is also very quick and doesn't think when she is in a battle. Yashi is the same except she has fire powers. She is stronger than most of the people in her town, and usually uses that to her favor.

Both of them are also werewolves and can make their tail and ears appear whenever they want.

Welcome to the RP!! ;) Btw Yoshi would be a Freshmen and Yashi would be a Junior
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Age: 16

Name: Kyle Smith

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


  1. Being in a group with 3 or more girls
  2. Fire
  3. Losing his necklace



(The only differences are his hair is red and his eyes are green and he is usally seen wearing his necklace, a black t-shirt,black jeans,a purple hoodie, and purple and black shoes.)

Student year: freshmen (he has failed a couple of grades including last years.)

Character type: Student Insane


Kyle was a normal kid for the most part up till he was six. One day in kindergarten during recces a group of three girls from his class came up and ask if he would come play house with them. With a happy smile he said sure but after a few minutes of playing he accidentally did something to make them mad. And they shoved him to the ground and started to beat him up and call him names while they hit him. Another girl from his class one that has grown up with him because they where neighbors went and got a teacher. But by the time the teacher got their to break it up Kyle was knocked out and had several injures. So a few weeks past till he could come back and when he did he was quiet and stayed to himself now and when ever it looked like he was going to be in a group with a lot of girls he would start to freak out. And his friend the girl that went to get help whose name was Kate tried to be their for him but he would at first ignore her and be mean to her. But she kept on pushing until he had no choice but to let her be his friend again and she helped him sort of cover the fear of being in a group of girls up.

As time went on Kyle was able to keep this fear in check mainly because of Kate but every once in a while he would have a panic attack and skip a few days of school or disappear after one. Then about this time Kyle was in sixth grade and its been about a year since any panic attacks he felt like his life was back to normal. He got home one day after school and his parents ask him if they could talk to him and they started to lecture him about his failing grades which he got a mad about and they started arguing. After about five minutes of this his parents sent him up to his room where he was still full of rage and was making a mess of everything and then the next thing he knows is he blacked out and when he came to he was passed out on his floor and their was flames all around him. He was freaking out and ran out of his room calling for his parents and when he got out in the hallway he saw his dad dead on the floor which made him even more upset and made him worry even more he started to search for his mom.At this time a firefighter found him grabbed him and pulled him out. As Kyle waited outside with the firefighters and the medics checking him out who where amazed he had no burns. He waits for them to bring his mother out but they never due. As the fire is put out Kate and her parents came home and rushed over to see what happened Kyle tells them and they try and comfort him. As Kyle's parents where his only family he had no idea what he was going to do or where he was going or anything. Kate's parents decide to take him in since they have known him since he was a baby and was good friends with his parents. After this Kyle became very closed up even more so then he usually was and all the friends he had he cut his ties with them and only confided and hung out with Kate.

Now two years later he is a freshmen in high school Kyle really hasn't changed since then even tho Kate tries her best to push him to hang out with others he doesn't and if he some how finds himself out its usually to make Kate happy. Now it was his birthday which he really didn't look forward to anymore. Kate knowing this always tried to make it a good day for him this year she decided a surprise party would be good for him. So she hung out with Kyle all day which to be honest this is one of the best birthdays he had in a long time. Later that day near dusk she takes him to his favorite pizza place and before they went in she gave him his present which was a really nice necklace which he loved. They went in and this is where he went from happy to slightly annoyed but he put on a fake smile as the party went on. As the party came to an end Kyle went to find Kate to thank her for the day and head home. As he was looking for her he heard some commotion coming from outside where he sees Kate arguing with her current boyfriend who Kyle already hated but he never enter feared with their relationship. So he decided to just watch and see what happened as he watched he saw the boyfriend go up and get up in Kate's face and slap her. Which set Kyle off and he ran and tackled him to the ground and started to beat his face in after a few minutes Kate pulls Kyle off of him and said lets go. As they got in the car and drove off she went off on Kyle saying how she had it under control and didn't need to be saved and how she hates how she always has to be his comfort system and is tired of it all. She also said she wishes she would have just left him alone when he was getting beat up by those girls all those years ago. As Kate goes on Kyle's anger turns into sadness and regret and then as Kate finishes her outburst Kyle Blacks out and as he comes to the car is wrecked into a tree with the front of the car on fire. He quickly takes his seat belt off and pulls Kate out with him as they get a safe distance away he puts her down and tries to get her to come to. After a few minutes of no response he relies her body is limp and slightly cold. He starts to cry and says not again and just holds her as a ambulance and fire truck shows up. Ever since the accident he gives Kate's parents no attention and if he does they argue. And when he leaves the house he doesn't go to school he just goes for a walk through the city and some times a forest. Then one day on one of his walks he saw a cute little puppy and crouched down and petted it which made him feel better and he doesn't know why. A few weeks after seeing the dog randomly through out the weeks he saw Kate with it. At first he thought he was seeing things and then when he was playing with the pup Kate came up and started to play with it to. After a few minutes Kyle says hi to Kat and she replies which shocked him to hell. He apologizes for the accident and she said what accident he said never mind. Ever since then he believes she is still alive and sometimes sees her with the pup but never just her alone and then tried to tell her parents but they just got sadder. Then the school year ended he failed and through out the summer he kept on trying to tell Kate's parents she was alive and a week before school was supposed to begin again they sent Kyle to Rosemary High.

