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Fandom Hidden Society


Unlucky Member
Hidden away in the center of a ring of impossibly high mountains, there's a small town. The homes are well built, though the biggest one is two stories high and the smallest is a glorified doghouse. Who lives here? Well, there's a variety of people. There are a few humans that are all scientists and plenty of Pokemon. Why is this place hidden? Because there's also a unique race, one that the humans don't want to be let out into the world because they know the world would react badly.

This race... is the gijinka. Gijinka are a mixture of human and Pokemon, human mostly in appearance, though they will have the ears, tails, wings, or other small traits of their Pokemon counterpart. They were created by the human scientists, who now study them to see how they are different from humans and Pokemon. Several things have been discovered about the gijinka race:

-They can be caught, though they have a high catch rates and are therefore difficult to put into a regular pokeball.

-They can communicate with both humans and Pokemon, yet they don't seem to speak separate languages.

-They tend to have the usual personality of their Pokemon side mixed in with human traits.

-They cannot willingly change into their Pokemon form without training and practice.

Now, gijinkas have been created in a variety of ways. Some were created through genetic experimentation, some through a Pokemon simply waking up and mysteriously becoming a human, and there have even been a few reported cases where a Pokemon's soul took over a human body and melded with the human soul. Whenever a gijinka pops up, the scientists are quick to know and they always get the gijinka into the hidden town to keep them safe.


1) I would love it if you used a picture in your sign up. Preferably anime.

2) Use some of that grammar and spelling stuff you learned in the second grade, please.

3) No legendaries unless you request to be one from me and I say yes.

4) If a person makes more than one character, it won't lessen the available spots in this roleplay.

5) Keep the OOC chat out of the roleplay posts. You can use the OOC comments things on posts, sure, but no actual OOC posts in the IC tab!

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