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Fantasy High School for the Insane


creeping on your memes
Rosemary High, a beautiful High School or so it looks. Rosemary high is a high school made for teenagers that were meant to go to an insane asylum the mystery is why someone wanted to make this school though. The High School doesn't just have insane students... there was a mix up when a group of students were sent to the wrong school and because the school has a strict rule that the students cant leave until they have graduated from Rosemary for obvious reasons. Some of the schools teachers are not exactly mentally stable ether not to say they are bad teachers but they definitely are interesting ones. If you try to escape the school you could be expelled which at Rosemary means killed to put it shortly. The students may have special capability's such as speed faster then most, strength your allowed to come up with your own also you are only allowed to have two special ability's. haha have fun!

lol okay you can RP as a insane student, a normal student, a insane teacher, a normal teacher or a very serous and intimidating teacher.

I will role play as extra characters as well as my own character to fill in the role play if needed. I encourage you to have fun with this and your character.

Please try to stay accurate to what is happening in the RP! THANK YOU ( :P )(^U^)
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