Personality: Is usually calm and quiet, tries and stay out of other peoples business, is kind of anti social, but if some how you become friends with him he becomes very protective of you and tries to always make you happy.

Average Insanity levels: Is usually at a D(50%) but if one of his fears are triggered it jumps to A(100%)


Kyle is also a Fire summoner (which means if he could possibly summon and control fire) but he does not know this because every time he does it he blacks out.(I would hate to see if he ever figures it out what he would do.)

Has a necklace that he is highly protective of.

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HollowForce said:
Age: 16
Name: Kyle Smith

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


  1. Being in a group with 3 or more girls
  2. Fire
  3. Losing his necklace



(The only differences are his hair is red and his eyes are green and he is usally seen wearing his necklace, a black t-shirt,black jeans,a purple hoodie, and purple and black shoes.)

Student year: freshmen (he has failed a couple of grades including last years.)

Character type: Student Insane


Kyle was a normal kid for the most part up till he was six. One day in kindergarten during recces a group of three girls from his class came up and ask if he would come play house with them. With a happy smile he said sure but after a few minutes of playing he accidentally did something to make them mad. And they shoved him to the ground and started to beat him up and call him names while they hit him. Another girl from his class one that has grown up with him because they where neighbors went and got a teacher. But by the time the teacher got their to break it up Kyle was knocked out and had several injures. So a few weeks past till he could come back and when he did he was quiet and stayed to himself now and when ever it looked like he was going to be in a group with a lot of girls he would start to freak out. And his friend the girl that went to get help whose name was Kate tried to be their for him but he would at first ignore her and be mean to her. But she kept on pushing until he had no choice but to let her be his friend again and she helped him sort of cover the fear of being in a group of girls up.

As time went on Kyle was able to keep this fear in check mainly because of Kate but every once in a while he would have a panic attack and skip a few days of school or disappear after one. Then about this time Kyle was in sixth grade and its been about a year since any panic attacks he felt like his life was back to normal. He got home one day after school and his parents ask him if they could talk to him and they started to lecture him about his failing grades which he got a mad about and they started arguing. After about five minutes of this his parents sent him up to his room where he was still full of rage and was making a mess of everything and then the next thing he knows is he blacked out and when he came to he was passed out on his floor and their was flames all around him. He was freaking out and ran out of his room calling for his parents and when he got out in the hallway he saw his dad dead on the floor which made him even more upset and made him worry even more he started to search for his mom.At this time a firefighter found him grabbed him and pulled him out. As Kyle waited outside with the firefighters and the medics checking him out who where amazed he had no burns. He waits for them to bring his mother out but they never due. As the fire is put out Kate and her parents came home and rushed over to see what happened Kyle tells them and they try and comfort him. As Kyle's parents where his only family he had no idea what he was going to do or where he was going or anything. Kate's parents decide to take him in since they have known him since he was a baby and was good friends with his parents. After this Kyle became very closed up even more so then he usually was and all the friends he had he cut his ties with them and only confided and hung out with Kate.

