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Fantasy Hidden from Light: A Medieval Journey to Safety (IC)


The Kingdom of Redukan is a large continent with multiple different biomes in it. While an era of peace was active for the four main regions, terror rose in 1636. An evil wizard rose, ruling a volcanic area in the North and raising an army of dark ghosts to overpower the knights of the world and bring in misery.

However, these shadows were short lived, as it took only a few weeks for a band heroes to defeat this wizard and return peace to the land.

The war is over. The forces of Light were finally able to vanquish Darkness.
However, light cannot persist without dark.

That is why darkness must continue to exist, so that the world can stay in balance.
Unfortunately, there are few that cannot see this truth. These few individuals that strive for a world without people... like you.
Unwilling to type up more information at the moment.

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