

rude boy

i signed up on this site with the username "alexander hamilton," but that's not my name.

your US history class probably taught you what that's based off of.

or, if you like musicals, you've probably heard of this great little musical called "Hamilton."

my real name is Jackson! but i go by a multitude of different little nicknames, but feel free to call me by my real name or refer to me as hamilton or ask about any other nicknames.. i don't really care, call me whatever.

i'm pretty much in love with television and watch too many things on Hulu for my own good.

i also really love role playing things of all kinds of themes, too many themes to count or list down right now.

i'm also not very good at talking about myself, so i'll leave that at this.

i'm generally pretty friendly so feel free to talk to me vwv

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