Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP

Amitie's mind cleared for reality once more,"Oh I'm sorry,but waiting can be a drag sometimes,and while I do this it sometimes speeds of my recovery of energy."The young agent said with a small smile.
"Well, I need you to pay attention," Brice said, "You never know when you'll need to this information."

CD cleared her throat as the sound went through the speaker. Brice brought his attention to CD.

"Ah yes, the President," Brice said, "Patch him through."

There was a brief pause then a holographic image appeared in the middle of the table. It was of the president.

"Mr. President," Brice greeted as he addressed the hologram, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm checking in to see how this project of yours is coming along," The President said, "But to be honest, I'm still not sure if it's the best idea."

"Oh, I assure you sir," Brice replied, "This is our only option."

"If you say so," The President replied, "Where are these Recruits anyways?"

"Right here sir," Brice said as he gestured to those sitting around the table.

The President looked around at those around the table at each of the members of the Hero Project.

"Are you sure that these guys are up to the task?" The President asked.
Rila focused her gaze on the President as she nodded setting her hands on the table, thankful her hood blocked the slight uncertainty on her face. "Yes, I believe we are."

"Yes." Luana and Eve gave serious nod.

"I am." Dani replied.

"So am I." Ellie said without her normal enthusiasm.
Bubble girl didn't answer, she didn't feel brave enough to speak up to 'Thee' President. She hoped her would be over looked as she nervously waited there.
"Since everyone else is answering the question that was addressed to Brice," Kanjo said as if reminding the five that spoke first, "I can't answer the question until I know exactly what we are up against."
"President if you don't believe in us...Then don't you think this would be the end.I mean if we are the last hope,then this is the end,so if we don't pull through we all die sooner than we should."Amitie said with a small smile as she looked up at the president.
Blitz, stood up looking directly at the president.

"Like they say," Blitz said, "If we working together as a team is what it takes to defeat this threat. Then I say it's Hero Time."

The President looked at them then nodded at what Blitz said, "Very well," He then turned to brice, "General Brice."

"Sir?" Brice replied.

"Keep me informed," The president said then terminated the link as the hologram vanished.

(@FroggyJay: You can begin now.)
"Hero Time..." Ellie murmured thoughtfully with a half grin. "I like the sound of that."

Eve silently glanced at Ellie.

Rila and Luana looked to Brice, waiting to see if further instruction would be given.

Dani was staring at the table with her tail curling around her chair leg tightly. She still felt embarrassed by what Kanjo had said and wished she stayed quiet.
(sorry for the delay everyone... I'm giving FroggieJay a little more time.) 
(sorry for the delay everyone... I'm giving FroggieJay a little more time.) 
(FroggieJay has dropped out of the RP. So I'll be continuing on. Laney : Still waiting on you.)

"All right," Brice said, "Now are first order of business is a little recon. While it's true we know of these robot's however, I need a group of you to head into their base in order to see if you can seek out a vulnerability point. For this mission I will need, Amittie, Blitz, Rila, Dani, and Kanjo. As for the rest of you. You will begin teamwork training so that you'll be able to work as of one team instead of a bunch of individual groups. I've already shown Ace the new training facility so everyone except for Amittie, Blitz, Rila, Dani, and Kanjo please follow Ace to the training facility. The next meeting will take place after the recon mission is finished."

So Ace stood up and headed towards the door. As he did he waited for the others to follow. Thend gave Blitz a "good luck" as he stood up but Blitz only grinned and replied with a "don't need it." Kristy also stood up and followed Thend to where Ace was.

Ace's other team mates, Tank and Angel also got up and walked over to where Ace was. The same with JC and his group. Ace opened the door as he began to lead the group out of the meeting room.

(If there's someone who would work great with this mission or one of the ones I picked would not work good let me know OOC and I'll adjust who I choose. Otherwise, the characters stay as is.) 
(PS: how do I adjust it so that I can change the OOC from "Accepting" to "Closed"?)
Amitie picked herself up from her seat,"Ugh!"She groaned stretching out her back.Amitie looked at her team,"Well since we are gonna be working together,will you all tell me your powers &/or your abilties?"The young agent said with a smile and a shift of her tail & ears.
(Thesmashbro Mitaku Mouse)

Brice waited for the others to leave. He then looked at Kanjo.

"The base is located on a small island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle," Brice said then he turned to Amitie, "You can get more acquainted when your on the way there." Then he turned back to the table.

"Now, unfortunately you'll be going in there basically blind. So one of tasks would be to map out the area, or find one. Next, if possible, find a way to disable their communications. Another task is for you to find their battle plans. And finally, anyother information, or sabetosing you can do would help. But remember, do not try and take them on. This is a recon mission. So any questions?" 
(Naomi-tan Mouse)

Ace lead the group into another location but it looked like there wasn't anything in there. Once everyone was in there Ace addresed the group.

"Our first task will be to divide into groups, " Ace said, "Groups of three and you don't choose someone from your own individual groups."
(JCKane Mitaku Thesmashbro)

Rila thought for a moment. It sounded simple enough, but she also knew never to underestimate her opponent. Or in this case, opponents. Anything could go wrong. There were no questions she had that may be answerable. She glanced at Dani who only shrugged. Rila looked back to Brice. "Is there anything you know for certain about for this?" After a pause she added, "Or anything else we should know?"

(JCKane Naomi-tan)

Ellie had immediately linked arms with Luana and Eve upon hearing the first half and then sheepishly let go. After taking a quick glance around the room and in a second, appeared next to Bubble Girl. She motioned to herself, then to Bubble Girl, and back to herself. "Group up?" She questioned with a slight smile.
(Mitaku Thesmashbro Mouse)

"Allright then," Brice said, "Amittie will escourt you to the hanger. You'll be taking a plane as close to the primitor then you'll be swimming the rest of the way. "

Blitz gave a nod in understandment as he got up to leave.

(Mouse Naomi-tan : I'm just putting the team ups. Find one of the empty slots for your character... and yes, I know 2 members from Team Kane are together but that's just cuz there's 5 groups and 6 members of Team Kane.)

1) JC

2) Ace


Group 3:

1) Thend

2) Tank

3) Zack

Group 4:

1) Angel

2) Kaylie

3) Kristy

Group 5:


2) Jennifer

3) Jason

AC went over to Ellie and Bubble girl since most of the others had choosen their teams allready, "Mind if I join you?"
Amitie stood up before Brice,"Excuse me,but could we have some kind of communication devices,that so we could stay in contact if we split up."The young agent said standing beside the door,leading to the outside world.

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