Help me fulfill my rp!


Stoner Pug


There's these two families that have lived by each other for a while. Their kids grew up together, and they were best friends.

There's the Molchinovs', Jeremy and Bridget, and their daughter Savvanah.

Then there's the Hunters', Tom and Cassidy, and their sons, Chris and Liam.

Friends, sports, and their changing personalities have pushed them apart. But now, Savvanah is finishing her junior year, Liam is graduating, and Chris is coming home from college.

When Savvanah realizes that she is in love with them, she also realizes that she's going to lose them both.

I know it's kinda vague. But I looove it.

*flails my hands* I'm Savvanah and I need everybody else plus possibly a few extras. This is gonna probably be dirty (it's got teenagers in it, for crying out loud). So beware.


I'll love you forever!

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