Now two years later he is a freshmen in high school Kyle really hasn't changed since then even tho Kate tries her best to push him to hang out with others he doesn't and if he some how finds himself out its usually to make Kate happy. Now it was his birthday which he really didn't look forward to anymore. Kate knowing this always tried to make it a good day for him this year she decided a surprise party would be good for him. So she hung out with Kyle all day which to be honest this is one of the best birthdays he had in a long time. Later that day near dusk she takes him to his favorite pizza place and before they went in she gave him his present which was a really nice necklace which he loved. They went in and this is where he went from happy to slightly annoyed but he put on a fake smile as the party went on. As the party came to an end Kyle went to find Kate to thank her for the day and head home. As he was looking for her he heard some commotion coming from outside where he sees Kate arguing with her current boyfriend who Kyle already hated but he never enter feared with their relationship. So he decided to just watch and see what happened as he watched he saw the boyfriend go up and get up in Kate's face and slap her. Which set Kyle off and he ran and tackled him to the ground and started to beat his face in after a few minutes Kate pulls Kyle off of him and said lets go. As they got in the car and drove off she went off on Kyle saying how she had it under control and didn't need to be saved and how she hates how she always has to be his comfort system and is tired of it all. She also said she wishes she would have just left him alone when he was getting beat up by those girls all those years ago. As Kate goes on Kyle's anger turns into sadness and regret and then as Kate finishes her outburst Kyle Blacks out and as he comes to the car is wrecked into a tree with the front of the car on fire. He quickly takes his seat belt off and pulls Kate out with him as they get a safe distance away he puts her down and tries to get her to come to. After a few minutes of no response he relies her body is limp and slightly cold. He starts to cry and says not again and just holds her as a ambulance and fire truck shows up. Everything else is a blur the rest of the school year he just drifts through and gives Kate's parents no attention and if he does they argue and the next thing he knows he is off to Rosemary High.

Personality: Is usually calm and quiet, tries and stay out of other peoples business, is kind of anti social, but if some how you become friends with him he becomes very protective of you and tries to always make you happy.

Average Insanity levels: Is usually at a D(50%) but if one of his fears are triggered it jumps to A(100%)


Kyle is also a Fire summoner (which means if he could possibly summon and control fire) but he does not know this because every time he does it he blacks out.(I would hate to see if he ever figures it out what he would do.)

Has a necklace that he is highly protective of.

Kyle seems like a very interesting character and I would love to have him in the RP and I can't wait to watch the character develop! Welcome aboard!
WIP - 90% Complete

Age: 16.75

Name: Flint Janeri

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexuality: Novosexual/romantic


Anything with more than two legs.

Food. (More like a very, very strong dislike; however, if there is anything that appears edible in his sight, he will bolt towards the door.)

The paranormal.

People touching him.

Warm water.


Loud noises.

Wide open spaces with no places to hide.

White rooms.

Small/Closed spaces with no places to hide.

You get the idea, there are a lot of things he doesn't like.

Appearance: Flint has a head full of short, light, cooper curls, but long enough for a tiny ponytail if he so pleased. His favorite thing to wear is a light blue poncho, a few sizes too big, dark jeans, and barefoot. He hates shoes.

Since the poncho is rather large on him and has an outstretched collar, it often hangs off his shoulder, revealing some unhealthily pale skin. The kid doesn't eat much, honestly, and would skip meals if they let him.

Student year: Sophomore (He got held back a year.)

Character type: Student

Bio: (Will add onto later)

Personality: (Will add onto later)

Average Insanity levels: He will often flop back and forth between E and C. Anything more than level C is difficult to trigger, which is probably a good thing.



