

court jester
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I frequent a couple of RP sites but I'm always looking for more -- i like finding new people and ideas to explore etc. Someone on one of the other websites i'm on mentioned rp nation and I decided to check it out so uhhh here i am!!

i've been RPing for a few years but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things because through my senior year and the beginning of college, RPing and writing in general kind of fell to the wayside so now I'm on an ever continuing (and lowkey failing) quest to get back into it.

anyway i'm a 19 year old dude, theatre major with a writing minor in my sophomore year of college and i'm always down to make friends or throw ideas around o:
Welcome! I'd love to Roleplay with you sometime, and I happen to have way too much freetime. I'm here to meet new people, write stuff, and makes friends too :0

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