

Hello, I'm Modern_Lucy! I apologise if I say or do something wrong here on this website, I am new to this website and I am still figuring out how to work some things but I know I'll get it eventually. I can be a bit shy or embarrassed when I do RP with others. I have been role-playing for 2 years so far but only with my friend but I've thought that I should try to RP with others and try different things.

I like to do lots of different types of RP but I prefer darker scenarios. I use OC characters as that's what I feel comfortable with and I feel its more accurate when using OC, but I have no hate when using people from t.v shows, books, an anime or movies to RP with. I prefer to RP with someone who can write paragraphs and is more skilled and I don't mind doing more mature scenarios but as long as we don't breaks any rules.

I hope to find someone that I can enjoy to RP with and make some friends!
Yum3ko Yum3ko Hi, and welcome to the site. :3 if you want to discuss role play ideas, I am all ear. I hope you have fun on RPNation!
Yum3ko Yum3ko There is a role play named Villmont College for Witches that I have joined. Not sure if that is your thing.

Are you into modern/realistic, fantasy, or?

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