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Helping Hands

The day wasn't as exciting as TV would make people believe, the ER never really full, especially as it drew later in the evening. That being said, the hospital was still close enough to the Hollywood scene that most of the excitement came from just seeing who would show up.

Not really star-struck much anymore, Jacques found little excitement in this, and instead shrugged his shoulders to the work, knowing he was on call for the next twelve hours or so and was moving from place to place, being the hands that anyone needed him for, mainly in the ER.

He was tired, probably irritable, but it was hidden neatly behind a smile a pair of glasses that kept sliding down his nose. Picking up a set of files, looking to make sure nothing flung through the bay doors, he began walking along the sheets to find where to start.
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The news of Anna Marie's car accident left the whole world, or at least America, in shock.

The accident had happened on a cool summer's night in LA, as Anna had been riding back home from the studio where she shot another episode of her teen drama "The Elite".

It was just another over-dramatic TV show about rich kids living in Beverly Hills, but because American teens and young adults ate up the drama like hot cakes and begged for more, it was what payed her bills.

Being the star of TV's hottest drama meant Anna had everything.

Until fate had other plans.

Anna was used to the paparazzi following her at all times, but the new driver she had wasn't.

The flashes of the camera became too much for him, and, because he couldn't see a single thing with all the lights in his face, he ended up crashing into a sushi restaurant on Hollywood Blvd.

The accident left twelve people dead. Two paparazzi photographers, six restaurant guests, two waiters, a waitress, and the driver.

But even as she was in critical condition, with magazines and talk shows swirling rumors about her death, and the what the fate of The Elite would be, Anna remained alive...even if she couldn't walk.
Staring down at the file made Jacques avert his way out of the ER and head towards the ICU. They were short on hands, but mostly because no one wanted to work it. Everyone was afraid of being attacked by the press--bombarded with questions from the vultures that hung outside of the doors when security wasn't looking--leaving Jacques to brave the mess and head into the room, sliding the glass door open.

Anna Marie. That name that had been floating around the media as soon as the accident happened. He hadn't had the pleasure to see the aftermath of the accident, but he knew their morgue had a few extra guests before being shipped off county to be able to deal with it. There was nothing they could do to help the dead. But Anna Marie was the one they were surprised was still alive. The way she had been thrown around the back of the car--or so he heard from the news.

Now, he was staring at her, trying to let it from his mind that she was famous. Not a fan of the teenage drama TV anyways, Anna Marie was just another face. A bruised face. A needy face. But for now he was just looking in on her vitals, hovering beside her as he took notes, occasionally looking over. Jacques' heart was beating, not sure why he was afraid. Maybe he just didn't want her to wake up while he was there.
Before she was Anna Marie, Anna was Annie Townsend, a regular girl from Alabama. But her life had changed forever when, on her sixteenth birthday, she had been seen by a top film director as she tagged along to an audition her cousin had for a Jane Austen-esque romance movie. The director, convinced he had found his leading lady, had requested her to audition, and the rest was history.

Annie Townsend became Anna Marie, because it was more cinema friendly, and was working in the hottest Hollywood blockbusters. But, as time went on, she was forced to compete with younger and cuter actresses, and was dumped into the world of teen soap operas after her skills proved to be less than stellar.

Anna was debating whether she should quit acting and move back home after this season ended, or keep pressing forward, but it seemed like a higher being decided that for her.

As she woke, the first thing she was a man, a doctor, she assumed by his white coat, staring at her.
Seeing her eyes open, looking up at him with something that was a mixed expression, if it could ever been called that, Jacques offered her the smallest smile he could. It was nice to see her awake--that was always good. He just wondered how she was doing all together. He'd heard quite a many things, and looking at her charts told him that she hadn't been able to feel anything below the waist at several points, though it was still being tested.

"Good morning," Jacques said. "It's nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?" Though he could guess a some of the words. That being said, he was going to let her go about it.

Grabbing a chair and Anna Marie's chart, he thought about having her in front of him. There were so many useless bits of information in his head from the media. It was disputed that she was going to quit the Hollywood scene before this, and he almost wanted to ask her because, with morphine, she could likely answer. But he wasn't that evil about things--no matter how much information was worth these days.
Wow. Who was this hunk?

"Hi there," she cooed, offering him an innocent smile with just the right amount of mischief. It was a smile she had become famous for, her own unique brand of sweet and sexy that she used to bring her damsel in distress characters to life with.

"Oh, God, did my agent book me on that horrible guest star on that medical soap opera?" She blurted out. "I told him I wouldn't do those shitty girl-with-cancer roles anymore. Where's my assistant? Bernice! Bernice!"

