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Fantasy Hero Legends! Make your own hero....Actual RP open


Junior Member
th (26).jpg
You are part of the hero legends: at least now you are, essence has made its way into the universe, now your powers are with you, but can you save not only this universe now but also 8 more of them?!
Now the hero legends are celebrating their duty as the new protectors of not only earth but also a larger scale operation. They are launching their airship/spaceship today and they need your help.

Going to make a super hero role play where you make your own hero's in the hero legends universe following hero legends rules but you must follow a few simple rules:

1.No God moding: this is like hero legends except you are making your hero's instead of me, that being said, I will have the ultimate say on what your powers mean and come from, but only to better explain where in this universe you fit in.
2.List 3 major 3 moderate and 3 minor super powers that you have these powers must be specific and effect certain things like for example: Ogre man in my universe has nexus powers which come in positive neutral and negative forms each effects different things, if you can not be specific and you can not describe it, don't do it.
3.You may wish to include a back story on how you got your powers, but remember in this universe all meta humans power is essence bassed.
4.Pick a color heh of your essence you will be surprised how much your essence increases when you have a certain color...
5.Hero legends is basically I describe a scene to you and you say based on your powers what you do and I tell you what you actually do, like D&D but power based and if you wish to pose a question about your powers you may and explain why you think I am wrong, if it makes sense you will get a skill point for wining a logic argument, which are also rewarded for doing deeds and completing missions. And of course legend points you all have one to start. Skill points = skills and powers legend points = fun
6. Other than that this is an open world you need your wits, skills, and powers, just ask where you are or what you want to do and I describe a story you need to solve or advance...the rest is up to you!

List of hero's for Hero Legends!
This is the Hero Lgends! customizable game OOC chat
Hero Legends! Pick your Poison and Play...Actual RP open
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Angel Man
He started out picking away with his hands but slowly it did come apart in an odd shape but the metal was too durable to be forged that much again except by Sun beams, Angel Man thought to himself 'these are perfect' and look like that are of a shape of a trident, and there were only two though perfect for the offering. "Kelly come hither, I mean uh here," he was still learning modern english "you won't believe this I found a pure magic metal and they will do nicely for your offering to Jesus today..." He hoped his daughter Angel Girl approved of his find as she was to help find them and he found the only two found in this whole moon base.

Angel Girl
"Father look I found one too it is pure and I think the Earthlings call it Steelrylium* I can not believe our luck...but now I can leave and I must go now for the dark side approaches...Will you be alright here...with mom?"

Ogre Woman
"We will be fine dear just go and say hi to God for us!" She said worrying about how she is adjusting, Ogre Boy her nephew is not reporting her returning his feelings, and they both grew up so close...she worries sometimes

Angel Girl

"You know God knows what you do, in this universe at least, see ya!" She light traveled to heaven with the three metal rods hand and l left to take the heaven trials.

1Strelrylium is the strongest metal in known existence besides chrono-stone metal
Back on earth...
Ogre Man
"Okay new recruits here is our first assignment: There is a war raging on a planet in the third universe, I don't need to tell you how much we all need to promote peace. I, The Lilliputian, and The Ottoman Turk will be joining you to see how you preform, this is a peaceful mission and there is to be no killing." *He looks at Immortus, then looks at the registrar* "Judging by your appearance and abilities you will need to see The Black Magi before you start your admission here we do have a few hours before the mission but I still I suggest you make haste." He moves on to the next batch of recruits.
@Blazingsword23 mentioned
Immortus hears a voice as if from nowhere that sounds kinda small...

"This is not what I had in mind for the recruits Ogre man, Can we trust them? After all, if we use The UNO Stone1 again will we all contract vampirism? We still know nothing about how to kill Komodo if he escapes your seal..."

A middle eastern looking man looks at what appears to be nothing and talks...
Ottoman Turk
"You forget, this is the the reason why we used it, to stand up to the power of the two twins, and when we did, all of our best potential was used, none of our so called weaknesses were there when we became Hero Legend..."

The stone the team used to fuse into Hero Legend hence their name the Hero legends
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The nowhere voice suddenly becomes visible as what appears to be a man (not old but young looking) with a cane,with a dragon on it, grows from a tiny person who is only visible to certain people when he is small speaks again...

"This is exactly what I mean we enjoy a relative peace, before all this we were locked in combat with Komodo, now we are just peace keepers? When I freed Kara from Komodo's1 clutches she told me war is coming and also a greater evil..."

Ogre Man
"Enough...we have to celebrate what victories we can now, I am sure Data1"2 checked out all the recruits and I have all the confidence in the 9 universe's in him." it seemed as if Ogre Man's words were kinda placed in there like he was not enjoying himself anymore and was reading instead of speaking, "anyway I have a lot more recruits to worry about, see you guys later..."

