Hey There, Neighbor

Sunny Rain

First Mate
Hello there!

I'm Sunny. Sunny Rain. I've been roleplaying off and on for several years, only stopping because of issues with my own health. However, I'm in a very stable condition right now and will be able to continue.

I love writing and creating. It's my passion, and I plan to be an author when it's all said and done. I tend to not be very anal and overly detailed with my characters, because I find that they create themselves. I'm just a vessel. So please don't get onto me for that.

Well, I guess that's it. I look forward to roleplaying with you all.
Hello @Sunny Rain,

Welcome to RpN!

I am also a fan of one x one roleplays, but I can't say I have the same taste for coffee as you do. Not unless it has a lot of sugar in it...

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox! Once you have made at least 10 posts, you’ll be able to access more of the site’s awesome features and send private messages!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!

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