Gender Assigned at Birth:

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality Explanation: He's not the type to question, but takes what he can get. Like his gender, Flint's sexuality is rather fluid. Because he's only sixteen (almost seventeen), he hasn't really been able to explore that part of him yet. Romance to him is the least of his worries, and he'd like to keep it that way.
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Name:Clair O'Reilly



Fears: Her old General

classes:Fighting and Survival

Character type: Teacher (insane)

Bio: (In 1 or 2 paragraphs about the character and the characters history)Ace number 9029, Clair is a hit woman working for a Japanese government agency, executing black ops missions. Tired of her aimless life, she wanted to live a normal school life. Cool, philosophical, and minimalist, Clair is a realist with above average intelligence. Being very cautious, she always plans and scouts before action. Other than her occasional unorthodox military methods, she is just a fit 'young' woman. The rest of her background is shrouded in mystery and is top secret.

Personality:At first glance, Clair is pretty uninteresting. Talk to her a bit more, and you’ll find that she is well mannered, intelligent and well spoken, though can never seem to shake the scary look in her eyes. She’s casual enough to the point that she won’t tack on honorifics, and she sincerely tries her hardest to make the students of Rosemary High trust her.

Average Insanity levels:Clair is normally at a D level however she can drastically jump to an A if pissed off or 'triggered'

Other:has top of the line military training , is also a master marksman. Is never unarmed.
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Tokki Kusado Also Known as Ki

15 years old


Tokki doesn't exactly know her sexuality. She doesn't really understand the meaning of love and at this point in her life it's the least of her worries.

She is afraid of losing her stuffed teddy bear. She has had it for some time now and she doesn't want to let it go. Another thing she's afraid of are the voices in her head. She isn't aware of the fact that they aren't there along with the "spirits" that she sees on a weekly to monthly basis.


Insane Student

(Bio explained in the rp)

Tokki isn't a very approachable human being. It's not because of her lack of sanity but rather her grim appearance.

sadistic|blunt|soft spoken|gentle

Tokki's insanity levels usually change from D (being lowest for her) to A. She is very unpredictable being very quiet most of the time.

Stands at 5 feet

105 lbs

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JC836 said:
WIP - 90% Complete
Age: 16.75

Name: Flint Janeri

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexuality: Novosexual/romantic


Anything with more than two legs.

Food. (More like a very, very strong dislike; however, if there is anything that appears edible in his sight, he will bolt towards the door.)

The paranormal.

People touching him.

Warm water.


Loud noises.

Wide open spaces with no places to hide.

White rooms.

Small/Closed spaces with no places to hide.

You get the idea, there are a lot of things he doesn't like.

Appearance: Flint has a head full of short, light, cooper curls, but long enough for a tiny ponytail if he so pleased. His favorite thing to wear is a light blue poncho, a few sizes too big, dark jeans, and barefoot. He hates shoes.

Since the poncho is rather large on him and has an outstretched collar, it often hangs off his shoulder, revealing some unhealthily pale skin. The kid doesn't eat much, honestly, and would skip meals if they let him.

Student year: Sophomore (He got held back a year.)

Character type: Student

Bio: (Will add onto later)

Personality: (Will add onto later)

Average Insanity levels: He will often flop back and forth between E and C. Anything more than level C is difficult to trigger, which is probably a good thing.



Gender Assigned at Birth:

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality Explanation: He's not the type to question, but takes what he can get. Like his gender, Flint's sexuality is rather fluid. Because he's only sixteen (almost seventeen), he hasn't really been able to explore that part of him yet. Romance to him is the least of his worries, and he'd like to keep it that way.
Accepted I can't wait to see how he is with the insane students! @JC836




Fear: scary people, spiders

looks:light brown hair blue eyes 5ft 5 and super beautiful

Student year:i don't know

Character type: Student and a little insane but nothing to big

Bio: no one really know my past or who I am all you know it's that I am freaking awesome

Personality:really funny kinda flirty really strong physicalie and mentally

Average Insanity levels: people think I'm crazy because I can see ghosts but other then that I'm fine
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Mr Swiftshots] [IMG]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiNcp4-sxjcVeNfwdeKUhxmB1t05sRlIF5Je7nHLgygrtsEP-BCg[/IMG] Age:27 Name:Clair O'Reilly Gender:Female Sexuality:Bisexual Fears: Her old General Student year:( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30014-coolkittycassie/ said:
@CoolKittyCassie[/URL] can decide )

Character type: Teacher (insane)

Bio: (In 1 or 2 paragraphs about the character and the characters history)Ace number 9029, Clair is a hit woman working for a Japanese government agency, executing black ops missions. Tired of her aimless life, she wanted to live a normal school life. Cool, philosophical, and minimalist, Clair is a realist with above average intelligence. Being very cautious, she always plans and scouts before action. Other than her occasional unorthodox military methods, she is just a fit 'young' woman. The rest of her background is shrouded in mystery and is top secret.