The next words that came out of her mouth were proof enough that the morphine was talking.

"So do you want to rehearse or make out?"
It took him a second to realize that she was probably blurting out things that she recalled, and Jacques wondered if maybe it was a mix of morphine and a head injury. Leaning in, taking a look at her eyes to make sure she wasn't showing too bad signs of brain damage (he doubted, she had no bleeds, bruising, or fractures) and saw that her pupils were fine.

"Anna, you're in the hospital," said Jacques, slow so that she could understand him. "And as much as it would be nice to kiss you, I think you may hate me later for it." And he laughed, even if it wasn't a joke. "You've been in an accident. Do you remember anything about it?" Probably not. They hadn't gotten much out of her before, either.
Hospital. Accident. Remember.

Anna tried to find meaning behind the words. Lines. What were her lines?

Anna opened her mouth to speak, and then she realized when she didn't see any cameras or crew that this wasn't a role on a TV show; this was her life.

For once, there was no script to follow and no director to tell her how to react.

Groggy and dizzy, she sat up, "Wait, accident?"

A slight giggle escaped her rosy red lips. "I don't know...I don't know what you're talking about. I thought we were supposed to be acting."
There was a definite line between playing along, and trying keep her safe. Immediately getting up and putting his hands around her, Jacques kept her still and looked at her with worry.

"Take it easy, alright?" He urged. "You're not on set. This is real, and you're really hurt." He murmured. Though, as he looked her in the face and tried to command her attention, Jacques found himself almost drowning in her eyes.

Nudging her back down, he smiled again. "Tell me your name?" Because maybe she did have something loose in there. Especially if she thought she was a character.
"Laura." Anna automatically answered, but it didn't feel right.

"No," she added. "That isn't right. That's my character on the Elite."

But what was her name? Sarah, Claudia, Penny, Vicky, Becca...they were all characters she had played, all different lives she had led, but none of them rang true to her.

Actress. She was an actress. She was an actress on a prime time drama called The Elite. Yes, she was a famous actress. She was a star.

As if she were someplace else for a moment, she could see the photographers flash their cameras, feel the crash of the limo, hear the name people called out.

"Anna Marie!" They all said. "Anna Marie."

"Anna Marie." Anna replied, her voice sore. "Anna Marie, the starlet."
There it was. The realisation. The flicker of her real life in front her, and her able to comprehend it.

"You're a Mount Sinai hospital. You were in a a serious car wreck, and I've been personally assigned to be sure that you end up well." Jacques explained, though he doubted she would recall later. "So...we're going to be familiar for a while."

This was all a surprise to him. Ask for by some actress' manager? Or whoever they were. It was different. But that was how Hollywood was, right?

"Right now, we're focused on making sure you're able to walk by the end of this stay."
His words were too much for her ears to keep up with, and with the morphine in her system, it was almost impossible to discern what he was saying. Anna felt as if he were speaking a different language altogether.

But the words "able to walk" caught her attention, and she fought to stay conscious.

"Wait, wait, wait..." she said, frowning. "What do you mean by making sure I am able to walk? I can walk."

But she could not deny the numbness in her body.

"I can walk. Right...?"
The confusion, as he expected, riddled it's way across her cheeks and through her eyes. Jacques wasn't drowning in them anymore.

"We don't know yet. We're waiting for swelling to subside and then, we'll go from there."

Standing, going over to her and pulling back the covers, he looked at her legs mottled with bruises. Taking a pen out, he poked Anna's big toe. "You feel that?"
She didn't.

"No." Anna responded. "I don't feel anything. Oh my God, I don't feel anything!"

What had happened to her? Why couldn't she feel anything? What was wrong with her? She felt so paralyzed.

She was paralyzed.

"No." Anna whispered hopelessly. "No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"

It was as if she were dead, a corpse. Nothing. She felt nothing!

Frustrated, Anna began to cry. "This cannot be happening. This is not happening!" She wailed.
This was maybe the more extreme version of fear. But the grievance process was started. Amped up on morphine, but started.

"Looks, it's going to be alright." He set his hand over Anna's to try and be calming. "You're going to have the best care possible. I promise, we'll get you well again."

It felt cheesy, like he was really in one of those medical soap operas. There were few miracles in the real world. But he'd try.

Taking a tissue, Jacques daubed at Anna's tears. "It alright..."

Why didn't someone like her, with all her fans, nor have a friend, family, hell even an agent there to make her feel better?
But as much as reality crashed into her like a runaway train, she refused to believe that this was her life.

