

Slippery Snek
Well I suppose I have to make a post in order to be here so here it is.

About me:
Name: My friends call me Angel - so I'll stick with that
Gender: I am a bonafide Apache Atta- I'm a female
Sexual Orientation: Straight as that pole your grandma ran into last weekend.. No but really I'm straight
Likes: Tacos, Pizza, Cheesecake... I mean I guess you could just say I love food, Movies, Anime, Tacos, Things that sparkle, Things that glitter... maybe those are the same thing, Sleep, Reading, Writing, and Drawing, oh and helping others
Dislikes: Mushrooms... they taste like edible dirt.. who wants to eat dirt!?, Being awake, Disrespect of any kind, and... well I cant think of much else so here's more foods i dislike. Turnips, Tomatoes...and I ran out of those things.
Age: somewhere from 13 to 2675 - you figure it out
Personality: I would say I am a genuinely kind person, and I love to be there to help others when they need it. I am typically shy and quiet and don't really try to instigate conversation unless its complimenting someone or thanking them.
Why I'm here: I love roleplaying.. that one is kind of a given since I'm on a sight called "RP Nation" but anyways - I love the freedom it gives you to forget for a while, and be someone else - to create a winding story with others, and express things you would not be able to in the real world. It's like being freed from the chains of reality, and allowed to soar into the vast expanse of imagination and creativity. Recently I decided to branch out - I have been roleplaying for 7 years, mostly with one person for the last 5, and I am ready to experience new and more in depth roleplays... that is if I can find one here.
How I roleplay: I have changed the way I rp as of recently - I would consider myself a Literate roleplayer, not quite advanced as I prefer to show not tell most of the things I write. My responses are usually in a book like format, with speech being in quotation marks, and actions being in a paragraph with the speech of the person I am roleplaying as. I use the third person to refer to my character (She, He, etc...) When I talk outside of the rp I end my comment with // to signify its difference. I enjoy Fantasy and Sci-Fi stories, but I am definitely open to anything. I like to develop the story and plot prior to creating the characters - in an attempt at making my character relevant to the plot. I also prefer long term rps - as they seem to be more involved and overall just more exciting. I also show a lot of what is going on inside of my characters head - even if it doesn't necessarily show on their face, to give more depth to the rp.

CONCLUSION: I know this was probably longer than it needed to be but I figured if I have to make a post why not make it detailed. I applaud anyone who actually read it completely! Feel free to initiate conversation if you think I'd be a good fit for YOu!

Have a wonderful day


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