Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP

(JCKane) (Thesmashbro) (Mouse)

"...I guess.." she answers sulking a little, and annoyed that she couldn't think of a good counter point to 'training' though in her mind she still didn't approve of such games. she walked away from Kanjo to sit and wait for orders to come in, Not having any emotions was a silly power, she thought quietly, not really understanding.
(Naomi-tan, Thesmashbro, Mouse)

AC was thrilly startled at Ellie's blink of an eye movement. She was differently fast. Then she turned to Rila and the others, "Friend of yours?"


Brice was in his office doing some paper work on his desktop computer. He noticed as Amitie was walking up, through the window in his office. So he waited for her to enter.


Ace Mega, a top class member of the Mega agency and a current member of the Hero Project, was walking through the halls of Mega HQ. He noticed Luna as he recignised her as one of the first people to be recruited to the Hero Project. He decided that he might as well say hi. So he walked up to her.

"Hello Luna," Ace said.
Luna jumps a little, a little stuttered. She really doesn't talk to people much, "Uhmm Hello Ace" She knew who he was. I'm pretty sure everyone knows him.
(JCKane Thesmashbro Naomi-tan)

Luana chuckled and nodded.

"Yep," Rila replied.

"Hey, Dani!" Ellie called suddenly from an air hockey table. She grinned wagging her tail. "Verse me!"

Dani turned around and stared at Ellie. "El, do you realize how pathetically I'd lose to you?"

"Okay, okay," Ellie giggled. "I'll revert to my normal form." Electricity flashed from her and Ellie's tail, horns, and wolf paws her gone. "Now will ya?"

Smiling, Dani sighed and headed to the air hockey table. "Oh alright."

Eve watched her go and then silently took a seat on the arm of the couch.

"What powers do you all have?" Rila asked trying to make conversation.

Ace gave a nod in greeting, "How are you?"

(Mouse: Assuming she's talking to AC)

AC held up the bracelett looking thing with the crystal embedded in it, "I get my powers from this," AC said, "It's called a Power band. There are three different colors in it but each of them have similer abilities just one that's unique to them. The similer abilitiy is that I can use a kind of light as either a light, a lazor, or even solidify it to use as a kind of shield or blade. As for the unique powers, the brown hero, as it's called, has the ability to not only sense vibrations and tell what made it and where it was made but I can also create vibrations. The Blue Hero allows me to breath underwater as well as adjust my buoyancy at will while in water. The yellow Hero has the ability to fly.
"Apathy." Kanjo said to Rila as he beat another character of Street Fighter. He then stepped away from the game and sat down on one of the couches.

Ace shrugged if she wasn't going to tell him, he wasn't going to try and press the matter.

"Anyways, most of the people recruited for the Hero Project are in the rec room," Ace said, "But It's almost time for the first meeting to begin."
A lone figure strolled casually into the city.

He had wavy, pearl-colored hair that shivered in the wind, and a white-and-blue hoodie that was half-unzipped to reveal the Homestuck shirt underneath it. He wore a pair of futuristic-looking headphones that were pumping out an intoxicating beat. The figure walked to the beat of the music, every step making a teal-blue ripple of light on the concrete as if he was walking on water.

"It's in a new war room," Ace said, "It was specifically built for the Hero Project as Brice told me. He's allready shown me, Angel, and Tank where it's at. I'm going to the rec room show I can show them where it is when the time comes."

(FroggieJay : I don't have anything for that. Well go ahead and post again and I'll try to think of something.)

(Mouse, Naomi-tan, Thesmashbro )

Zack and Jennifer turned towards Rila at the mention of their names. Jason also turned towards them but it still looked like he had a far off look in his eyes. "Yes?" Zack asked Rilia.
(lol okay. just to clarify on what you're about to read, J isn't in the city to be a defender of good and all that, he's there to seek thrills. He's not evil, and he's not a villain, but he still sometimes causes trouble)

J walked through the street, finally stopping at one corner of a 4-way stop. He looked up in the sky, noticing an RC helicopter being controlled by a cheerful kid following it nearby.

Smiling, J mustered up a bit of soul energy and released it into the little mechanical helicopter, supercharging it. The copter paused midair for a second, then shot off at thrice the speed it was moving not two seconds before. The kid gasped and ran after it, chasing it around the corner as he puffed and panted. 
(When J actually finds thrills, it stimulates his soul and that's what powers his abilities. If he gets too much power, he starts going a little crazy...forgot to put that in my bio)

Seeing the helicopter zip off, with the kid running after it, fired up J's soul a bit. Seeking greater thrills, he made his way to the top of a nearby cafe. Above him, easily within reach, swung the telephone lines. J seized it with a hand, releasing an enormous amount of soul energy into it and causing every phone in the tri-state area to ring by itself.
She nodded, "Okay, I guess I should be going there then" She started walking, "Where is it perhaps?"
(Laney: Luna wouldn't know where it's at.)

(FroggieJay: I'm not sure I'm ok with you being a bad guy/ trouble or whatever. I'm trying to get to the next part of the RP. So may have to have you wait til another point to continue. We've allready 'wasted' more time on the recruiting part than I originally had and everyone's pretty much ready for the next part... which isn't a trouble maker... Though perhaps, I could work it into something... but for now, i need you to stop for now.)
(Thesmashbro Ah no, it's to some of JCKane's characters since they weren't there earlier when Kanjo asked. I wasn't sure if I should tag who's specifically being talked to or just everyone who's in the room.)
(Mouse : Your chose really... i kind of think Thesmashbro as this thread on alert.)

"Oh we don't really have any powers," Jennifer said.

Zack gave a nod, "We use some of the tech that Kaylie brings us but that's just about it, Mostly basic stuff though."

Jason remained unresponsive.

(FroggieJay : I'll let you know when you can continue. It'll depend on when we get to the next step and such.)
(JCKane Naomi-tan Thesmashbro)

"I see," Rila replied glancing at Jason. She looked back Jennifer and Zack. "I don't have any actual powers either. Usually rely on technology also." Rila paused. "And weapons."

(JCKane Sorry, I'm a little confused by what you meant after the "...")

"You can follow me when I take the others there," Ace said.

(Mouse : don't worry about it.)

Zack nodded, "That's interesting," he said, "Though I kind of wonder if me, Jennifer, and Jason aren't here because we're apart of JC's Team."

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