'Here I come again'

Thorn of Discord

L'homme qui est different
Ah, Megadeath. Only made 1 song I like. Anyway...

Hello RpN, I'm T.o.D. I am here to roleplay. Roleplay stuff and things. I'm here, actually, because MSPAF is going up in flames, and I needed to remain in a friends RP if possible. If, if is good.

I like science, christianity, mlp, boxing, art, writing, hiking, and being an (ametuer) hacker. I have a few mental quirks, (ADhD, OCD, CD and 20%C)

I will not share any locations, names, nudes, dates or, worst of all, my sweet roll with you Butch.

I also love making all kinds of references, (though I do not get that reference), and will award five Discords to anyone who can point them out, and their sources.

Good night, and good news.
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Yo ToD. Friend rps are best rps. And Among Gods is best rp of rps - you must have excellent taste.
(Have a free like, because I have fat fingers)

I've played Rpg games for as long as I can remember, but I've only played DnD once. It was awesome, but I don't have any dice, friends, or books at my disposal.
Well, there's a whole Dice forum for D&D-like games. You should check it out. I personally run an eight-person group at my house, so... what edition did you play?

Thanks for the like. Have one.
I'm not comfortable playing DnD with complete strangers yet. I have...difficulties, with stuff like that.

As to which edition I played....not a hint of a suggestion of a clue.
I honestly just have no experience with DnD outside of basic memory of its rules and and mechanics. I wouldn't be opposed to playing it, I just don't have the resources or the gaul to get those resources.

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