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Digital Help me help you! ♥


New Member

Sadly I've been having quite a bit of an art block lately and, after finding this section here, I've decided to use it for overcoming it!
If you have any OCs which you would like to be drawn, just comment here and let me know their description. Couples work too!
If there are many comments, I obviously won't be able to do all of them so I'll just pick the most interesting and detailed ones. Sorry!

The drawings can end up in any stage: Sketch, Lineart, Flat Colors, Full Colors - it all depends on how inspired it makes me.

Here are a few examples of my art!

*Note: They won't be animated, and definitely larger dimensions-wise! These are just the most recent examples I have since I've been working in this format.
Hello! You’re art is adorable. :)

Here is a character of mine I would love to seen drawn, however if you don’t find her interesting enough, feel free to skip over this request. ^_^

Actually, your character looks really interesting!
I'll try to make a sketch of her when I get home tonight.

Thank you for your interest and kind words. ♥
oh my god, your art is the best thing ever- (and also, they move!! O: ) I'd totally love a sketch of my character from you >-< is it possible if I PM you a CS? also, once again, if they're not up to your liking, then it's ok :D just let me put it out there regardless tho: that your art is just pure awesome. Highest respect, sister/brother.
I just appeared so say, that your animations are super smooth and cute and you have superbly steady hand when it comes to linearts. Keep it up!
Would you be willing to draw my anthro bunny character?:3 like...a mix of her skin and fur form?

Skin Form: Lukani is 5’5 and rather thin. She weighs around 105 lbs. Her body is more willowy and petite than athletic and muscular. She has pale creamy colored skin and long blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Her eyes are a dark blue hue, although they become more gray in the sunlight.

Fur Form: Lukani has the ability to transform into a small, lop-eared rabbit. She is a pale blonde coloring with dark blue eyes, much like her skin form’s hair and eyes. Her fur is medium length and very soft and silky to the touch. Her ears are a little darker blonde than her main coloring, more of a golden blonde than pale. When the light hits her, it tends to reflect. Overall she looks rather adorable and cuddly. She has a natural beauty to her.


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