Immortus it is up to you what you want to do I have a special mission for you if you like, you can go on the regular missions or you can explore, that is always an option...You also have six skill points to start out with it takes 3 to go to level 3 from level 2, 2 from 1 and 1 for a new minor skill, but you need to be either at the hero legends lair or your house in order to level your skills...

1Ogre Man's teacher and the one sealed in the Peace Sword X that now can not be destroyed because he invoked the two necromancer twins names.
2Ogre Man's side kick, who is a computer and tech wiz partly responsible for JefTech
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You may also learn skills from other Heros if you do choose by linking your skills to them by fighting in battle next to them I roll a d4-1 in chat and you get that skill at that level, that only costs 1 skill point
Meanwhile...up in heaven...
Angel Girl
"Hello Gabriel, nice to see you again, I brought the offering to God to let me join the ranks since I was human born and I want you to know I am ready to take the test."

"Ah lady Kelly how are you doing today? Come into the inner sanctum, Jesus has been expecting you, you may go in.

She heads in and sees Jesus Christ and approaches him

Approach my child, you may be seated,

Angel Girl: after you your holiness
Jesus: Very good the first test is passed,
Jesus: my child would you like some food?
Angel Girl: Not until you partake your eminence...
Jesus: very good the second test are passed *at this point Jesus drinks and eats then Angel Girl does the same*
After a Tim he starts to talk but then Angel Girl takes a bin of fragrant oil and water and doused her long golden hair in it and washes Jesus feet with her hair
Jesus: and the third and final tests is passed you showed you not only knew scripture but applied it, you know my child you are very peculiar I never saw someone pass the tests on the first try, you are quite smart, but one more test I have for you:
I know you want to be an actual Angel like your father and mother were but I want you instead as a charge mercenary as they are now, I sense a climate of evil that even God might be powerless against, only because essence1 is now the ultimate power and not God anymore, it is a cursed power. However God has allowed it in this universe because he is a just God, and wishes to live in harmony with all things...I also sense you and your friends are the only ones who can stop it, being they use essence themselves...leave and investigate an alien space craft with any new recruits that you might have in you team and find out why it holds over earth also...You have my blessing...

Angel Girl
"Yes your eminence..."
1the power that you as hero legends poses!
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In New York City...

A gorgeous woman in a flowing orange dress and golden locks walks down the street and decides to...grow? The people don't seem to notice her as it has become quite common for Ogre Woman to grow in the city streets to protect the city from giant threats (giant either being other remnants of Kara's gang or robots for the three laws of growth seem absolute1) but someone notices she is not the same hero and panics the streets are filled with screaming citizens...but then a citizen says "look its the lilliputian!" As he flies non shrunk and meets this threat!

Kara Karnac Kofield
"How long has it been lilliputian 50 years, don't you get tired of wanting to beat me?" She said in a snide tone

"How much am I going to have to beat out of you this time Kara? You know only woman can kill me but, I basically have the power of a demigod...plus my new friends will join the fight!

The last mission for now has been added to the mission roster!
1the growing laws state:
1.men can not grow beyond their normal height
2.woman can not It shrink below their normal height
3.any exceptions are likely God's, demigods, or people of immense power who will be targeted for attacks and too often don't live long, or must separate themselves from most of the rest of civilization.
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Ogre man begins to speak at a hero conference...
Ogre Man
"Missions have been stacking up around here," he yells at the hero's in general "I don't know why you all have been slacking off, but Data has told me missions are essential to keeping the peace. I have been informed evil is on the rise, if we don't do something it will get too tough to handle, and we need action!"

New mission has been added...evil meter at 1 of 12*
*If the evil meter gets past 12 the world will end and you all might die! Certain things can be done to turn the meter back and certain things can be done to set it forward, it is unclear at this time what that is...or even what will happen if it gets past 12
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Somewhere in time and space...

????? ??????
"Can some one take him out already?!" She said frantically waiting for her net chance at an attack, she had only used the attack 23.99 hours ago to wipe out the evil ones space ship and she needed more time "I have only a minute left!

???? ??????
"I agree can you take him out Kenny?" The other said in a hushed cold tone, but still panicked, "I don't think we will have time..."
"Can you quit whining?" said a male high tone voice "me and Gronk gotta run interference..."

????? ????
"Why do I got to take all the hits guys?" Said a second male lower tone voice, "Rocks have feelings too..."

Then all of a sudden the females recited the incantation and hoped they could aim right...

This is a preview of certain hero's that will join you on your missions if you do story missions, nothing is affected at this time...
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