"No," Anna said, laughing. "I have a TV show to film. I have a career. I can walk."

All Anna could remember was the darkness that came after the accident. Screaming and then darkness. She couldn't remember an injury, therefore she refused to accept it.

Hell, it could have been a dream! A bad dream..

Perhaps this was a rehearsal. That's it. This guy was some method actor who was taking his job seriously. He wanted to go to a real hospital, act as if he was a real doctor, and the director wanted her to play along with the whole thing. Anna worked with a few method actors before in her career, and while some of them were legitimately talented, others were totally ludicrous. One of her co-stars suggested they should hook up because they were playing a couple, and hey, he just wanted to make the part as real to him as possible.

Anna, desperate for any male affection, agreed and had a pregnancy scare because of it.

It wasn't necessarily that she was afraid to possibly be having a baby; it was just the fact that she was afraid to be having that particular guys' baby.

She knew how to deal with these weirdos.

"Oh, doctor." Anna replied, in that melodramatic voice soap opera actors use. "What ever will I do?"
There was no getting around her being hysterical the way she was. Not with talking, anyways. "Pain bringing temporary psychosis? Shock," he muttered to himself, and he stood from where he was and walked around the bed, setting the chart on the end.

A nurse walked in, hands clasped over her mouth for a second. It only took a moment's glance at her for Jacques to wave his hand try and keep her hushed. She was making too much of this. Then again, playing along until her symptoms subsided, and her mind was in a better place, was perhaps the best course of action.

If she was an actor, why couldn't he be? "You'll believe in yourself," Jacques said. He was absolutely horrible at ad-libbing, but then again, she seemed to be using a dramatic Shatner-esque voice anyways. "And you will get better, I'll make sure of it."

Even the nurse was snickering at him. But hey, if it worked, it worked. And just thinking that maybe this tactic would do it made him smile a little bit. She was a pretty, talented, young girl. There was no reason they couldn't figure out something for her.
Confused and somewhat offended, Anna frowned. This guy was horrible. Sure, not that soap acting was anything less than atrocious, but couldn't he do better? He must have been new.

She broke character.

"You need some work, but don't worry, you'll have some success since you're a hunk and all." Anna said, shrugging. "So are you playing the gorgeous doctor that saves my life while falling madly in love with me?"
Jacques smiled and laughed a little bit, but tried to contain it. "Maybe, just maybe." And it felt a little more like something he'd seen, but for now it was just ludicrous. In the days to come, when she was out of the fog, maybe this would pass. "We'll see."

And he was preparing to leave, to let her mind rest a little bit if she did, indeed, have something else wrong. Making a mental note to send her for a CT, he asked: "you need anything while I'm here?"
Raising an eyebrow, Anna grinned. He took his role seriously, didn't he?

"I wouldn't mind getting dinner with you, doctor." She replied, laughing to herself. Somehow the movie studio managed to get the whole hospital to play along. They even had her hooked up to a machine.

How impressive.
Oh, this was so wrong, and yet he remembered what her scans looked like. How many chances did he get the chance to have dinner with an actress? Besides, he was her private doctor for now.

"Alright. I'll be back in a few minutes. Sit tight." Jacques was just laughing himself. Well, maybe this was going to be okay. She would, in the end, perhaps be okay as well.

After a short while, Jacques returned, a nurse trailing behind him. His own lunch in a Tupperware bowl, hers on a tray and setting it down on the arm in front of her. "Sorry, hospital food is sorta the worst."

What did private doctors do? He still has a few patients, but not the usual running along and going person to person.
This man was too much for her to handle.

"Ha!" Anna cried out, her head bending back. "You're dedicated, aren't you? I meant like an actual restaurant, but I know how you method thespians roll, so this will do."

He wasn't joking. The hospital food was the worst, but if it would help bring out a better performance, she was up for it.

"So tell me about yourself." She said, biting into what might as well have been cardboard.
"Tell you about me well..."he was happy to have his own food to eat, because he learned after two or three days the cafeteria food messed with his system.

"Graduated from Ohio State university top of my class. Did an internship at the Mayo clinic, hopes over to Hollywood for the quick money. Really boring...honestly." He shrugged. "What about you?"
"Normal childhood. Got discovered at a casting call. Became a not-quite-but-almost-there movie star." Anna replied, as if she had explained it so many times before, which she had.

"I like vanilla ice cream and going for swims. I have a spider phobia and can recite the alphabet backwards. Oh, and I love handsome men."

So how exactly long would it take for them to have a passionate romance that would fade out as soon as it started like all the others?

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