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Heroes have Failed

Ryland stopped and paused for a long moment. Then suddenly he disappeared into the shadows. After about three minutes, he reappeared beside her, clear as day. "That's one of them...the other involves...looking into someone's eyes. I see into their thoughts. It's useful in battle, sometimes. My family...they trained me my whole life. It is my life." He walked beside her. The trees were drooping like they were sad about something. The wind felt a little heavier. But, Ryland was less phased now, though still very worn out. But, he was used to traveling. He missed his horse.

As the wind picked up even more, and the sun was setting behind the heavy clouds, Ryland pulled his jacket on tighter, and lowered his head. When the shadows were casting upon him like this, he was tempted to become lost in it. To just disappear and become one with it. But, with Gwen here, he wouldn't do that. And if he were honest, she was quite beautiful. He was just too lost in his thoughts to fully notice.
First he was there.

Then he wasn't.

Gwen blinked. He didn't reappear. She turned about to see if she could spot him, but to no avail. Then it occurred to her that perhaps he had cloaked in some fashion. Gwen closed her eyes and smiled. That will be a useful ability indeed. Too bad it hides his handsome face. But enough gawking, woman. Find the guy.

She spread her feet a little and stood still. As Ryland moved about, she felt his vibrations in the earth. He was circling about, probably testing her senses. Gwen stretched out one hand and released a small quantity of Seed into the air around her. She set them to entangle with her implant. Every time Ryland would touch one, it would trigger a corresponding movement in the implant.

He was right beside her.

Gwen retreated the Seed into her necklace and resumed her slow pace. "That is an impressive special power."

"That's one of them."

"You have more?"

"The other involves...looking into someone's eyes. I see their thoughts."

Uh oh. I bet he heard my thoughts earlier. She reddened a little and looked away.

"It's useful in battle sometimes," he continued. "My family...they trained me my whole life. It is my life."

Ryland fell in step beside her, his shoulders drooped. Thoughts of his family must have once again filled his mind. Gwen reached out and squeezed his shoulder. The hardest part of your journey is over. There will be many trials left for you to face, but none are tougher than losing the ones you love. You'll get through this.

They both pulled their coats tighter as the evening approached. A chilly wind rolled down the mountain and bit through their clothes. Shadows fell from the clouds and swept all the light from the valley. The darkness was exciting, despite the danger it often brought, and the two of them dreamt of losing themselves in it. Light always held one's attention to the objects of its glory, but in its absence, it gave room for one's own thoughts to rise in focus.

But for one of them, it would remain only a dream. Gwen couldn't help feeling a little envious of Ryland, whom the darkness had embraced rather than destroyed. She yearned to be like him, able to bask in the black and cloak himself where no prying eyes could look. Instead, she settled for second best and drew closer to him. Not that she particularly trusted him, but he didn't seem like the kind of person who would touch a woman while still dealing with unspeakable grief.

They walked for a while longer before it occurred to Gwen that she hadn't disclosed her own abilities. But perhaps she didn't need to. Her one ability with the most obvious strategic significance was control over Seed, which Ryland would discover soon enough, if he hadn't already. Nor did he seem particularly interested, as someone dealing with great loss couldn't be expected to.

"What is on your mind?" she asked at length. Really, there was no better way to find out what a person was thinking than to ask straight-up. "Reliving the better days, I suppose?"
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Ryland didn't really have "better days" as it would normally be defined. His better days, he supposed were likely traveling from one city to another with his family. His family was rather famous, and maybe if he said their "legendary" and untrue last name, she would recognize it, but he much preferred being simply "Ryland," because that last name wasn't even their real name. He still wasn't quite sure how the name got rumored about. Nonetheless, it had stuck and posters of his brother being wanted were still posted around in many cities. Ryland thought for a long moment before he replied. He thought about the festivals, which were probably his favorite thing to do. Dancing. That was high up on the list too. He had danced with many women, but only one had actually truly danced with him. But, her face was now a distant memory and the thought of her caused a glimpse of pain across his face.

Now that he had a glimmer of hope for his family, there was hope in his heart, and no longer simply grief. In spite of this faint hope, he had a feeling there really wasn't. That she was just saying this to inspire him, to keep him going. For now, he decided he would accept it, because he couldn't really accept his family's loss. Nori, Elias, his parents, his grandfather, Elias' wife. They all were a part of him, just as essential as him limbs, his organs. But, the hardest loss was Nori. If Nori were here, she'd totally be setting him and Gwen up, even in spite of the circumstances. Especially in spite of the circumstances. She was always sad about her and Ryland being single. It saddened Ryland that she had never really gotten what she wanted, and never would, most likely. But, he tried to dwell on it too long, because he wanted to hope. Without hope, life seemed pretty meaningless.

