

My name is Rebecca. I've been roleplaying on many other sites for a few years now, but recently they've not been very active, so I came looking for somewhere new. I'm excited to get to know some of you here and hopefully get some good roleplays going! ♥
Hi Rebecca! Welcome to RPNation! We have a rather robust community here so I'm sure you'll end up getting some great roleplays started with peeps here :3. Enjoy your stay, and have a great one! ^.^
Welcome, I like your avatar!
Are you ready for the last season of Voltron?
nnewt nnewt

Thank you! I love my blue boy so much~ ♥

I'm looking forward to getting more canon content, but I'm not ready for it to end. ;w; The last season was a little iffy for me but I think I'll still cry when it's all over! How are you feeling about it?
I don't get emotional when watching shows, but that last reason pulled at my emotions so much. I really want them to end the show on a happy note and for everything to become clear. I also really hope that Lance gets someone, I don't care if it's Keith or Allura, but he needs to be happy. Everyone must be happy when it ends!
Yeah, I feel that. I'd rather him end up with Keith just because I really don't think Lance and Allura have the same goals (Allura would want to lead the rest of the Alteans probably, and Lance has been away from his family for so long already that I think staying on Earth is what he'd want most once this is all over)... But like you said, I just want him to be happy! If things can somehow work out with him and Allura, then I'll take it. There's so much that they have left to explain though, so I'm a little worried they won't be able to cover it all in just 13 episodes and that some big plot points will be left unfinished. ;w; It's definitely going to be an intense season, so I'm looking forward to it for that!
Yeah, I totally agree with all of that. I do think that Lance will more likely end up with Keith because of the art that came out for the last season. Plus there are so many people wanting Klance to happen and they already messed up Shiro and Adam so I don't think that they will do that again, hopefully. But yeah, it's going to be super intense and I can't wait!
Oh boy, what happened with Shiro and Adam was a real trainwreck-- I knew that Adam was going to die before I even watched it and yet I still cried when I saw it lmao. I hope you're right though! Having Klance as endgame would be amazing after all they've been through and how much they've grown. ♥ We've got about a month left now, it feels almost a little surreal but it's hopefully going to be awesome!
It would be a great end to the show. Yeah, it's SO close yet so far away!
It really would! I'm sure it'll fly by - Until then I'll be watching She-Ra and savouring the last month of peace before the last season whips us all into oblivion. : )))
Sure thing, I'd love to try one out with you! For the moment I'm only focusing on Klance roleplays, so if you're okay with that you can shoot me a DM and we'll plan one out there!

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