Personality:At first glance, Clair is pretty uninteresting. Talk to her a bit more, and you’ll find that she is well mannered, intelligent and well spoken, though can never seem to shake the scary look in her eyes. She’s casual enough to the point that she won’t tack on honorifics, and she sincerely tries his hardest to make the students of Rosemary High trust her.

Average Insanity levels:Clair is normally at a D level however she can drastically jump to an A if pissed off or 'triggered'

Other:has top of the line military training , is also a master marksman. Is never unarmed.
Welcome to the RP! @Mr Swiftshots
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Imagination said:


Tokki Kusado Also Known as Ki

15 years old


Tokki doesn't exactly know her sexuality. She doesn't really understand the meaning of love and at this point in her life it's the least of her worries.

She is afraid of losing her stuffed teddy bear. She has had it for some time now and she doesn't want to let it go. Another thing she's afraid of are the voices in her head. She isn't aware of the fact that they aren't there along with the "spirits" that she sees on a weekly to monthly basis.


Insane Student

(Bio explained in the rp)

Tokki isn't a very approachable human being. It's not because of her lack of sanity but rather her grim appearance.

sadistic|blunt|soft spoken|gentle

Tokki's insanity levels usually change from D (being lowest for her) to A. She is very unpredictable being very quiet most of the time.

Stands at 5 feet

105 lbs

Accepted! I can't wait to see what she brings to the table! @Imagination
AwesomeEm4 said:



Fear: scary people, spiders

looks:light brown hair blue eyes 5ft 5 and super beautiful

Student year:i don't know

Character type: Student and a little insane but nothing to big

Bio: no one really know my past or who I am all you know it's that I am freaking awesome

Personality:really funny kinda flirty really strong physicalie and mentally

Average Insanity levels: people think I'm crazy because I can see ghosts but other then that I'm fine
Hi, @AwesomeEm4 I was wondering if you could please edit your character and add a bit more information to her then I can add her in. Please and thank you! ( :) )
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Fear: scary people, spiders

looks:light brown hair blue eyes 5ft 5 and super beautiful

Student year:i don't know

Character type: Student and a little insane but nothing to big

Bio: I have a mom dad 2 sisters 2 brothers and 3 dogs life was normal until I started seeing ghosts at age 14 i thought I could handle it until I thought one was going to kill me so my parents sent me to a stupid crazy people school even though I'm fine and I say I don't see ghost but I still do but I don't want to tell anyone because I wanna get out of here fast

Personality:really funny kinda flirty really strong physicalie and mentally

Average Insanity levels: people think I'm crazy because I can see ghosts but other then that I'm fine
AwesomeEm4 said:



Fear: scary people, spiders

looks:light brown hair blue eyes 5ft 5 and super beautiful

Student year:i don't know

Character type: Student and a little insane but nothing to big

Bio: I have a mom dad 2 sisters 2 brothers and 3 dogs life was normal until I started seeing ghosts at age 14 i thought I could handle it until I thought one was going to kill me so my parents sent me to a stupid crazy people school even though I'm fine and I say I don't see ghost but I still do but I don't want to tell anyone because I wanna get out of here fast

Personality:really funny kinda flirty really strong physicalie and mentally

Average Insanity levels: people think I'm crazy because I can see ghosts but other then that I'm fine
Thank you, Accepted! we will just say for now your characters insanity levels are E if that's alright? Your character would be a sophomore (^.^)
Name: Evan Talon

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Sexuality: Straight

Character type: Student, a bit insane

Classes: Fighting, Survival, Science, Math.

Fears: Drowning, Being kidnapped, and having no food

Appearance: My profile pic

Insanity level: Mostly an E

Bio: To be revealed

Personality: Evan is a friendly and cheerful guy but gets angry really easily. He is flirty and a bit of a romantic too.