"I suppose," he finally said. It was getting rather late, and the nearest town was about a five minute walk, he figured. "Evanvale is just over that hill," he said pointing. "We should stop for the night. And we should also find horses. We'll make faster passage that way. I think we should be able to find some there." Evanvale was a high population town, and full of noise. It was a huge festival town, that had festivals at least once a month. It was weird to Ryland, who had just lost everything, to come into a town where people acted like they had everything. Maybe they did, in some sense.

They were completely oblivious to the darkness Gwen and Ryland had just escaped from. They were setting up for a new festival, that was posted to happen the very next day. The stalls were already set up.
At first, it seemed like Ryland hadn't heard her question. Then he winced. He had heard her, and he didn't like what was on his mind. Gwen exhaled and gazed upward. If she were him, she'd be reliving the days when the departed were still alive, remembering who they were and all the good they'd done for the world. Ryland apparently agreed.

"I suppose."

That was all he said. It was a noncommittal response, suggesting that her guess was close but not wholly accurate. He had more practical considerations on his mind now. Ryland pointed down the road. "Evanvale is just over that hill. We should stop there for the night. And we should also find horses. We'll make faster passage that way. I think we should be able to find some there." Gwen nodded, as if he could see her in the dark. "I know a place where we can stay."

They entered Evanvale by the south gate, where they were greeted by a chorus of folk songs, easy banter, and the aroma of freshly-brewed alcohol. Even though it wasn't the day of the festival, it might has well have been - the completion of several days' hard work was considered something to celebrate around here. Travelers from all around the country came with their belongings and festival stuff to find lodging in anticipation for tomorrow's fun. As Gwen and Ryland weaved their way through the traffic, they caught the attention of a huge muscular man with tattoos all over his body, a long untrimmed beard, and weather-beaten leather clothes. As soon as he spotted them, he put down the chicken leg he was munching on and paced up to them.

The man crossed his arms and scowled.

Gwen crossed her arms and scowled back.

Suddenly, a broad grin broke forth on both their faces, followed by a long, hearty laugh. "Why, if it ain't m'lady Gwen! I ain't seen ya since Winter of O'Thirty! Howdy do, ma'am?" He knelt on the ground and kissed her hand.

Gwen smirked. "About as well as an old lady can be expected to. It is good to see you again, Baern. Truly."

Baern stood up and wiped a tear from his eyes. "Amen to that. Darnit, I'm gittin' all emotional again." Then he turned to Ryland and looked him over, disapprovingly from the way his eyes narrowed. "Now who's this young'un you brought wit ya? New boyfriend?" The thought apparently made him scowl. But Gwen simply giggled and replied, "Oh, goodness no. He is a survivor. I was hoping we could find a place to stay for the night." Baern's eyes lit up. "You'd grace me with your presence? Oh Lordy! Today is a good day. I know just the place." He hefted his things and started down the road.
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When Gwen replied "I know a place we can stay," Ryland was surprised by her assertiveness. Clearly, she was familiar with this city. Ryland had been here himself a couple of times, but never as himself. And he was more acquainted with the underground side of the city, the less pretty. As soon as they passed the south gate, and Ryland could hear the music, and smell the alcohol, it was like all the sadness melted away for a second. He was brought back to being a child again, when his dad would carry him on his shoulders, and tell him they were taking a break from their adventures, that they were just going to settle for awhile and have good food and fun. It was like for a few weeks, they were a normal family.

When the tattooed man approached them, he seemed very jovial to Ryland. When Gwen referred to herself as an old lady, it surprised him. Old lady? How did she define old? Ryland was only in his 20s, but in some ways, he did feel like he had aged. It was mostly the time he stared into another's eyes while he was dying and saw the person's life passing them by. Ryland shook off the memory. The tattooed man obviously disapproved of Ryland, though Ryland didn't care. He was used to be looked at this way. Of course, the moment Gwen said they were not together, he perked up. Looking into the man's eyes briefly, Ryland could deduce why. Again, he didn't care. He had given up any chance on love or romance a year ago.

As they followed the man down the town, Ryland caught sight of some of the wanted posters. He was curious if any had a family name on them, but they didn't. They were other people. Perhaps his brother's reputation was forgotten now. But, he assumed there was likely a wanted poster out there somewhere, and he just hadn't found it yet. Ryland whispered to Gwen, "good friend of yours?" Obviously, this man fancied Gwen. Ryland couldn't see into Gwen's thoughts, which did surprise him, but he was still very skilled with perception. He could tell Gwen had a lot of sadness within her.
As the two of them set off to follow behind Baern, Ryland whispered in Gwen's ear, "Good friend of yours?" She thought about it for a moment and produced a smile. "Yes. We were not always friends, though. We were foes at first. We first met in the opening months of the year 3030, during my annual rounds to this region. Baern was a member of the Joker's Card gang at the time. It is a long story, but I persuaded them to abandon their criminal ways and help me protect the town instead. That was the year when the Snow Tornado struck. Baern and his allies worked to secure supplies and reinforce the town while I constructed the barrier. Eventually, he and I found ourselves stuck outside in the worst of the storm, and we protected one another until it passed. We have been friends ever since."

