Hi I'm anxiety incarnate


Professional Gremlin
And the word "oof" sums up my life perfectly. I'm gonna give roleplaying a try again, I started roleplaying when I was twelve-ish and was super active on a few different sites for 3 years and then I did next to nothing and yeah it might be nice to figure this out again???

I'm a college student and major in theatre tech and I'm also in my school's pep band so I have next to no free time but I'm here anyway and will probably end up spending way too much time here oh no. My pronouns are he/him and my hands are really cold rn but I need them to type so hhhhh. My main hobbies are loving bugs, being gay, and huffing sawdust. Especially loving bugs, bugs are so good they make me cry??? I'm. Really casual when talking OOC and have bad grammar and run-ons and stuff but that doesn't carry over to roleplay posts unless the roleplay is a really casual one, in which case you can't really tell the difference between OOC and IC typing styles whoops sorry.

I Don't Really Know What Else To Say. I usually roleplay OCs? But I waver between original plots and fandom plots, I'm down for either at pretty much any time. Of course since I usually do OCs most of my fandom roleplays end up being Pokemon/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Fire Emblem, or Harry Potter, or really anything that has a big world/theme and isn't tied completely to the characters. Not to say that I'm not willing to roleplay canon characters, especially in something like Ace Attorney or occasionally MCU.

I honestly don't know the general introduction thread etiquette here so??? I think this covers most of my bases???? No idea, we'll see.
!!! Thank you! I'm excited to finally hecking seriously roleplay again! Though knowing me I'll probably end up just. Not doing anything and forget this site exists in a week. But hopefully not!
!!! Thank you! I'm excited to finally hecking seriously roleplay again! Though knowing me I'll probably end up just. Not doing anything and forget this site exists in a week. But hopefully not!
Lol I get that. Life gets pretty hectic sometimes. I'm getting back into it myself.
Almost 6 years ago. I was 10 at the time. I started off doing warrior cat roleplays and anime stuff but branched out.
Aw, neato! I started with Redwall RPs and did them exclusively for about a year, but I did do a few Warrior Cats RPs on those forums way back when.
Yeah lol. I was a huge fan of the series (still kinda am) but I didnt finish the series. I took about a 2 year break after having some bad run ins with ppl.
hello friend! i 100% relate to the title of this thread!

i’m also a theatre tech student, but i’m currently working on getting my masters degree! what’s your area of focus?
Welcome OrangeAxolotl! We are happy to have you here, and I hope you find some super cool rps to take part in!
You honest to god sound like my friend Riley, who is the coolest dude I've ever met. Sooooooo when you get your posts up, feel free to PM me! We can talk and act gay n shit like that so ye
Welcome to RPN!
Hhhh! I'm so glad so many folks are saying hi! I woulda been responding but I was painting sets so yeet.

Jaylen - Yeah, that's understandable. That site was. Never the best. I mostly hung out in the roleplay sections, but they were very elitist there in general.

Eggsaladsandwhich - !!!! Nice to meet another! I only just started, so I haven't decided my focus areas yet. My degree program requires you to pick two, and I know I wanna do mechanical stuff for sure, but other than that? It's up in the air. Management could be fun, same with general crafting or electrical. I think I'm gonna try to check out as much as I can before settling on my second one.

ShiyaRose - Thanks!!!!!

June Verles - Dad? You're alive?

Madame Nova - Yeah! I'd like that!!! I think I'm just gonna bum around for a bit and look at 1x1 or small group threads probably, and I'll try and send you a PM once I'm able!
awesome!! that’s totally cool because everything you’re interested in is on the totally opposite end of the spectrum from me (i’m costumes)!! godspeed in your theatrical endeavors!!

i hope you enjoy your time on the site! feel free to message me if you ever want to rp once you’re able to, bc i’d be super interested!
!!! I have so much respect for costume designers, it's a ton of work and you have to deal with shoes??? I can barely duct tape my own shoes together when they're literally falling apart. Costumes are great, the closest thing to that I'm super interested in is props. I do know that my college is currently designing a crafting focus area, for things like props and a little bit of costumes but not as much costumes as the costume focus. And that's something I was thinking about Maybe Doing, but then I'd have to wait a few semesters to really start on that.

But yeah, I'll totally send a PM your way at some point!
hey welcome to the site my dude, I hope you have a chill time

and omg someone else who i'm assuming since it is your major the pain of theatre. theatre tech is what i plan on going to school
Typically I am run crew but I love anything that has to do with tech or really anything about theatre except painful costumes

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