Favourite thing to say: I will make you beautiful...
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Age: 17

Name: Syth

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Fears: His family (Except for his younger brother). Bad cooking.



Student year: Sophomore

Character type: Insane student

Bio: Syth grew up with his mother and his father as well as his two brothers. His older brother Ethan was a quiet but caring person while his younger brother Andrew was a lot more outgoing and social. At the age of seven Syth was already excelling at school and was known for being quite smart, which was something he took after his brother Ethan who had already pushed a grade ahead and was still making exceptional marks. A couple years later Syth was now fourteen with his older brother Ethan being seventeen and his younger brother Andrew being eleven they're family was hosting a family reunion with most of them being from his mother's side which usually rarely visited. Syth had always been a curious person and noticed one of his uncles who was seemingly avoiding everyone else. His uncle had been outside in their backyard using throwing knives with a tree as his target, Syth watched for about twenty minutes as the man threw them with pretty decent accuracy at the tree and the edge of their backyard. He approached his uncle and asked if he could teach him to which his uncle said he would be quite happy to. It was as if Syth was remembering something he had forgotten when he practiced with his uncle for the rest of the day, he was a natural and after the first hour he was already hitting with the same accuracy as his uncle. His uncle being quite surprised complimented Syth on his skill. Syth smiled and held one of the knives in his hand staring at it in almost fascination. His uncle left saying he was going to get himself some dinner and told Syth to wait for him to get back. Syth admired the knife for another moment or two when he heard movement. He looked up and saw a squirrel dash from one of the branches of one of the many tree's in the forest behind Syth's house onto his fence. Syth looked at the squirrel for a moment, then almost subconsciously he stared at the squirrel as he aimed and with an extremely quick flash he threw the knife and killed the squirrel instantly. He walked over to the squirrel and pulled the knife out quite pleased with his aim. He never told anyone about the squirrel. About a year later his father started gambling and drinking and they lost a lot of money, Syth had been collecting knives ever since he met his uncle and had quite the collection. His father would often come home drunk and eventually after lots of yelling late at night and his parents fighting Syth had started to resent his father. His mother started working and was often gone late nights. When ever his father was home he started hitting him and his younger brother Andrew. Ethan always stood up for them if he could but since Ethan had to work as well to help pay for everyone with his mother he wasn't always home which left Syth and Andrew with their abusive father. One night Syth had taken a bit to much hit's to the head and his personality started to change. He was more quiet and less happy and he hated his father. Syth overheard Ethan and his mother fighting with his father about money. Ethan had started being more cold toward Andrew and Syth and his mother was the same. Syth went to Ethan on one of his days off while he was in pain from a night previous. Telling Ethan about his injury Ethan scoffed and said "I have enough things to worry about go cry to someone else". Ethan and his mother started getting mad and Syth and Andrew constantly and this went on for another year. Syth hated everyone but his younger brother, he felt like his world had just crashed and his family hated him. After suffering some head injury he snapped and one night he took a dozen throwing knives and hummed to himself as he spun some of them around his fingers. Syth went downstairs and found his father in the kitchen. A wicked grin came across his face and he threw one of his knives with alarmingly fast speed towards his father skimming his nose "Hey dad. Let's try a new game I thought of" He said as his father turned to look at him. His father ran and Syth chased him around the house throwing his knives slicing him over and over. He kept missing fatal area's on purpose because it had become a game for him. He finally got bored and finished off his father as he threw one that him between the eyes. With blood spread throughout most of the downstairs of their house Syth stood there with his wicked insane smile. He was sent to Rosemary High soon after

Personality: Syth is a friendly person almost all the time and is only dangerous to those he really dislikes. He loves knives and is carrying at least six on him when ever he can. Syth also LOVES food.

Average Insanity levels: C

Please let me know if I have to change anything!
Last edited by a moderator:
Xelvere said:
Age: 17
Name: Syth

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Fears: His family (Except for his younger brother). Bad cooking.



