Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP

Luna took a seat, around where no one was. She wasn't that talkative either so she just sat like a loner
(Thesmashbro : I needed to know you were in. besides, I posted alot of things thus you could of technically started your post before Kanjo entered the room ect.)

(Anyways, Everyone Got some judgeing to do today in an efed so I'll attempt to do a post then. It should be fairly lengthy. Well for me. Well hopefully atleast. Don't want to get your hopes up.)
(Laney, Thesmashbro, Mitaku, Mouse, Naomi-tan)

Brice waited til everyone was seated before he began.

"Good day everyone," Brice began, "My name is Brice Mega and as some of you know I'm the head of Mega as well as the founder of the Hero Project. Now each of you have been selected to join this project either from your natural skills, your top performances in various undertakings, or your extraordinary abilities. " Brice paused momentarilly, "Now I came up with this project in order to have a special group that would be able to step in if either normal police work, Mega, or even the US Military could not get the job done. I was finally given the go because we've finally got a task that fits the requirements."

Brice clicked the the table's center lit up witha holographic image above it. Brice indicated for the others to look at it. But then he was intrupted by a voice through a speaker in the table.

"Sir, the President is here to see you," Came CD's voice.
(...huh. I didn't think that no one would post. I think that you are making them input too little too often.)

Kanjo's stoic expression didn't change when CD mentioned that the president was here. He didn't bother with politics. He remained seated and waited for them to actually give them his assignment instead of wasting their time.
((Oh Sorry!))

Amitie looked at the ceiling with a bored.Once she goes into the state,not much can awake her or spark her interest.Her eyes began to dull,and her imagination flourished into a new world,filled with different creatures and being of all kinds.All kinds of things were happening here and it just made her go deeper in to the new land.In between her imagination and reality,she would giggle a little bit.
(Yeah, i was waiting to see what happened next)

Bubble girl, waited quietly, to see what the man had to say, hoping he'd give a mission rather than a mission statement.
(Naomi-tan Thesmashbro : Really? I mean it was just announced the the PResident of the United States is there to see Brice yet, I'm giving you "To little information?" I've given tons of information for you to go on, like multiple posts that last time where I talked about the security and even your guy "entering the room" I mean Really? There's alot of things you guys could comment on in your posts. not necessarily actions, But what ever. I'm about to close this down if you expect me to do all the work here. Well there's another reason but I'm getting tired of all the inactivity without any informing me of it.)

(Naomi-tan , Mouse , Mitaku , FroggieJay , Laney, Thesmashbro : i regret to infom you but I'm closing this RP down.)
As this happened another white portal opened and a man in a red shirt with brown trousers jumped out carrying a strange gun "I am you from the future, theres no time to explain!"
"If I was here before you, then I would be like them. Now we must head forward, 5 years from where you came from, and I went to"
"I am you from the future, and there has been many ungrades in 5 years, for-example. this gun-like object does no damage to non-living materials and is more a handy jet cannon, makes you fly rather well... until you come back down that is."
"There... was a little issue... spoliers, you lose your ki, and get a medal for how you lost it. But the screw driver is in my pocket, and this thing is alot more fun."
(DON"T YOU dare try and TAKE over my ROLE PLAY!!. I'm closing it down NOT for good but for NOW If you want to do your OWN roleplay do it somewhere else)
(Oh. I was just giving the RP a viking funeral and then Naomi continued that and then it got a bit out of hand. I didn't know you were closing it down temporarily. Sorry. I've deleted all of the posts.)
(Thank you. Naomi-tan please do the same. The RP is not over. I've just got things to deal with. And if in the future you want to do something like that again, start your own RP.) 
(ok, Laney, Naomi-tan, Thesmashbro, Mitaku, Mouse FroggieJay : Ok, the Roleplay is closed temporailyy for a few reasons I'll go ahead and inform you of. 1) activity, it's been pretty low but I do believe it's possibly because of school exams and what not. So with me closing the RP temporarily it'll help you guys concentrate on them. If this is the case for you guys please let me know when they are over. 2) Right now my home internet is shut off, and i feel it's not as fair to you that It'll probally be better than only getting one post a week from me..(if that) until it's back on. Plus, I don't want to get left behind though I know most of the things are waiting on me. And it's way to much of a hasstle for me to go back to trying to get my ride to take me into town all the time. 3) I've also been informed that I'm going to be restricted from my home internet even after it's brought back on. Not sure how long that will last and for now it'll be a very much of a hastle to get online for me.

I will inform everyone when the RP will resume. In the mean time. Do not try and take over the Roleplay. After all this would be the 2nd time someone has tried to do it.)
(JCKane Understood. Exams are mainly the case for me. Mine will be over by this Friday. I hope it works out with your home Internet.)
(Laney Naomi-tan Mouse Thesmashbro Mitaku FroggieJay : Allright, net's back on so I'm going to bring this RP back on. If you do not wish to come back please let me know.)

Brice turned to Amittie, "Am I boring you?"

(Sorry for the kinda lame post... just not sure what to post at the moment due to a little tired. This post is mainly to try and get things rolling again.)
((I was under the impression I was supposed to wait until my character was allowed to enter the plot?)) 
((In any case, I'm not interested in my old character anymore and wish to make a new one.))
(FroggieJay: The impression is correct about waiting, but still letting me know you still want to be in the RP is what I mainly wanted. As for a new character, your replacing your old one right? Just fill out a profile in the OOC section of this RP and I'll check it out. May even be able to add you sooner depending on it.)

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