Hey everybody!


𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.
I'm friedau, but feel free to call me fry or dau! I used to be obsessed with WCRPG when I was younger and that's pretty much what got me into roleplaying. I haven't been rolepalaying for 1 maybe 2 years now because of school, but I'm eager to get back into it and this site seems friendly! I'm not sure what exactly to write about myself, but well! I'm 17 years old and books, movies, video games and writing stories are my loves <3 My fav video game is probably Dishonored, but Thief games are close behind.
As for roleplaying, I mainly roleplay fantasy, crime, realistic or romance! But I'm happy to roleplay pretty much anything, except zombie apocalpyse (zombies actually scare the crap out of me >.<). I think I'm a semi-advanced roleplayer and I'm better at more darker roleplays, but light-hearted and casual roleplay is something I like as well!
Anyways, I'm excited to meet and roleplay with you guys! I hope we get along! :captaincat:
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Welcome to RpN! I have no idea what WCRPG is, but if it got you into RolePlaying, then that's cool! I hope you have a wonderful time writing here, and if you ever need help or just want to chat, my inbox is always open!

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