Student year: Sophomore

Character type: Insane student

Bio: Syth grew up with his mother and his father as well as his two brothers. His older brother Ethan was a quiet but caring person while his younger brother Andrew was a lot more outgoing and social. At the age of seven Syth was already excelling at school and was known for being quite smart, which was something he took after his brother Ethan who had already pushed a grade ahead and was still making exceptional marks. A couple years later Syth was now fourteen with his older brother Ethan being seventeen and his younger brother Andrew being eleven they're family was hosting a family reunion with most of them being from his mother's side which usually rarely visited. Syth had always been a curious person and noticed one of his uncles who was seemingly avoiding everyone else. His uncle had been outside in their backyard using throwing knives with a tree as his target, Syth watched for about twenty minutes as the man threw them with pretty decent accuracy at the tree and the edge of their backyard. He approached his uncle and asked if he could teach him to which his uncle said he would be quite happy to. It was as if Syth was remembering something he had forgotten when he practiced with his uncle for the rest of the day, he was a natural and after the first hour he was already hitting with the same accuracy as his uncle. His uncle being quite surprised complimented Syth on his skill. Syth smiled and held one of the knives in his hand staring at it in almost fascination. His uncle left saying he was going to get himself some dinner and told Syth to wait for him to get back. Syth admired the knife for another moment or two when he heard movement. He looked up and saw a squirrel dash from one of the branches of one of the many tree's in the forest behind Syth's house onto his fence. Syth looked at the squirrel for a moment, then almost subconsciously he stared at the squirrel as he aimed and with an extremely quick flash he threw the knife and killed the squirrel instantly. He walked over to the squirrel and pulled the knife out quite pleased with his aim. He never told anyone about the squirrel. About a year later his father started gambling and drinking and they lost a lot of money, Syth had been collecting knives ever since he met his uncle and had quite the collection. His father would often come home drunk and eventually after lots of yelling late at night and his parents fighting Syth had started to resent his father. His mother started working and was often gone late nights. When ever his father was home he started hitting him and his younger brother Andrew. Ethan always stood up for them if he could but since Ethan had to work as well to help pay for everyone with his mother he wasn't always home which left Syth and Andrew with their abusive father. One night Syth had taken a bit to much hit's to the head and his personality started to change. He was more quiet and less happy and he hated his father. Syth overheard Ethan and his mother fighting with his father about money. Ethan had started being more cold toward Andrew and Syth and his mother was the same. Syth went to Ethan on one of his days off while he was in pain from a night previous. Telling Ethan about his injury Ethan scoffed and said "I have enough things to worry about go cry to someone else". Ethan and his mother started getting mad and Syth and Andrew constantly and this went on for another year. Syth hated everyone but his younger brother, he felt like his world had just crashed and his family hated him. After suffering some head injury he snapped and one night he took a dozen throwing knives and hummed to himself as he spun some of them around his fingers. Syth went downstairs and found his father in the kitchen. A wicked grin came across his face and he threw one of his knives with alarmingly fast speed towards his father skimming his nose "Hey dad. Let's try a new game I thought of" He said as his father turned to look at him. His father ran and Syth chased him around the house throwing his knives slicing him over and over. He kept missing fatal area's on purpose because it had become a game for him. He finally got bored and finished off his father as he threw one that him between the eyes. With blood spread throughout most of the downstairs of their house Syth stood there with his wicked insane smile. He was sent to Rosemary High soon after

Personality: Syth is a friendly person almost all the time and is only dangerous to those he really dislikes. He loves knives and is carrying at least six on him when ever he can. Syth also LOVES food.

Average Insanity levels: C

Please let me know if I have to change anything!
Syth seems very interesting! Welcome to the RP!!!
Talon said:
Name: Evan Talon
Age: 17

Grade: 11

Character type: Student, a bit insane

Fears: Drowning, Being kidnapped, and having no food

Appearance: My profile pic

Insanity level: Mostly an E

Bio: To be revealed

Personality: Evan was only put in this school because he has a bit of an obsession with knives. He is a friendly and cheerful guy but gets angry really easily. He is flirty and a bit of a romantic too.
Accepted! We will just say your character is a normal student that is very susceptible to be coming insane if that's okay?

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