Baern glanced back at them. "What're you two jabbering about back there?"

"We are talking about you and what an amazing friend you are," Gwen said. "Ryland was curious to know your relationship to me."

Baern snorted. "Yeah, I bet he was."

The levity left Gwen's face. "Is there a problem?"

"...not if you don't think there is, ma'am."

"I understand your concern. I will discuss the matter to some depth during the meeting with the town elders tomorrow morning before the festival begins." She glanced at Ryland and offered a reassuring wink.

Baern visibly relaxed. "I'm glad to hear that you have a plan for him. You gonna tame him and his lot?"

"His 'lot' is gone."



"Did you-" Baern began.

"No. The Void."

Baern turned around to face them, walking backwards now. "They got this far?"

Gwen nodded, then tilted her head at Ryland. "That is the reason why he is here. He led me to Evandale following the demise of his group."

Baern turned back around. "Sorry to hear that, kid. That's a horrible way for them to go. I wouldn't wish that on anybody."
"Yes. We were not always friends, though. We were foes at first. We first met in the opening months of the year 3030, during my annual rounds to this region. Baern was a member of the Joker's Card gang at the time. It is a long story, but I persuaded them to abandon their criminal ways and help me protect the town instead. That was the year when the Snow Tornado struck. Baern and his allies worked to secure supplies and reinforce the town while I constructed the barrier. Eventually, he and I found ourselves stuck outside in the worst of the storm, and we protected one another until it passed. We have been friends ever since."

As he listened to Gwen, Ryland found himself impressed with her story, and he realized just then that she would likely make a great traveling companion. He also realized that his family would approve of her. Nori would joke about making her Ryland's wife, and Elias would want to know all about her, want her to join on their missions. Her grandfather would just talk to her, like he would anyone. The thought of those three member of his family brought a little sadness to his eyes, but the tattooed man brought him back to reality.

"What're you two jabbering about back there?"

"We are talking about you and what an amazing friend you are," Gwen said. "Ryland was curious to know your relationship to me."

"Yeah, I bet he was."

"Is there a problem?"

"...not if you don't think there is, ma'am."

"I understand your concern. I will discuss the matter to some depth during the meeting with the town elders tomorrow morning before the festival begins." Gwen winked at him, and when she did so, he couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'm glad to hear that you have a plan for him. You gonna tame him and his lot?"

"His 'lot' is gone."


There was a silence that fell upon them. It reminded Ryland of the time when he and his family sat in the Darkness. And even Nori just sat there with a sad, hopeless look on her face.

"Did you-" Baern started.

"No. The Void."

Baern was facing them now. "They got this far?"

Gwen said, "That is the reason why he is here. He led me to Evandale following the demise of his group."

Baern began to walk forward again. "Sorry to hear that, kid. That's a horrible way for them to go. I wouldn't wish that on anybody."

Ryland said after a brief silence, "I...well..." He couldn't bring himself to say anything so he simply fell quiet again. He whispered to Gwen, trying to change the subject and seem a little more light-hearted. "Is there like, history, um, romantic history, between you two?" He asked, without any hints of jealousy, but mostly curiosity.
"Romantic history? Oh no, it's just that he's a respectful gentleman. He has eyes only for his girlfriend, whom we may meet in a moment."

They arrived at the house, an old, rustic brick structure whose porch and rocking chair seemed more appropriate for the elderly than for a tattooed gangster. Baern shoved open the door and was greeted by a chorus of 'heys' and 'bros' from a group of merry voices. Baern poked his head out and gestured for Gwen and Ryland to come in. "What're you two waitin' for? C'mon, join us!" Gwen laughed and took Ryland by the arm. "Why not."

They stepped inside to the cheers of nearly 20 people packed into a tiny living room. Children, teens, young adults, and elders all gave them warm smiles and friendly pats on the back. After about a minute of being passed around to be sized up by everyone in the room, Baern rapped his knuckles on the wall to garner attention. "All right folks, I want you guys to meet my two friends: The lovely Gwen..." Cheers and applause erupted. "...and her friend, the Right Honorable Ryland!" That got rounds of laughter and clapping, as if it were a joke. It probably was. At any rate, the two were both given seats on the floor and offered a glass of lemonade.

Gwen nudged Ryland in the shoulder and pointed to the only person in the room who didn't look happy, a very old man whose long beard barely covered an annoyed scowl. "That man will be critical to our plans. Go make friends-" She was interrupted by several calls to tell a story, so she just winked at him and started talking about her adventure in the city of Diamont.

Meanwhile, Ryland had to make nice with the guy who was still scowling at him.

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