
I think romance works only when it actually flows between the two characters. I've had some role plays be incredibly forced, or even over romantic, and it was just kinda weird. I currently have one role play where we've dipped into the darker side of things, and it's definitely a lot more interesting for me. I really like real world interactions, and instant love is too much for me, especially when our characters have conflicting attributes.

I've seen people have their characters cheat with somebody else because women are just so persuasive and it's really not the man's fault at all, and then the dude apologizes for making out and dating some other girl and everything's back to normal.
Like, what?? You saw a pretty woman and just because she was a tiny bit persuasive you cheat, and then the woman who's dating you just throws a tantrum and then forgets about the whole thing? You don't deserve her, you two should hate each other! Cheating turns into something that doesn't even matter in roleplays sometimes, and it makes things a little awkward. Because you do it to cause drama but the two of you just go back to normal after a day.
I've seen people have their characters cheat with somebody else because women are just so persuasive and it's really not the man's fault at all, and then the dude apologizes for making out and dating some other girl and everything's back to normal.
Like, what?? You saw a pretty woman and just because she was a tiny bit persuasive you cheat, and then the woman who's dating you just throws a tantrum and then forgets about the whole thing? You don't deserve her, you two should hate each other! Cheating turns into something that doesn't even matter in roleplays sometimes, and it makes things a little awkward. Because you do it to cause drama but the two of you just go back to normal after a day.

I can honestly say that I have never laid witness to cheating in a role play.. LOL. Like, I can't even fathom it. Probably because I've been cheated on before, and I don't want to go down that path, even if it is fictional. But I have had people have their characters be completely obsessed with mine, and that also throws me off.. Some independence is always nice. lmao. Unless, of course, we're playing with characters who were agreed to have a mental illness where obsession is acceptable. Some just start off madly in love. -shrug-
I can honestly say that I have never laid witness to cheating in a role play.. LOL. Like, I can't even fathom it. Probably because I've been cheated on before, and I don't want to go down that path, even if it is fictional. But I have had people have their characters be completely obsessed with mine, and that also throws me off.. Some independence is always nice. lmao. Unless, of course, we're playing with characters who were agreed to have a mental illness where obsession is acceptable. Some just start off madly in love. -shrug-

Cheaters in real life are just so terrible. You try to pretend like you're committed to your partner and their well being but then you go behind their back to be with somebody else and don't even have the guts to just end it. It's just such a terrible thing to do to someone.

The main person I witnessed have their characters cheat on somebody was actually an online friend of mine on a different site. Her guys were always good looking idiots who had the cliche "lost everything I loved" backstory, and the girls she played were also perfectly pretty and nice and shy and they were always obsessed with each other and got jealous so easily and would cheat all the time...It was always a mess. I started trying to play a part in her character relationships just so I could control this train wreck.
Cheaters in real life are just so terrible. You try to pretend like you're committed to your partner and their well being but then you go behind their back to be with somebody else and don't even have the guts to just end it. It's just such a terrible thing to do to someone.

The main person I witnessed have their characters cheat on somebody was actually an online friend of mine on a different site. Her guys were always good looking idiots who had the cliche "lost everything I loved" backstory, and the girls she played were also perfectly pretty and nice and shy and they were always obsessed with each other and got jealous so easily and would cheat all the time...It was always a mess. I started trying to play a part in her character relationships just so I could control this train wreck.

Oh good lord! I love drama, but I think that would actually be way too much for me to handle! Thankfully I haven't had anything like that happen. I'd probably freak out, especially if it wasn't discussed prior. I guess I'm more of the "something horrible happened, like someone almost died" kind of drama, and not so much "I loved another woman" drama.
Oh good lord! I love drama, but I think that would actually be way too much for me to handle! Thankfully I haven't had anything like that happen. I'd probably freak out, especially if it wasn't discussed prior. I guess I'm more of the "something horrible happened, like someone almost died" kind of drama, and not so much "I loved another woman" drama.

Same. And I'm all for unplanned things, make up your own crazy story and go wild, but sometimes it just gets silly and ruins the flow of the RP. Like one time I made a roleplay about ravens that could turn into humans and their kingdom was in the middle of a war with the humans and the queen was dead, and my character was now the new queen and was assigned to marry someone. My internet friend played the person she was assigned to marry, and she made him cheat on my character without telling me, and he was the KING. She tried to really take control of everything and was totally inappropriate so I had to start over the entire roleplay so it wouldn't get deleted (the forum had pretty strict rules).

I was so mad that day. XD That was one of my first really popular roleplays that I wrote and I had finally found my unique style, and then that person totally crushed it.
Same. And I'm all for unplanned things, make up your own crazy story and go wild, but sometimes it just gets silly and ruins the flow of the RP. Like one time I made a roleplay about ravens that could turn into humans and their kingdom was in the middle of a war with the humans and the queen was dead, and my character was now the new queen and was assigned to marry someone. My internet friend played the person she was assigned to marry, and she made him cheat on my character without telling me, and he was the KING. She tried to really take control of everything and was totally inappropriate so I had to start over the entire roleplay so it wouldn't get deleted (the forum had pretty strict rules).

I was so mad that day. XD That was one of my first really popular roleplays that I wrote and I had finally found my unique style, and then that person totally crushed it.

That would honestly be so frustrating. I would have lost my cool. Hahaha. I've been doing this a long time, and I've had my fair share of duds. But good lord, I have never had anyone try to just take over like that. Everyone I've RPed with has been very respectful of my characters and the storyline. Occasionally, to move the plot along, a few people I've played with have agreed to "powerplaying" for a post or two. And that was the extent of that.
That would honestly be so frustrating. I would have lost my cool. Hahaha. I've been doing this a long time, and I've had my fair share of duds. But good lord, I have never had anyone try to just take over like that. Everyone I've RPed with has been very respectful of my characters and the storyline. Occasionally, to move the plot along, a few people I've played with have agreed to "powerplaying" for a post or two. And that was the extent of that.

I just kind of complained about it privately to an actual friend so I could vent, I don't like being rude to people directly even if they kinda deserve it, because it just makes me feel like a jerk later and I don't really feel any better. So I just told her what was up and she apologized, I restarted the role play, and once again...She messed it up and killed the roleplay officially. XD But there were 4,000 posts by the end so we still had a story, it was still fun.

I think people like just taking control of things I write because I sort of agree to everything until it gets out of hand and then people assume I'll be fine with everything. Also, once I finally found my specific style of writing everyone started copying it...
That's when I gave up.
I just kind of complained about it privately to an actual friend so I could vent, I don't like being rude to people directly even if they kinda deserve it, because it just makes me feel like a jerk later and I don't really feel any better. So I just told her what was up and she apologized, I restarted the role play, and once again...She messed it up and killed the roleplay officially. XD But there were 4,000 posts by the end so we still had a story, it was still fun.

I think people like just taking control of things I write because I sort of agree to everything until it gets out of hand and then people assume I'll be fine with everything. Also, once I finally found my specific style of writing everyone started copying it...
That's when I gave up.

I almost never take control of things. lol. I'm too laid back for my own good. I just go with the flow, and discuss any changes beforehand. I've got a role play right now that I'm in that's been going on for almost two years via email, if not longer. This is really the first time I've been on a forum since my Neopet days. I'm pretty excited to get back into writing more regularly. I've pretty much lost my style and I'll have to work up a new one. But it's all worth it in the end.

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